Posted Merrys
Mixins are a way of including ("mixing in") a bunch of properties from one rule-set into another rule-set.

.bordered { border-top: dotted 1px black; border-bottom: solid 2px black; } #menu a { color: #111; .bordered; } .post a { color: red; .bordered; }
Notice that when you call the mixin, the parentheses are optional.
If you want to create a mixin but you do not want that mixin to be output, you can put parentheses after it.

.my-mixin { color: black; } .my-other-mixin() { background: white; } .class { .my-mixin; .my-other-mixin; }
Mixins can contain more than just properties, they can contain selectors too.
Mixins 里面不仅可以包含样式,还可以嵌套(选择器)。

.my-hover-mixin() { &:hover { border: 1px solid red; } } button { .my-hover-mixin; }
If you want to mixin properties inside a more complicated selector, you can stack up multiple id‘s or classes.

#outer { .inner { color: red; } } .c { #outer > .inner; } Output: .c { color: red; }
One use of this is known as namespacing. You can put your mixins under a id selector and this makes sure it won‘t conflict with another library.

#my-library { .my-mixin() { color: black; } } // which can be used like this .class { #my-library > .my-mixin; }
If namespace have a guard, mixins defined by it are used only if guard condition returns true.

#namespace when (@mode=huge) { .mixin() { /* */ } }
if you want to match mixins based on value type, you can use the is

Here are the basic type checking functions:
If you want to check if a value is in a specific unit in addition to being a number, you may use one of:

.mixin (@a; @b: 0) when (isnumber(@b)) { ... } .mixin (@a; @b: black) when (iscolor(@b)) { ... }
Use the !important
keyword after mixin call to mark all properties inherited by it as !important
当使用mixin时后有 !important

.foo (@bg: #f5f5f5, @color: #900) { background: @bg; color: @color; } .unimportant { .foo(); } .important { .foo() !important; }
Mixins can also take arguments, which are variables passed to the block of selectors when it is mixed in.
Parametric mixins can also have default values for their parameters or Multiple parameters.

.border-radius(@radius) { -webkit-border-radius: @radius; -moz-border-radius: @radius; border-radius: @radius; } .border-radius(@radius: 5px) { -webkit-border-radius: @radius; -moz-border-radius: @radius; border-radius: @radius; }
has a special meaning inside mixins, it contains all the arguments passed, when the mixin was called. This is useful if you don‘t want to deal with individual parameters:

.box-shadow(@x: 0; @y: 0; @blur: 1px; @color: #000) { -webkit-box-shadow: @arguments; -moz-box-shadow: @arguments; box-shadow: @arguments; } .big-block { .box-shadow(2px; 5px); }
You can use ...
if you want your mixin to take a variable number of arguments.
可以使用 ... 来表示有多个变量。关键词@rest和javascript中的 rest 意义相似,表示除之前以声明的变量以外的所有变量。
.mixin(...) { // matches 0-N arguments .mixin() { // matches exactly 0 arguments .mixin(@a: 1) { // matches 0-1 arguments .mixin(@a: 1; ...) { // matches 0-N arguments .mixin(@a; ...) { // matches 1-N arguments .mixin(@a; @rest...) { // @rest is bound to arguments after @a // @arguments is bound to all arguments }
Sometimes, you may want to change the behavior of a mixin, based on the parameters you pass to it. Let‘s start with something basic:

.mixin(dark; @color) { color: darken(@color, 10%); } .mixin(light; @color) { color: lighten(@color, 10%); } .mixin(@_; @color) { display: block; } if we run: @switch: light; .class { .mixin(@switch; #888); } Output: .class { color: #a2a2a2; display: block; }
Only mixin definitions which matched were used. Variables match and bind to any value. Anything other than a variable matches only with a value equal to itself.

.mixin(@color) { color-1: @color; } .mixin(@color; @padding: 2) { color-2: @color; padding-2: @padding; } .mixin(@color; @padding; @margin: 2) { color-3: @color; padding-3: @padding; margin: @margin @margin @margin @margin; } .some .selector div { .mixin(#008000); } Output: .some .selector div { color-1: #008000; color-2: #008000; padding-2: 2; }
Variables and mixins defined in a mixin are visible and can be used in caller‘s scope. Thus variables defined in a mixin can act as its return values.

.mixin() { @width: 100%; @height: 200px; } .caller { .mixin(); width: @width; height: @height; }

.average(@x, @y) { @average: ((@x + @y) / 2); } div { .average(16px, 50px); // "call" the mixin padding: @average; // use its "return" value }
Variables defined directly in callers scope cannot be overridden. However, variables defined in callers parent scope is not protected and will be overridden。

@variable: global; @detached-ruleset: { // will use global variable, because it is accessible // from detached-ruleset definition variable: @variable; }; selector { @detached-ruleset(); @variable: value; // variable defined in caller - will be ignored }
mixin defined in mixin acts as return value too:

.unlock(@value) { // outer mixin .doSomething() { // nested mixin declaration: @value; } } #namespace { .unlock(5); // return .doSomething() .doSomething(); //use .doSomething() }
A detached ruleset is a group of css properties, nested rulesets, media declarations or anything else stored in a variable. You can include it into a ruleset or another structure and all its properties are going to be copied there. You can also use it as a mixin argument and pass it around as any other variable.
ruleset 是样式,选择器嵌套,media声明等存储在变量中的集合。你可以直接使用这个集合也可以把它当作Mixin中的变量使用。此时必须在使用的时候加()

@my-ruleset: { .my-selector { @media tv { background-color: black; } } }; @media (orientation:portrait) { @my-ruleset(); } Output: @media (orientation: portrait) and tv { .my-selector { background-color: black; } }
The merge
feature allows for aggregating values from multiple properties into a comma or space separated list under a single property. merge
is useful for properties such as background and transform.

.mixin() { box-shadow+: inset 0 0 10px #555; } .myclass { .mixin(); box-shadow+: 0 0 20px black; }

.mixin() { transform+_: scale(2); } .myclass { .mixin(); transform+_: rotate(15deg); }