
Posted Little_Village








#if OS_CFG_SEM_EN > 0u
*                                                  CREATE A SEMAPHORE
* Description: This function creates a semaphore.
* Arguments  : p_sem         is a pointer to the semaphore to initialize.  Your application is responsible for
*                            allocating storage for the semaphore.
*              p_name        is a pointer to the name you would like to give the semaphore.
*              cnt           is the initial value for the semaphore.
*                            If used to share resources, you should initialize to the number of resources available.
*                            If used to signal the occurrence of event(s) then you should initialize to 0.
*              p_err         is a pointer to a variable that will contain an error code returned by this function.
*                                OS_ERR_NONE                    if the call was successful
*                                OS_ERR_CREATE_ISR              if you called this function from an ISR
*                                OS_ERR_ILLEGAL_CREATE_RUN_TIME if you are trying to create the semaphore after you
*                                                                 called OSSafetyCriticalStart().
*                                OS_ERR_NAME                    if \'p_name\' is a NULL pointer
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_CREATED             if the semaphore has already been created
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_PTR_NULL            if \'p_sem\'  is a NULL pointer
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_TYPE                if \'p_sem\' has already been initialized to a different
*                                                               object type
* Returns    : none

void  OSSemCreate (OS_SEM      *p_sem,
                   CPU_CHAR    *p_name,
                   OS_SEM_CTR   cnt,
                   OS_ERR      *p_err)

    if (p_err == (OS_ERR *)0) {

    if (OSSafetyCriticalStartFlag == DEF_TRUE) {

    if (OSIntNestingCtr > (OS_NESTING_CTR)0) {              /* Not allowed to be called from an ISR                   */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_CREATE_ISR;

#if OS_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (p_sem == (OS_SEM *)0) {                             /* Validate \'p_sem\'                                       */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_OBJ_PTR_NULL;

    p_sem->Type    = OS_OBJ_TYPE_SEM;                       /* Mark the data structure as a semaphore                 */
    p_sem->Ctr     = cnt;                                   /* Set semaphore value                                    */
    p_sem->TS      = (CPU_TS)0;
    p_sem->NamePtr = p_name;                                /* Save the name of the semaphore                         */
    OS_PendListInit(&p_sem->PendList);                      /* Initialize the waiting list                            */
#if OS_CFG_DBG_EN > 0u
   *p_err = OS_ERR_NONE;
OSSemCreate ()




*                                                  PEND ON SEMAPHORE
* Description: This function waits for a semaphore.
* Arguments  : p_sem         is a pointer to the semaphore
*              timeout       is an optional timeout period (in clock ticks).  If non-zero, your task will wait for the
*                            resource up to the amount of time (in \'ticks\') specified by this argument.  If you specify
*                            0, however, your task will wait forever at the specified semaphore or, until the resource
*                            becomes available (or the event occurs).
*              opt           determines whether the user wants to block if the semaphore is not available or not:
*                                OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING
*                                OS_OPT_PEND_NON_BLOCKING
*              p_ts          is a pointer to a variable that will receive the timestamp of when the semaphore was posted
*                            or pend aborted or the semaphore deleted.  If you pass a NULL pointer (i.e. (CPU_TS*)0)
*                            then you will not get the timestamp.  In other words, passing a NULL pointer is valid
*                            and indicates that you don\'t need the timestamp.
*              p_err         is a pointer to a variable that will contain an error code returned by this function.
*                                OS_ERR_NONE               The call was successful and your task owns the resource
*                                                          or, the event you are waiting for occurred.
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_DEL            If \'p_sem\' was deleted
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_PTR_NULL       If \'p_sem\' is a NULL pointer.
*                                OS_ERR_OBJ_TYPE           If \'p_sem\' is not pointing at a semaphore
*                                OS_ERR_OPT_INVALID        If you specified an invalid value for \'opt\'
*                                OS_ERR_PEND_ABORT         If the pend was aborted by another task
*                                OS_ERR_PEND_ISR           If you called this function from an ISR and the result
*                                                          would lead to a suspension.
*                                OS_ERR_PEND_WOULD_BLOCK   If you specified non-blocking but the semaphore was not
*                                                          available.
*                                OS_ERR_SCHED_LOCKED       If you called this function when the scheduler is locked
*                                OS_ERR_STATUS_INVALID     Pend status is invalid
*                                OS_ERR_TIMEOUT            The semaphore was not received within the specified
*                                                          timeout.
* Returns    : The current value of the semaphore counter or 0 if not available.

OS_SEM_CTR  OSSemPend (OS_SEM   *p_sem,
                       OS_TICK   timeout,
                       OS_OPT    opt,
                       CPU_TS   *p_ts,
                       OS_ERR   *p_err)
    OS_SEM_CTR    ctr;
    OS_PEND_DATA  pend_data;

    if (p_err == (OS_ERR *)0) {
        return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);

    if (OSIntNestingCtr > (OS_NESTING_CTR)0) {              /* Not allowed to call from an ISR                        */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_PEND_ISR;
        return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);

#if OS_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (p_sem == (OS_SEM *)0) {                             /* Validate \'p_sem\'                                       */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_OBJ_PTR_NULL;
        return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);
    switch (opt) {                                          /* Validate \'opt\'                                         */ 
        case OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING:

            *p_err = OS_ERR_OPT_INVALID;
             return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);

    if (p_sem->Type != OS_OBJ_TYPE_SEM) {                   /* Make sure semaphore was created                        */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_OBJ_TYPE;
        return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);

    if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
       *p_ts  = (CPU_TS)0;                                  /* Initialize the returned timestamp                      */
    if (p_sem->Ctr > (OS_SEM_CTR)0) {                       /* Resource available?                                    */
        p_sem->Ctr--;                                       /* Yes, caller may proceed                                */
        if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
           *p_ts  = p_sem->TS;                              /*      get timestamp of last post                        */
        ctr   = p_sem->Ctr;
       *p_err = OS_ERR_NONE;
        return (ctr);
    if ((opt & OS_OPT_PEND_NON_BLOCKING) != (OS_OPT)0) {    /* Caller wants to block if not available?                */
        ctr   = p_sem->Ctr;                                 /* No                                                     */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_PEND_WOULD_BLOCK;
        return (ctr);
    } else {                                                /* Yes                                                    */
        if (OSSchedLockNestingCtr > (OS_NESTING_CTR)0) {    /* Can\'t pend when the scheduler is locked                */
           *p_err = OS_ERR_SCHED_LOCKED;
            return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);
                                                                /* Lock the scheduler/re-enable interrupts                */
    OS_Pend(&pend_data,                                     /* Block task pending on Semaphore                        */
            (OS_PEND_OBJ *)((void *)p_sem),

    OSSched();                                              /* Find the next highest priority task ready to run       */
    switch (OSTCBCurPtr->PendStatus) {
        case OS_STATUS_PEND_OK:                             /* We got the semaphore                                   */
             if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
                *p_ts  =  OSTCBCurPtr->TS;
            *p_err = OS_ERR_NONE;

        case OS_STATUS_PEND_ABORT:                          /* Indicate that we aborted                               */
             if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
                *p_ts  =  OSTCBCurPtr->TS;
            *p_err = OS_ERR_PEND_ABORT;

        case OS_STATUS_PEND_TIMEOUT:                        /* Indicate that we didn\'t get semaphore within timeout   */
             if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
                *p_ts  = (CPU_TS  )0;
            *p_err = OS_ERR_TIMEOUT;

        case OS_STATUS_PEND_DEL:                            /* Indicate that object pended on has been deleted        */
             if (p_ts != (CPU_TS *)0) {
                *p_ts  =  OSTCBCurPtr->TS;
            *p_err = OS_ERR_OBJ_DEL;

            *p_err = OS_ERR_STATUS_INVALID;
             return ((OS_SEM_CTR)0);
    ctr = p_sem->Ctr;
    return (ctr);
OSSemPend ()
*                                             BLOCK A TASK PENDING ON EVENT
* Description: This function is called to place a task in the blocked state waiting for an event to occur. This function
*              exist because it is common to a number of OSxxxPend() services.
* Arguments  : p_pend_data    is a pointer to an object used to link the task being blocked to the list of task(s)
*              -----------    pending on the desired object.

*              p_obj          is a pointer to the object to pend on.  If there are no object used to pend on then
*              -----          the caller must pass a NULL pointer.
*              pending_on     Specifies what the task will be pending on:
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_FLAG
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_TASK_Q     <- No object (pending for a message sent to the task)
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_MUTEX
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_Q
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_SEM
*                                 OS_TASK_PEND_ON_TASK_SEM   <- No object (pending on a signal sent to the task)
*              timeout        Is the amount of time the task will wait for the event to occur.
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.

void  OS_Pend (OS_PEND_DATA  *p_pend_data,
               OS_PEND_OBJ   *p_obj,
               OS_STATE       pending_on,
               OS_TICK        timeout)
    OS_PEND_LIST  *p_pend_list;

    OSTCBCurPtr->PendOn     = pending_on;                    /* Resource not available, wait until it is              */
    OSTCBCurPtr->PendStatus = OS_STATUS_PEND_OK;
    OS_TaskBlock(OSTCBCurPtr,                                /* Block the task and add it to the tick list if needed  */

    if (p_obj != (OS_PEND_OBJ *)0) {                         /* Add the current task to the pend list ...             */
        p_pend_list             = &p_obj->PendList;          /* ... if there is an object to pend on                  */
        p_pend_data->PendObjPtr = p_obj;                     /* Save the pointer to the object pending on             */
        OS_PendDataInit((OS_TCB       *)OSTCBCurPtr,         /* Initialize the remaining field                        */
                        (OS_PEND_DATA *)p_pend_data,
                        (OS_OBJ_QTY    )1);
        OS_PendListInsertPrio(p_pend_list,                   /* Insert in the pend list in priority order             */
    } else {
        OSTCBCurPtr->PendDataTblEntries = (OS_OBJ_QTY    )0; /* If no object being pended on the clear these fields   */
        OSTCBCurPtr->PendDataTblPtr     = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0; /* ... in the TCB                                        */
#if OS_CFG_DBG_EN > 0u
OS_Pend ()
*                                                     BLOCK A TASK
* Description: This function is called to remove a task from the ready list and also insert it in the timer tick list if
*              the specified timeout is non-zero.
* Arguments  : p_tcb          is a pointer to the OS_TCB of the task block
*              -----
*              timeout        is the desired timeout
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.

void  OS_TaskBlock (OS_TCB   *p_tcb,
                    OS_TICK   timeout)
    OS_ERR  err;

    if (timeout > (OS_TICK)0) {                             /* Add task to tick list if timeout non zero               */
        if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
            p_tcb->TaskState = OS_TASK_STATE_PEND_TIMEOUT;
        } else {
            p_tcb->TaskState = OS_TASK_STATE_PEND;
    } else {
        //是  永久等待 
        p_tcb->TaskState = OS_TASK_STATE_PEND;
*                                              INITIALIZE A WAIT LIST TABLE
* Description: This function is called to initialize the fields of a table of OS_PEND_DATA entries.  It\'s assumed that
*              the .PendObjPtr field of each entry in the table is set by the caller and thus will NOT be touched by
*              this function.
* Arguments  : p_tcb              is a pointer to the TCB of the task that we want to pend abort.
*              -----
*              p_pend_data_tbl    is a pointer to a table (see below) of OS_PEND_DATA elements to initialize.
*              ---------------
*                                  .PendObjPtr .RdyObjPtr .RdyMsgPtr .RdyMsgSize .RdyTS .TCBPtr .NextPtr .PrevPtr
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    ^
*               p_pend_data_tbl-> |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    |
*                                 |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    |
*                                 |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+  size
*                                 |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    |
*                                 |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    |
*                                 |     ?     |  0       | 0        | 0         | 0    | p_tcb | 0      | 0      |    |
*                                 +-----------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-------+--------+--------+    V
*              tbl_size           is the size of the table in number of entries
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application must not call it.
*              2) It\'s possible for the table to be of size 1 when multi-pend is not used
*              3) Note that the .PendObjPtr is NOT touched because it\'s assumed to be set by the caller.

void  OS_PendDataInit (OS_TCB        *p_tcb,
                       OS_PEND_DATA  *p_pend_data_tbl,
                       OS_OBJ_QTY     tbl_size)
    OS_OBJ_QTY  i;

    p_tcb->PendDataTblEntries = tbl_size;                   /* Link the TCB to the beginning of the table             */
    p_tcb->PendDataTblPtr     = p_pend_data_tbl;
    for (i = 0u; i < tbl_size; i++) {
        p_pend_data_tbl->NextPtr    = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0;    /* Initialize all the fields                              */
        p_pend_data_tbl->PrevPtr    = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0;
        p_pend_data_tbl->RdyObjPtr  = (OS_PEND_OBJ  *)0;
        p_pend_data_tbl->RdyMsgPtr  = (void         *)0;
        p_pend_data_tbl->RdyMsgSize = (OS_MSG_SIZE   )0;
        p_pend_data_tbl->RdyTS      = (CPU_TS        )0;
        p_pend_data_tbl->TCBPtr     = p_tcb;                /* Every entry points back to the TCB of the task         */
*                                   INSERT PEND DATA BASED ON IT\'S PRIORITY IN A LIST
* Description: This function is called to place an OS_PEND_DATA entry in a linked list based on its priority.  The
*              highest priority being placed at the head of the list.  It\'s assumed that the OS_PEND_DATA entry to
*              insert points to the TCB of the task being inserted.  The TCB is also assumed to contain the priority
*              of the task in its .Prio field.
*              CASE 0: Insert in an empty list.
*                     OS_PEND_LIST
*                     +---------------+
*                     | TailPtr       |-> 0
*                     +---------------+
*                     | HeadPtr       |-> 0
*                     +---------------+
*                     | NbrEntries=0  |
*                     +---------------+
*              CASE 1: Insert BEFORE or AFTER an OS_TCB
*                     OS_PEND_LIST
*                     +--------------+         OS_PEND_DATA
*                     | TailPtr      |--+---> +------------+
*                     +--------------+  |     | NextPtr    |->0
*                     | HeadPtr      |--/     +------------+
*                     +--------------+     0<-| PrevPtr    |
*                     | NbrEntries=1 |        +------------+
*                     +--------------+        |            |
*                                             +------------+
*                                             |            |
*                                             +------------+
*                     OS_PEND_LIST
*                     +--------------+
*                     | TailPtr      |-----------------------------------------------+
*                     +--------------+         OS_PEND_DATA         OS_PEND_DATA     |    OS_PEND_DATA
*                     | HeadPtr      |------> +------------+       +------------+    +-> +------------+
*                     +--------------+        | NextPtr    |------>| NextPtr    | ...... | NextPtr    |->0
*                     | NbrEntries=N |        +------------+       +------------+        +------------+
*                     +--------------+     0<-| PrevPtr    |<------| PrevPtr    | ...... | PrevPtr    |
*                                             +------------+       +------------+        +------------+
*                                             |            |       |            |        |            |
*                                             +------------+       +------------+        +------------+
*                                             |            |       |            |        |            |
*                                             +------------+       +------------+        +------------+
* Arguments  : p_pend_list    is a pointer to the OS_PEND_LIST where the OS_PEND_DATA entry will be inserted
*              -----------
*              p_pend_data    is the OS_PEND_DATA to insert in the list
*              -----------
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.
*              2) \'p_pend_data->TCBPtr->Prio\' contains the priority of the TCB associated with the entry to insert.
*                 We can compare this priority with the priority of other entries in the list.

void  OS_PendListInsertPrio (OS_PEND_LIST  *p_pend_list,
                             OS_PEND_DATA  *p_pend_data)
    OS_PRIO        prio;
    OS_TCB        *p_tcb;
    OS_TCB        *p_tcb_next;
    OS_PEND_DATA  *p_pend_data_prev;
    OS_PEND_DATA  *p_pend_data_next;

    p_tcb = p_pend_data->TCBPtr;                                      /* Obtain the priority of the task to insert    */
    prio  = p_tcb->Prio;
    if (p_pend_list->NbrEntries == (OS_OBJ_QTY)0) {                   /* CASE 0: Insert when there are no entries     */
        p_pend_list->NbrEntries = (OS_OBJ_QTY)1;                      /*         This is the first entry              */
        p_pend_data->NextPtr    = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0;                  /*         No other OS_PEND_DATAs in the list   */
        p_pend_data->PrevPtr    = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0;
        p_pend_list->HeadPtr    = p_pend_data;                        /*                                              */
        p_pend_list->TailPtr    = p_pend_data;
    } else {
        p_pend_list->NbrEntries++;                                    /* CASE 1: One more OS_PEND_DATA in the list    */
        p_pend_data_next = p_pend_list->HeadPtr;
        while (p_pend_data_next != (OS_PEND_DATA *)0) {               /*         Find the position where to insert    */
            p_tcb_next   = p_pend_data_next->TCBPtr;
            if (prio < p_tcb_next->Prio) {
                break;                                                /*         Found! ... insert BEFORE current     */
            } else {
                p_pend_data_next = p_pend_data_next->NextPtr;         /*         Not Found, follow the list           */
        if (p_pend_data_next == (OS_PEND_DATA *)0) {                  /*         TCB to insert is lower in prio       */
            p_pend_data->NextPtr      = (OS_PEND_DATA *)0;            /*         ... insert at the tail.              */





μC/OS-II 信号量集

频谱分析仪是如何分析信号的 在2.4ghz时是-40dbm -30dbm 5.4ghz时-70dbm能说明啥问题
