Delphi 三层框架开发 服务端开发
Posted hssbsw
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Delphi 三层框架开发 服务端开发相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tb_Department](
- [FKey] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
- [FName] [varchar](50) NULL,
- [FAge] [varchar](50) NULL,
- [FSex] [varchar](50) NULL,
- [FMobile] [varchar](50) NULL,
- [FRemark] [varchar](200) NULL
2.1 先创建一个application
- unit ufrmMain;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls;
- type
- TfrmMain = class(TForm)
- lbl1: TLabel;
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- frmMain: TfrmMain;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- end.
2.2 File-New-Other
点击OK 在弹出的对话框中 填写
名字自己根据需要 填写
此时生成2个单元 一个Project1_TLB 和 Unit2 单元
打开Project1_TLB 单元 按F12键
Name就是我们要的方法名称(根据自己需要填写)GetData 获取数据
新增参数 如下图
再按相同的方法 添加PostData方法(保存数据)
- unit Project1_TLB;
- // ************************************************************************ //
- // -------
- // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
- // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
- // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
- // ‘Refresh‘ command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
- // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
- // manual modifications will be lost.
- // ************************************************************************ //
- // PASTLWTR : 1.2
- // File generated on 2014-10-24 14:24:49 from Type Library described below.
- // ************************************************************************ //
- // Type Lib: D:\Delphi7\Projects\Project1.tlb (1)
- // LIBID: {C6713A20-F49B-4B06-8869-9E040C912074}
- // LCID: 0
- // Helpfile:
- // HelpString: Project1 Library
- // DepndLst:
- // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole2.tlb)
- // (2) v1.0 Midas, (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\midas.dll)
- // (3) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdvcl40.dll)
- // ************************************************************************ //
- {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
- interface
- uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, Midas, StdVCL, Variants;
- // *********************************************************************//
- // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
- // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
- // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
- // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
- // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
- // *********************************************************************//
- const
- // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
- Project1MajorVersion = 1;
- Project1MinorVersion = 0;
- LIBID_Project1: TGUID = ‘{C6713A20-F49B-4B06-8869-9E040C912074}‘;
- IID_ITestService: TGUID = ‘{C59D7F3C-4AE7-473B-81B8-8EE1C73BB2B1}‘;
- CLASS_TestService: TGUID = ‘{82AEC5B8-E53F-4725-A24D-456FD570E355}‘;
- type
- // *********************************************************************//
- // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
- // *********************************************************************//
- ITestService = interface;
- ITestServiceDisp = dispinterface;
- // *********************************************************************//
- // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
- // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
- // *********************************************************************//
- TestService = ITestService;
- // *********************************************************************//
- // Interface: ITestService
- // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
- // GUID: {C59D7F3C-4AE7-473B-81B8-8EE1C73BB2B1}
- // *********************************************************************//
- ITestService = interface(IAppServer)
- [‘{C59D7F3C-4AE7-473B-81B8-8EE1C73BB2B1}‘]
- procedure GetData(const Table: WideString; const Where: WideString; var Ret: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure PostData(const Table: WideString; Value: OleVariant; var Ret: OleVariant); safecall;
- end;
- // *********************************************************************//
- // DispIntf: ITestServiceDisp
- // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
- // GUID: {C59D7F3C-4AE7-473B-81B8-8EE1C73BB2B1}
- // *********************************************************************//
- ITestServiceDisp = dispinterface
- [‘{C59D7F3C-4AE7-473B-81B8-8EE1C73BB2B1}‘]
- procedure GetData(const Table: WideString; const Where: WideString; var Ret: OleVariant); dispid 301;
- procedure PostData(const Table: WideString; Value: OleVariant; var Ret: OleVariant); dispid 302;
- function AS_ApplyUpdates(const ProviderName: WideString; Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer;
- out ErrorCount: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000000;
- function AS_GetRecords(const ProviderName: WideString; Count: Integer; out RecsOut: Integer;
- Options: Integer; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant;
- var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000001;
- function AS_DataRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Data: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000002;
- function AS_GetProviderNames: OleVariant; dispid 20000003;
- function AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: WideString; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000004;
- function AS_RowRequest(const ProviderName: WideString; Row: OleVariant; RequestType: Integer;
- var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 20000005;
- procedure AS_Execute(const ProviderName: WideString; const CommandText: WideString;
- var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant); dispid 20000006;
- end;
- // *********************************************************************//
- // The Class CoTestService provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
- // create instances of the default interface ITestService exposed by
- // the CoClass TestService. The functions are intended to be used by
- // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
- // server of this typelibrary.
- // *********************************************************************//
- CoTestService = class
- class function Create: ITestService;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ITestService;
- end;
- implementation
- uses ComObj;
- class function CoTestService.Create: ITestService;
- begin
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_TestService) as ITestService;
- end;
- class function CoTestService.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ITestService;
- begin
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_TestService) as ITestService;
- end;
- end.
Unit2单元成功 添加以下
前面新增了2个接口方法 然后我们在这个单元里面 实现 方便客户端调用
- unit Unit2;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, ComServ, ComObj, VCLCom, DataBkr,
- DBClient, Project1_TLB, StdVcl, ADODB, Provider, DB;
- type
- TTestService = class(TRemoteDataModule, ITestService)
- conData: TADOConnection;
- dsTemp: TClientDataSet;
- dspTemp: TDataSetProvider;
- qryTemp: TADOQuery;
- procedure RemoteDataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
- private
- I: Integer;
- Params: OleVariant;
- OwnerData: OleVariant;
- // 自己加入
- function InnerGetData(strSQL: String): OleVariant;
- function InnerPostData(Delta: OleVariant): Integer;
- protected
- class procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string); override;
- procedure GetData(const Table, Where: WideString; var Ret: OleVariant);
- safecall;
- procedure PostData(const Table: WideString; Value: OleVariant;
- var Ret: OleVariant); safecall;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TTestService.GetData(const Table, Where: WideString;
- var Ret: OleVariant);
- const SQL = ‘select * from %s where %s‘;
- begin
- Ret := Self.InnerGetData(Format(SQL, [Table, Where]));
- end;
- function TTestService.InnerGetData(strSQL: String): OleVariant;
- begin
- // 必须是CLOSE状态, 否则报错.
- if qryTemp.Active then qryTemp.Active := False;
- Result := Self.AS_GetRecords(‘dspTemp‘, -1, I, ResetOption+MetaDataOption,
- strSQL, Params, OwnerData);
- end;
- function TTestService.InnerPostData(Delta: OleVariant): Integer;
- begin
- Self.AS_ApplyUpdates(‘dspTemp‘, Delta, 0, Result, OwnerData);
- end;
- procedure TTestService.PostData(const Table: WideString; Value: OleVariant;
- var Ret: OleVariant);
- var
- KeyField: TField;
- begin
- dsTemp.Data := Value;
- if dsTemp.IsEmpty then Exit;
- {
- 这里假设每个表都有一个FKey字段, 并且值是唯一的.
- 也可以根据表中, 改成相应的主键字段名.
- }
- KeyField := dsTemp.FindField(‘FKey‘);
- if KeyField=nil then raise Exception.Create(‘ 键值字段未发现.‘);
- if KeyField.IsNull then
- begin
- qryTemp.SQL.Text := ‘select * from ‘+Table+‘ where 1>2‘;
- end
- else
- begin
- qryTemp.SQL.Text := ‘select * from ‘+Table+‘ where FKey=‘+QuotedStr(KeyField.AsString);
- qryTemp.Open;
- with qryTemp.FieldByName(‘FKey‘) do ProviderFlags := ProviderFlags + [pfInKey];
- dspTemp.UpdateMode := upWhereKeyOnly;
- end;
- qryTemp.Open;
- Ret := InnerPostData(Value);
- end;
- class procedure TTestService.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string);
- begin
- if Register then
- begin
- inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID);
- EnableSocketTransport(ClassID);
- EnableWebTransport(ClassID);
- end else
- begin
- DisableSocketTransport(ClassID);
- DisableWebTransport(ClassID);
- inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTestService.RemoteDataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Self.qryTemp.Connection := Self.conData;
- Self.dspTemp.DataSet := Self.qryTemp;
- Self.dspTemp.Options := Self.dspTemp.Options + [poAllowCommandText];
- conData.ConnectionString:=‘File Name=‘+ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+‘conData.udl‘;
- try
- Self.conData.Open;
- except
- on e:Exception do
- begin
- end;
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- TComponentFactory.Create(ComServer, TTestService,
- Class_TestService, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment);
- end.
再讲讲conData.udl 文件的创建
添加 内容
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=db_test;Data Source=
保存 修改扩展名 为.udl 就可以了。
到此 服务端写完了
开始写客户端程序之前( 先启动scktsrvr.exe 此 在dephi程序的bin目录下 ) 然后 启动服务端
如果不想在客户的机器上注册midas.dll 请在使用ClientDataSet单元中 引用 MidasLib 单元
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以上是关于Delphi 三层框架开发 服务端开发的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章