10 ways to improve your programming skills
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了10 ways to improve your programming skills相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
http://rudyn.is-programmer.com/ 1. Learn a newprogramming language学习一门新的编程语言 Learning new programming languages will expose you to new ways ofthinking; especially if the new language uses a paradigm which you aren’t yetfamiliar with. Many of the ways of thinking that you will learn can be appliedto languages that you already know, and you might even want to start using thenew language for serious projects as well. 学习新的编程语言将使你接触到新的思维方式;特别是如果新语言使用了一种你还不熟悉的范例。你将学到的许多思考方法都可以应用到你已经知道的语言中,你甚至可能想要开始使用新的语言来开发项目。 Good languages providing a great educational experience (but notnecessarily limited to that) include any Lisp (Scheme is good), Forth, PostScript or Factor (stack-orientedprogramming languages), J (wonderful array programminglanguage), Haskell (strongly typed purely functionalprogramming language), Prolog (logic programming) and Erlang (concurrentprogramminggoodness). 良好的语言提供了良好的教育体验(但不一定仅限于此)包括任何Lisp(Scheme是想到那个出色)、Forth、PostScript或Factor (基于堆栈的编程语言)、J(出色的数组编程语言)、Haskell(强类型的函数式编程语言)、Prolog (逻辑编程)和Erlang (并行编程)。 2. Read a good,challenging programming book阅读一本优秀的、具有挑战性的编程书籍 A lot can be learnt from books. While practice is important, readingone of the really good andchallenging programming books can be a great wayto challenge your thinking and even move it up by a level. Such challengingbooks would include The Art of Computer Programming (if you wantareal challenge), Structure and Interpretation of ComputerPrograms (SICP), A Discipline of Programming or thefamous dragon book. 从书中可以学到很多东西。练习是很重要的,阅读一本真正好的、有挑战性的编程书籍是一个挑战你思维的好方法,甚至可以把它提升到一个水平。这些具有挑战性的书将包括《计算机程序设计艺术》(如果你想要挑战的话),《计算机程序的结构和解释》(SICP),《编程的修炼》或者其他著名的书。 You can go with less challenging books as well, but avoid books thatare “for Dummies” and will teach you something “in 24 hours” or “in 21 days”;you will get very little out of such books in terms of improving programmingskills. 你也可以选择不那么有挑战性的书,但要避免那些“傻瓜”的书,并且会在“24小时”或“21天”里教你一些东西;在提高编程技能方面,你将会从这些书中获得很少的经验。 3. Join an opensource project加入一个开源项目 What are the advantages of joining an open source project? You willwork with others (good thing in case you have only worked on personal projectsbefore), and you will have to dig into, and learn to understand, an unfamiliarcode base (which can be challenging). 加入一个开放源码项目的好处是什么?你会和其他人一起工作(如果你以前只在个人项目上工作过的话),你将不得不深入挖掘,并学会理解,一个不熟悉的代码库(这可能是一个挑战)。 You can find different projects on sites such as GitHub, Sourceforge, gitorious, BitBucket orOhloh. 你可以在网站上找到不同的项目,比如GitHub,Sourceforge, gitorious, BitBucket orOhloh。 4. Solveprogramming puzzles解决编程难题 You can always solve programming puzzles, and many such exist. Mathoriented problems can be found at Project Euler, which is, probably, themost popular site for coding puzzles. 你总是可以解决编程难题,有很多这样的问题。在Project Euler中可以找到数学问题,它可能是最流行的编码谜题。 You should also try out code golf; a programming puzzle whereprogrammers attempt to solve a given programming problem with the least amountof keystrokes. It can teach you many of the more esoteric and special featuresof the language, and you will have to think creatively about coding (and it isfun!). 你也应该试试去code golf;程序员试图用最少的步骤来解决一个给定的编程问题的编程难题。它可以教会你许多更深奥和特别的语言特性,你将不得不创造性地思考编码(这是很有趣的!) Programming puzzles, mainly code golf, is foundat codegolf.stackexchange.com. 代码编程难题,主要是code golf,在codegolf.stackexchange.com上找到。 5. Program编程 Start writing a program, from scratch. Design all of the architectureand implement it. Repeat. 开始编写一个程序,从头开始。设计所有的体系结构并实现它。重复 Coding is best learned by coding. You will learn from your ownmistakes, and finishing a project is motivating and much more fun than readinga book is. 编码是最好的学习方法。你会从自己的错误中学习,完成一个项目比读一本书更有趣。 6. Read and studycode阅读并学习代码 Study famous software programs, such as the Linux kernel (bewarned, it is huge). A good operating system for educational purposesis MINIX3. You can learn many new language idioms, and a thing or twoabout software architecture. Reading unfamiliar source code is daunting atfirst, but rewarding. 研究一些著名的软件程序,比如Linux内核(请注意,它是巨大的)。一个良好的教育目的的操作系统是MINIX3。您可以学习许多新的语言习惯,以及关于软件架构的一些方面。一开始阅读不熟悉的源代码令人生畏的,但值得一读。 You can also increase your understanding of some API you use, or aprogramming language, by reading its implementation. 你还可以通过阅读它的实现来增加你对某些API的理解,或者编程语言。 7. Hang out atprogramming sites and read blogs在编程网站上闲逛,阅读博客 Hanging out at different programming sites (such as forumsand StackOverflow) will expose you to other programmers and at the sametime, their knowledge. 在不同的编程网站(如论坛和StackOverflow)上闲逛会让你接触到其他程序员,同时,同时也会让你了解他们的知识。 Also, read blogs, maybe this(if you want) and preferably more. Good blogs are Joel onSoftware(although he doesn’t blog any more, jewels exist in thearchives), Coding Horror and Lambdathe Ultimate. 另外,阅读博客 (如果你想的话)或者是其他更多的东西。好的博客是在Joel软件(尽管现在不写博客,在历史记录中是能发现好的博文),Coding Horror和Lambda。 You should also follow news.ycombinator.com. 你也应该遵循news.ycombinator.com。 8. Write aboutcoding写代码 Start writing about coding on a blog, even if it is just for yourself.You can also write answers on different Q&A sites, forums or you can writetutorials at some sites (e.g. DreamInCode). When you write about coding,you want to make sure that use the correct terminology and know the why inorder to explain problems and techniques. It also lets you reflect on your ownprogramming knowledge and improve your English language skills, which isimportant in programming. 开始在博客上写代码,即使只是为了你自己。你也可以在不同的问答网站、论坛或者你可以在一些网站上写教程(例如:DreamInCode)。当您编写代码时,您需要确保使用正确的术语,并了解原因,以便解释问题和技术。它还能让你反思自己的编程知识,提高你的英语语言技能,这在编程中很重要。 9. Learnlow-level programming学习基础的编程语言 Learning low-level programming and such languages is also useful forachieving a better understanding of the underlying machine. Check out C,and maybe even learn some processor’sAssembly language. 学习底层的编程语言,这对于更好地理解底层机器也是很有帮助的。看看C,甚至可以学习一些处理器的汇编语言。 Learn how a computer executes a program and how an operating systemworks (at a high-level, at least). If you really want to go serious aboutlow-level programming, you can read books on computer organization, operatingsystems, embedded systems, operating system driver development and so on (I’mreading such books at the moment). 学习计算机如何执行程序以及操作系统是如何工作的(至少在高层次上是这样的)。如果你真的想要严肃地对待底层编程,您可以阅读有关计算机组织、操作系统、嵌入式系统、操作系统驱动程序开发等方面的书籍(目前我正在阅读这些书籍)。 10. Don’t rush toStackOverflow. Think!不要急于去StackOverflow。要思考! So you have a problem with your code and you have been trying to solveit for half a minute. What do you (hopefully not) do? Run over toStackOveflow. Don’t. Spend a good deal of time trying to solve the problem onyour own, instead. Take a paper and a pencil, start sketching a solution. Ifthat doesn’t work, take a short break to keep your mind fresh and then tryagain. 当你的代码有问题,你试着解决它半分钟了。你希望做什么(不希望做什么)?不要去StackOveflow。试着花时间自己解决这个问题。拿一张纸和一支铅笔,开始画一个解。如果这不起作用,休息一下,保持头脑清醒,然后再试一次 If after spending an hour (or some other considerable amount of time,depending on the size of the problem) of trying to solve theproblem, then you might go over to StackOverflow, but think on your ownfirst. 如果花了一个小时(或者其他相当长的时间,取决于问题的大小)试图解决这个问题,那么您可能会转到StackOverflow,但是请先考虑自己的第一个问题。
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