java并发 使用ScheduledExecutor的温室控制器--thinking in java 21.7.5
Posted yxwkaifa
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了java并发 使用ScheduledExecutor的温室控制器--thinking in java 21.7.5相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
package org.rui.thread.newc; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * 温室 控制器 * @author lenovo * */ public class GreenhouseScheduler { private volatile boolean light = false;// 光 private volatile boolean water = false;// 水 private String thermostat = "Day";// 自己主动调温器 public synchronized String getThermostat() { return thermostat; } public synchronized void setThermostat(String thermostat) { this.thermostat = thermostat; } // 调度程序 ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10); /** * * @param event * @param delay 延迟 */ public void scheduler(Runnable event, long delay) { /** * 建并运行在给定延迟后启用的一次性操作。 */ scheduler.schedule(event, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * 反复 * @param envent * @param initialDelay * @param period 连续运行之间的周期 时间越少 运行的越快 */ public void repeat(Runnable envent, long initialDelay, long period) { /** * 创建并运行一个在给定初始延迟后首次启用的定期操作。兴许操作具有给定的周期。也就是将在 initialDelay * 后開始运行。然后在 initialDelay+period 后运行。接着在 initialDelay + 2 * period 后运行,依此类推。 */ scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(envent, initialDelay, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * inner class * 打开 灯 */ class LightOn implements Runnable { // put hardware control code here to把硬件控制代码在这里 // physically turn on the light. 身体开灯。@Override public void run() { //System.out.println("Turning on lights"); System.out.println("打开电灯"); light = true; } } /** * 关 * @author lenovo * */ class LightOff implements Runnable { // put hardware control code here to 把硬件控制代码在这里 // physically turn off the light. 身关灯。 @Override public void run() { System.out.println("旋转 关灯 "); // System.out.println("Turning off light"); water = true; } } class WaterOn implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { //System.out.println("Turning greenhouse water on"); System.out.println("温室水开"); water = true; } } class WaterOff implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("温室水关"); //System.out.println("Turning greenhouse water off"); water = false; } } /** * 控温器 夜晚 * @author lenovo * */ class ThermostatNight implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // put hardware control code here 把硬件控制代码在这里 //System.out.println("thermostat to night setting"); System.out.println("自己主动控温器 夜晚设置"); setThermostat("Night"); } } /** * 白天 * @author lenovo * */ class ThernostatDay implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // put hardware control code here System.out.println("温室白天 设置"); // System.out.println("thermostat to day setting"); setThermostat("Day"); } } /** * 钟 * @author lenovo * */ class Bell implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Bing!响铃>>"); } } /** * 终止 * @author lenovo * */ class Terminate implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Terminate》》结束"); scheduler.shutdown(); // must start a separate task to do this job 必须启动一个单独的任务来做这份工作 // since the scheduler has been shut down 自调度器已经关闭 new Thread() { public void run() { for (DataPoint d : data) { System.out.println("DataPoint:"+d); } }; }.start(); } } /** * 能够持有并显示单个的数据段 * @author lenovo * */ // inner class static class DataPoint { final Calendar time; final float temperature; final float humidity; /** * @param time * @param temperature * @param humidity */ public DataPoint(Calendar time, float temperature, float humidity) { this.time = time; this.temperature = temperature; this.humidity = humidity; } public String toString() { DateFormat fd=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm ss"); return fd.format(time.getTime()) + String.format("temperature:%1$.1f humidity:%2$.2f", temperature, humidity); } } // // private Calendar lastTime = Calendar.getInstance(); { // adjust data to the half hour 调整数据到半个小时 lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30); lastTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 00); } private float lastTemp = 65.0f;// private int tempDirection = +1;//温度 方位 private float lastHumidity = 50.0f;//最后的 湿度 private int humidityDirection = +1;//湿气 方位 private Random rand = new Random(47); List<DataPoint> data = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DataPoint>()); //被调度的任务,它在每次运行时。都能够产生仿真数据,并将其加入到Greenhouse的list<DataPoint>中 // ineer class class CollectData implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("CollectData》》》run"); synchronized (GreenhouseScheduler.this) { // pretend the interval is longer than it is: 假装间隔时间比是: lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, lastTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + 30); // one in 5 chances of reversing the direction:一个在5 扭转方向的机会: if (rand.nextInt(5) == 4) { tempDirection = -tempDirection;// 方向 } // store previous value: 店前一个值: lastTemp = lastTemp + tempDirection * (1.0f + rand.nextFloat()); if (rand.nextInt(5) == 4) { humidityDirection = -humidityDirection; } lastHumidity = lastHumidity + humidityDirection * rand.nextFloat(); // calendar must be cloned , otherwise all // dataPoints hold references to the same lastTime. // for a basic object like calendar,clone() is ok. data.add(new DataPoint((Calendar) lastTime.clone(), lastTemp, lastHumidity)); } } } // //////////////main public static void main(String[] args) { GreenhouseScheduler gh = new GreenhouseScheduler(); //延迟多少时间 关闭 gh.scheduler( Terminate(), 5000); // former restart class not necessary:前重新启动类没有必要: gh.repeat( Bell(), 0, 1000);//响铃 gh.repeat( ThermostatNight(), 0, 2000);//夜晚 2秒运行 gh.repeat( LightOn(), 0, 200);//灯 gh.repeat( LightOff(), 0, 400); gh.repeat( WaterOn(), 0, 600);//水 gh.repeat( WaterOff(), 0, 800); // gh.repeat( ThernostatDay(), 0, 1400);//白天 gh.repeat( CollectData(), 500, 500); } } /*** * output: * Bing!响铃>> 自己主动控温器 夜晚设置 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 温室水开 温室水关 温室白天 设置 打开电灯 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 CollectData》》》run 温室水开 打开电灯 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 温室水关 Bing!响铃>> 打开电灯 CollectData》》》run 打开电灯 温室水开 旋转 关灯 打开电灯 温室白天 设置 CollectData》》》run 打开电灯 温室水关 旋转 关灯 打开电灯 温室水开 Bing!响铃>> CollectData》》》run 旋转 关灯 打开电灯 自己主动控温器 夜晚设置 打开电灯 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 温室水开 温室水关 CollectData》》》run 打开电灯 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 温室白天 设置 打开电灯 CollectData》》》run 温室水开 Bing!响铃>> 旋转 关灯 温室水关 打开电灯 打开电灯 CollectData》》》run 旋转 关灯 温室水开 打开电灯 打开电灯 Bing!响铃>> 自己主动控温器 夜晚设置 旋转 关灯 温室水关 CollectData》》》run 打开电灯 打开电灯 温室水开 温室白天 设置 打开电灯 旋转 关灯 CollectData》》》run 打开电灯 打开电灯 温室水关 温室水开 旋转 关灯 Bing!响铃>> 打开电灯 CollectData》》》run Terminate》》结束 DataPoint:2015/07/19 09:00 00temperature:66.4 humidity:50.05 DataPoint:2015/07/19 09:30 00temperature:68.0 humidity:50.47 DataPoint:2015/07/19 10:00 00temperature:69.7 humidity:51.42 DataPoint:2015/07/19 10:30 00temperature:70.8 humidity:50.87 DataPoint:2015/07/19 11:00 00temperature:72.0 humidity:50.32 DataPoint:2015/07/19 11:30 00temperature:73.2 humidity:49.92 DataPoint:2015/07/20 12:00 00temperature:71.9 humidity:49.81 DataPoint:2015/07/20 12:30 00temperature:70.1 humidity:50.25 DataPoint:2015/07/20 01:00 00temperature:68.9 humidity:51.00 DataPoint:2015/07/20 01:30 00temperature:67.7 humidity:50.21 */

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