Posted py小蟒蛇
.python统计文本中每个单词出现的次数: #coding=utf-8 __author__ = ‘zcg‘ import collections import os with open(‘abc.txt‘) as file1:#打开文本文件‘ ‘)#将文章按照空格划分开 print "原文本:\n %s"% str1 print "\n各单词出现的次数:\n %s" % collections.Counter(str1) print collections.Counter(str1)[‘a‘]#以字典的形式存储,每个字符对应的键值就是在文本中出现的次数 2.python编写生成序列化: __author__ = ‘zcg‘ #endcoding utf-8 import string,random field=string.letters+string.digits def getRandom(): return "".join(random.sample(field,4)) def concatenate(group): return "-".join([getRandom() for i in range(group)]) def generate(n): return [concatenate(4) for i in range(n)] if __name__ ==‘__main__‘: print generate(10) 3.遍历excel表格中的所有数据: __author__ = ‘Administrator‘ import xlrd workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(‘config.xlsx‘) print "There are {} sheets in the workbook".format(workbook.nsheets) for booksheet in workbook.sheets(): for col in xrange(booksheet.ncols): for row in xrange(booksheet.nrows): value=booksheet.cell(row,col).value print value 其中xlrd需要百度下载导入这个模块到python中 4.将表格中的数据整理成lua类型的一个格式 #coding=utf-8 __author__ = ‘zcg‘ #2017 9/26 import xlrd fileOutput = open(‘Configs.lua‘,‘w‘) writeData="[email protected]:zcg\n\n\n" workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(‘config.xlsx‘) print "There are {} sheets in the workbook".format(workbook.nsheets) for booksheet in workbook.sheets(): writeData = writeData+‘AT‘‘ ={\n‘ for col in xrange(booksheet.ncols): for row in xrange(booksheet.nrows): value = booksheet.cell(row,col).value if row ==0: writeData = writeData+‘\t‘+‘["‘+value+‘"]‘+‘=‘+‘{‘ else: writeData=writeData+‘"‘+str(booksheet.cell(row,col).value)+‘", ‘ else: writeData=writeData+‘},\n‘ else: writeData=writeData+‘}\n\n‘ else : fileOutput.write(writeData) fileOutput.close()