Posted wuyuan2011woaini
首先到下载安装winpcap 驱动和DLL组件。
1) 在“Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General”中,在Additional Include Directories加入Include路径(“C:\\WpdPack_4_0_2\\WpdPack\\Include”)。
2) 在 “Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General” 中,在Additional Library Directories中加入 winpcap 库文件路径 ( “C:\\WpdPack_4_0_2\\WpdPack\\Lib” ) 。
3) 在“Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input”中, Additional Dependencies 加入用到的两个winpcap 库文件(wpcap.lib and Packet.lib ) 。
4) 为了使用Winpcap的远程访问,必须在预处理器中加入HAVE_REMOTE
示例程序1 获取适配器列表
#include <pcap.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { pcap_if_t * allAdapters;//适配器列表 pcap_if_t * adapter; char errorBuffer[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];//错误信息缓冲区 if( pcap_findalldevs_ex( PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, NULL, &allAdapters, errorBuffer ) == -1 ) {//检索机器连接的所有网络适配器 fprintf( stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex function: %s\\n", errorBuffer ); return -1; } if( allAdapters == NULL ) {//不存在人任何适配器 printf( "\\nNo adapters found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\\n" ); return 0; } int crtAdapter = 0; for( adapter = allAdapters; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->next) {//遍历输入适配器信息(名称和描述信息) printf( "\\n%d.%s ", ++crtAdapter, adapter->name ); printf( "-- %s\\n", adapter->description ); } printf( "\\n" ); pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );//释放适配器列表 system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; }
示例程序2 打开指定适配器并捕获数据包
#include <pcap.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { pcap_if_t * allAdapters;//适配器列表 pcap_if_t * adapter; pcap_t * adapterHandle;//适配器句柄 struct pcap_pkthdr * packetHeader; const u_char * packetData; char errorBuffer[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];//错误信息缓冲区 if( pcap_findalldevs_ex( PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, NULL, &allAdapters, errorBuffer ) == -1 ) {//检索机器连接的所有网络适配器 fprintf( stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex function: %s\\n", errorBuffer ); return -1; } if( allAdapters == NULL ) {//不存在任何适配器 printf( "\\nNo adapters found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\\n" ); return 0; } int crtAdapter = 0; for( adapter = allAdapters; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->next) {//遍历输入适配器信息(名称和描述信息) printf( "\\n%d.%s ", ++crtAdapter, adapter->name ); printf( "-- %s\\n", adapter->description ); } printf( "\\n" ); //选择要捕获数据包的适配器 int adapterNumber; printf( "Enter the adapter number between 1 and %d:", crtAdapter ); scanf_s( "%d", &adapterNumber ); if( adapterNumber < 1 || adapterNumber > crtAdapter ) { printf( "\\nAdapter number out of range.\\n" ); // 释放适配器列表 pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters ); return -1; } adapter = allAdapters; for( crtAdapter = 0; crtAdapter < adapterNumber - 1; crtAdapter++ ) adapter = adapter->next; // 打开指定适配器 adapterHandle = pcap_open( adapter->name, // name of the adapter 65536, // portion of the packet to capture // 65536 guarantees that the whole // packet will be captured PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, // promiscuous mode 1000, // read timeout - 1 millisecond NULL, // authentication on the remote machine errorBuffer // error buffer ); if( adapterHandle == NULL ) {//指定适配器打开失败 fprintf( stderr, "\\nUnable to open the adapter\\n", adapter->name ); // 释放适配器列表 pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters ); return -1; } printf( "\\nCapture session started on adapter %s\\n", adapter->name ); pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );//释放适配器列表 // 开始捕获数据包 int retValue; while( ( retValue = pcap_next_ex( adapterHandle, &packetHeader, &packetData ) ) >= 0 ) { // timeout elapsed if we reach this point if( retValue == 0 ) continue; //打印捕获数据包的信息 printf( "length of packet: %d\\n", packetHeader->len ); } // if we get here, there was an error reading the packets if( retValue == -1 ) { printf( "Error reading the packets: %s\\n", pcap_geterr( adapterHandle ) ); return -1; } system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; }
示例程序3 发送数据封包
#include <pcap.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { pcap_if_t * allAdapters;//适配器列表 pcap_if_t * adapter; pcap_t * adapterHandle;//适配器句柄 u_char packet[ 20 ]; //待发送的数据封包 char errorBuffer[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];//错误信息缓冲区 if( pcap_findalldevs_ex( PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, NULL, &allAdapters, errorBuffer ) == -1 ) {//检索机器连接的所有网络适配器 fprintf( stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex function: %s\\n", errorBuffer ); return -1; } if( allAdapters == NULL ) {//不存在人任何适配器 printf( "\\nNo adapters found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\\n" ); return 0; } int crtAdapter = 0; for( adapter = allAdapters; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->next) {//遍历输入适配器信息(名称和描述信息) printf( "\\n%d.%s ", ++crtAdapter, adapter->name ); printf( "-- %s\\n", adapter->description ); } printf( "\\n" ); //选择适配器 int adapterNumber; printf( "Enter the adapter number between 1 and %d:", crtAdapter ); scanf_s( "%d", &adapterNumber ); if( adapterNumber < 1 || adapterNumber > crtAdapter ) { printf( "\\nAdapter number out of range.\\n" ); // 释放适配器列表 pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters ); return -1; } adapter = allAdapters; for( crtAdapter = 0; crtAdapter < adapterNumber - 1; crtAdapter++ ) adapter = adapter->next; // 打开指定适配器 adapterHandle = pcap_open( adapter->name, // name of the adapter 65536, // portion of the packet to capture // 65536 guarantees that the whole // packet will be captured PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, // promiscuous mode 1000, // read timeout - 1 millisecond NULL, // authentication on the remote machine errorBuffer // error buffer ); if( adapterHandle == NULL ) {//指定适配器打开失败 fprintf( stderr, "\\nUnable to open the adapter\\n", adapter->name ); // 释放适配器列表 pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters ); return -1; } pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );//释放适配器列表 //创建数据封包 // 设置目标的MAC地址为01 : 01 : 01 : 01 : 01 : 01 packet[0] = 0x01; packet[1] = 0x01; packet[2] = 0x01; packet[3] = 0x01; packet[4] = 0x01; packet[5] = 0x01; // 设置源的MAC地址为02 : 02 : 02 : 02 : 02 : 02 packet[6] = 0x02; packet[7] = 0x02; packet[8] = 0x02; packet[9] = 0x02; packet[10] = 0x02; packet[11] = 0x02; // 设置封包其他部分内容 for( int index = 12; index < 20; index++ ) { packet[index] = 0xC4; } //发送数据封包 if( pcap_sendpacket( adapterHandle, // the adapter handle packet, // the packet // the length of the packet ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr,"\\nError sending the packet: \\n", pcap_geterr( adapterHandle ) ); return -1; } system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; }