Posted 神牛003
- 简单介绍ImageSharp
- 试试画两条线(实线和虚线)
- 生成个缩略图
- 在图片上画字
- 制作一个验证码图片
- 结合RazorPage模板,展示验证码图片
Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp -Version 1.0.0-beta0001
Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing -Version 1.0.0-beta0001
var path = @"D:\\F\\学习\\vs2017\\netcore\\Study.AspNetCore\\WebApp02-1\\wwwroot\\images"; //默认实线 using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(500, 500)) //画布大小 { image.Mutate(x => x. BackgroundColor(Rgba32.WhiteSmoke). //画布背景 DrawLines( Rgba32.HotPink, //字体颜色 5, //字体大小 new SixLabors.Primitives.PointF[]{ new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(200, 150), new Vector2(50, 300) } //两点一线坐标 ) ); image.Save($"{path}/1.png"); //保存 }
//虚线 using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(500, 500)) //画布大小 { image.Mutate(x => x. BackgroundColor(Rgba32.WhiteSmoke). //画布背景 DrawLines( Pens.Dash(Rgba32.HotPink, 5), //字体大小 new SixLabors.Primitives.PointF[]{ new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(200, 150), new Vector2(50, 300) } //两点一线坐标 ) ); image.Save($"{path}/2.png"); //保存 }
对于图片类型的网站来说缩略图是常见的,这里用ImageSharp生成缩略图很简单,本实例用8.png做样本来生成缩略图8-1.png,直接看例子如下是netstandard 1.3+的例子:
//缩略图 using (Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load($"{path}/8.png")) { image.Mutate(x => x .Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2) ); image.Save($"{path}/8-1.png"); }
//画字 var install_Family = new FontCollection().Install( System.IO.Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot/bak", "STKAITI.TTF") //@"C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\STKAITI.TTF" //字体文件 ); var font = new Font(install_Family, 50); //字体 using (Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load($"{path}/8.png")) { image.Mutate(x => x .DrawText( "你们好,我是神牛", //文字内容 font, Rgba32.HotPink, new Vector2(50, 150), TextGraphicsOptions.Default) ); image.Save($"{path}/8-2.png"); }
这里用ImageSharp在图片上画字的时候需要注意:字体,因为windows系统自带了字体问题这里以STKAITI.TTF字体文件为例,它存储于 C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\STKAITI.TTF 目录,当然您可以直接把它拷贝到我们项目中如下我这里的例子一样做法(这里只测试了windows下可用,尚未测试linux下直接使用该字体文件是否可行);
//画点(规则的点,其他的各位自行写算法) var dianWith = 1; //点宽度 var xx = 300; //图片宽度 var yy = 200; //图片高度 var xx_space = 10; //点与点之间x坐标间隔 var yy_space = 5; //y坐标间隔 var listPath = new List<IPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < xx / xx_space; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < yy / yy_space; j++) { var position = new Vector2(i * xx_space, j * yy_space); var linerLine = new LinearLineSegment(position, position); var shapesPath = new SixLabors.Shapes.Path(linerLine); listPath.Add(shapesPath); } } using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(xx, yy)) //画布大小 { image.Mutate(x => x. BackgroundColor(Rgba32.WhiteSmoke). //画布背景 Draw( Pens.Dot(Rgba32.HotPink, dianWith), //大小 new SixLabors.Shapes.PathCollection(listPath) //坐标集合 ) ); image.Save($"{path}/9.png"); //保存 }
/// <summary> /// 画点+画字=验证码图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="content">验证码</param> /// <param name="outImgPath">输出图片路径</param> /// <param name="fontFilePath">字体文件</param> /// <param name="x">图片宽度</param> /// <param name="y">图片高度</param> public void GetValidCode( string content = "我是神牛", string outImgPath = "D:/F/学习/vs2017/netcore/Study.AspNetCore/WebApp02-1/wwwroot/images/10.png", string fontFilePath = @"D:\\F\\学习\\vs2017\\netcore\\Study.AspNetCore\\WebApp02-1\\wwwroot\\bak\\STKAITI.TTF", int xx = 150, int yy = 25) { var dianWith = 1; //点宽度 var xx_space = 10; //点与点之间x坐标间隔 var yy_space = 5; //y坐标间隔 var wenZiLen = content.Length; //文字长度 var maxX = xx / wenZiLen; //每个文字最大x宽度 var prevWenZiX = 0; //前面一个文字的x坐标 var size = 16;//字体大小 //字体 var install_Family = new FontCollection().Install( fontFilePath //@"C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\STKAITI.TTF" //windows系统下字体文件 ); var font = new Font(install_Family, size); //字体 //点坐标 var listPath = new List<IPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < xx / xx_space; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < yy / yy_space; j++) { var position = new Vector2(i * xx_space, j * yy_space); var linerLine = new LinearLineSegment(position, position); var shapesPath = new SixLabors.Shapes.Path(linerLine); listPath.Add(shapesPath); } } //画图 using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(xx, yy)) //画布大小 { image.Mutate(x => { //画点 var imgProc = x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.WhiteSmoke). //画布背景 Draw( Pens.Dot(Rgba32.HotPink, dianWith), //大小 new SixLabors.Shapes.PathCollection(listPath) //坐标集合 ); //逐个画字 for (int i = 0; i < wenZiLen; i++) { //当前的要输出的字 var nowWenZi = content.Substring(i, 1); //文字坐标 var wenXY = new Vector2(); var maxXX = prevWenZiX + (maxX - size); wenXY.X = new Random().Next(prevWenZiX, maxXX); wenXY.Y = new Random().Next(0, yy - size); prevWenZiX = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(wenXY.X)) + size; //画字 imgProc.DrawText( nowWenZi, //文字内容 font, i % 2 > 0 ? Rgba32.HotPink : Rgba32.Red, wenXY, TextGraphicsOptions.Default); } }); //保存到图片 image.Save(outImgPath); } }
通过简单的调用 GetValidCode("我是神牛");return Page(); 能得到如图验证码图片的效果:
上面一节是生成了验证码图片,当然实际场景中我们是不需要生成验证码物理图片的,只需要返回一个流或base64等方式输出到web界面上就行了,我们可以来看看 Image<TPixel> 保存时候的扩展方法:

// // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream using the currently loaded image format. // // 参数: // source: // The source image // // filePath: // The file path to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The Pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void Save<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, string filePath) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream using the currently loaded image format. // // 参数: // source: // The source image // // filePath: // The file path to save the image to. // // encoder: // The encoder to save the image with. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The Pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the encoder is null. public static void Save<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, string filePath, IImageEncoder encoder) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream using the currently loaded image format. // // 参数: // source: // The source image // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // format: // The format to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The Pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void Save<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream, IImageFormat format) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the bmp format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsBmp<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the bmp format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // encoder: // The encoder to save the image with. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsBmp<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream, BmpEncoder encoder) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the gif format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // encoder: // The options for the encoder. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsGif<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream, GifEncoder encoder) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the gif format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsGif<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the jpeg format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // encoder: // The options for the encoder. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsJpeg<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream, JpegEncoder encoder) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the jpeg format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsJpeg<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the png format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsPng<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the image to the given stream with the png format. // // 参数: // source: // The image this method extends. // // stream: // The stream to save the image to. // // encoder: // The options for the encoder. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SaveAsPng<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Stream stream, PngEncoder encoder) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the raw image to the given bytes. // // 参数: // source: // The source image // // buffer: // The buffer to save the raw pixel data to. // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The Pixel format. // // 异常: // T:System.ArgumentNullException: // Thrown if the stream is null. public static void SavePixelData<TPixel>(this ImageFrame<TPixel> source, byte[] buffer) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>; // // 摘要: // Saves the raw image to the given bytes. // // 参数: // source: // The source image // // 类型参数: // TPixel: // The Pixel format. // // 返回结果: // A copy of the pixel data as bytes from this frame. // //netcore使用ImageSharp裁切图片.NetCore实现图片缩放与裁剪 - 基于ImageSharp