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BITSAdmin Examples
The following examples show how to use the BITSAdmin tool to perform the most common tasks. For a complete list of switches and description of their use, see BITSAdmin Tool
Transfer a File
The /transfer switch is a shortcut for performing the tasks listed below. This switch creates the job, adds the files to the job, activates the job in the transfer queue, and completes the job. BITSAdmin continues to show progress information in the MS-DOS window until the transfer completes or an error occurs.
bitsadmin /transfer myDownloadJob /download /priority normal http://downloadsrv/10mb.zip c:\\10mb.zip
Create a Download Job
Use the /create switch to create a download job named myDownloadJob.
bitsadmin /create myDownloadJob
BITSAdmin returns a GUID that uniquely identifies the job. Use the GUID or job name in subsequent calls. The following text is sample output.
Created job {C775D194-090F-431F-B5FB-8334D00D1CB6}.
Next, use the /addfile switch to add one or more files to the download job.
Add Files to the Download Job
Use the /addfile switch to add a file to the job. Repeat this call for each file you want to add. If multiple jobs use myDownloadJob as their name, you must replace myDownloadJob with the job\'s GUID to uniquely identify the job.
bitsadmin /addfile myDownloadJob http://files.cnblogs.com/files/gayhub/bcn.js c:\\bcn.bat
o activate the job in the transfer queue, use the /resume switch.
Sets the priority of the specified job.
bitsadmin /SetPriority <Job> <Priority>
Parameter | Description |
Job |
The job\'s display name or GUID |
Priority |
One of the following values:
he following example sets the priority for the job named myDownloadJob to normal.
C:\\>bitsadmin /SetPriority myDownloadJob FOREGROUND
Activate the Download Job
When you create a new job, BITS suspends the job. To activate the job in the transfer queue, use the /resume switch. If multiple jobs use myDownloadJob as their name, you must replace myDownloadJob with the job\'s GUID to uniquely identify the job.
bitsadmin /resume myDownloadJob
o determine the progress of the job, use the /list, /info, or /monitor switch.
Determine the Progress of the Download Job
Use the /info switch to determine the progress of a job. If multiple jobs use myDownloadJob as their name, you must replace myDownloadJob with the job\'s GUID to uniquely identify the job.
bitsadmin /info myDownloadJob /verbose
The /info switch returns the state of the job and the number of files and bytes transferred. When the state is TRANSFERRED, BITS has successfully transferred all files in the job. The /verbose argument provides complete details of the job. The following text is sample output.
GUID: {482FCAF0-74BF-469B-8929-5CCD028C9499} DISPLAY: myDownloadJob TYPE: DOWNLOAD STATE: TRANSIENT_ERROR OWNER: domain\\user PRIORITY: NORMAL FILES: 0 / 1 BYTES: 0 / UNKNOWN CREATION TIME: 12/17/2002 1:21:17 PM MODIFICATION TIME: 12/17/2002 1:21:30 PM COMPLETION TIME: UNKNOWN NOTIFY INTERFACE: UNREGISTERED NOTIFICATION FLAGS: 3 RETRY DELAY: 600 NO PROGRESS TIMEOUT: 1209600 ERROR COUNT: 0 PROXY USAGE: PRECONFIG PROXY LIST: NULL PROXY BYPASS LIST: NULL ERROR FILE: http://downloadsrv/10mb.zip -> c:\\10mb.zip ERROR CODE: 0x80072ee7 - The server name or address could not be resolved ERROR CONTEXT: 0x00000005 - The error occurred while the remote file was being processed. DESCRIPTION: JOB FILES: 0 / UNKNOWN WORKING http://downloadsrv/10mb.zip -> c:\\10mb.zip NOTIFICATION COMMAND LINE: none
To receive information for all jobs in the transfer queue, use the /list or /monitor switch.
Need some delay times
delay 4s
ping -n 4>nul
Completing the Download Job
When the state of the job is TRANSFERRED, BITS has successfully transferred all files in the job. However, the files are not available until you use the/complete switch. If multiple jobs use myDownloadJob as their name, you must replace myDownloadJob with the job\'s GUID to uniquely identify the job.
bitsadmin /complete myDownloadJob
Monitoring Jobs in the Transfer Queue
Use the /list, /monitor, or /info switch to monitor jobs in the transfer queue. The /list switch provides information for all jobs in the queue.
bitsadmin /list
The /list switch returns the state of the job and the number of files and bytes transferred for all jobs in the transfer queue. The following text is sample output.
{6AF46E48-41D3-453F-B7AF-A694BBC823F7} job1 SUSPENDED 0 / 0 0 / 0 {482FCAF0-74BF-469B-8929-5CCD028C9499} job2 TRANSIENT_ERROR 0 / 1 0 / UNKNOWN Listed 2 job(s).
Use the /monitor switch to monitor all jobs in the queue. The /monitor switch refreshes the data every 5 seconds. To stop the refresh, enter CTRL+C.
bitsadmin /monitor
The /monitor switch returns the state of the job and the number of files and bytes transferred for all jobs in the transfer queue. The following text is sample output.
MONITORING BACKGROUND COPY MANAGER(5 second refresh) {6AF46E48-41D3-453F-B7AF-A694BBC823F7} job1 SUSPENDED 0 / 0 0 / 0 {482FCAF0-74BF-469B-8929-5CCD028C9499} job2 TRANSIENT_ERROR 0 / 1 0 / UNKNOWN {0B138008-304B-4264-B021-FD04455588FF} job3 TRANSFERRED 1 / 1 100379370 / 100379370
Deleting Jobs From the Transfer Queue
Use the /reset switch to remove all jobs from the transfer queue.
bitsadmin /reset
The following text is sample output.
{DC61A20C-44AB-4768-B175-8000D02545B9} canceled. {BB6E91F3-6EDA-4BB4-9E01-5C5CBB5411F8} canceled. 2 out of 2 jobs canceled.
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