CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_findproc] (@akey varchar(255)) AS -- 在所有存储过程中查找关键字,关键字不区分大小写 declare @aname as varchar(700) declare @atext as varchar(8000) declare @acolid as int declare @pos as int declare @start as int declare @end as int declare @shorttext as varchar(255) create table #temp_proctext (oid int IDENTITY (1, 1),name varchar(700),text varchar(255),pos int) declare proctext_cursor cursor local for select A.name ,B.text,B.colid from sysobjects A,syscomments B where A.id=B.id and A.type=‘P‘ and B.text like ‘%‘+@akey+‘%‘ order by A.Name,B.colid open proctext_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM proctext_cursor INTO @aname, @atext, @acolid while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin set @pos = charindex(@akey,@atext,1) while(@pos >0) begin set @start = @pos - 10 if @start <=0 set @start =1 set @end = @pos + len(@akey) +20 if @end > len(@atext) set @end = len(@atext) set @shorttext = Substring(@atext,@start,@end - @start) insert into #temp_proctext values(@aname,@shorttext,(@acolid-1)*4000+@pos) set @pos = charindex(@akey,@atext,@end) end FETCH NEXT FROM proctext_cursor INTO @aname, @atext, @acolid end CLOSE proctext_cursor DEALLOCATE proctext_cursor select name,pos,text from #temp_proctext order by oid drop table #temp_proctext GO