w3af Web applicaiton Attack and Audit Framework,基于python语言开发 此框架的目标是帮助你发现和利用所有WEB应用程序漏洞 9大类近plugin audit infrastructure grep evasion mangle auth bruteforce outpput crawl |
W3af 安装(kali自带版本执行扫描时挂死) cd ~ apt-get update apt-get install -y python-pip w3af pip install --upgrade pip git clone https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af.git cd w3af ./w3af_console (./w3af_gui) apt-get build-dep python-lxml ./tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh |
[email protected]:~# ps aux | grep w3af
[email protected]:~# kill -9 1944 1495 1497 1508
[email protected]:~# cd ~
[email protected]:~# apt-get update
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana InRelease
获取:1 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates InRelease [11.9 kB]
获取:2 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/main Sources [106 kB]
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/contrib Sources
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/non-free Sources
获取:3 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/main amd64 Packages [331 kB]
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/contrib amd64 Packages
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/updates/non-free amd64 Packages
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/main amd64 Packages
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/non-free amd64 Packages
命中 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/contrib amd64 Packages
忽略 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/contrib Translation-zh_CN
忽略 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/contrib Translation-zh
忽略 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn sana/contrib Translation-en
[email protected]:~# apt-get install -y python-pip w3af
正在读取软件包列表... 完成
正在读取状态信息... 完成
python-pip 已经是最新的版本。
python-pip 已设置为手动安装。
w3af 已经是最新的版本。
升级了 0 个软件包,新安装了 0 个软件包,要卸载 0 个软件包,有 18 个软件包未被升级。
[email protected]:~# pip install --upgrade pip
Downloading/unpacking pip from https://pypi.python.org/packages/py2.py3/p/pip/pip-8.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl#md5=b234250205337ff67967dff300001e3d
Downloading pip-8.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2MB): 1.2MB downloaded
Installing collected packages: pip
Found existing installation: pip 1.5.6
Not uninstalling pip at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, owned by OS
Successfully installemd d pip
Cleaning up...
[email protected]:~# git clone https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af.git
正克隆到 ‘w3af‘...
remote: Counting objects: 133697, done.
remote: Total 133697 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 133697
接收对象中: 100% (133697/133697), 157.08 MiB | 151.00 KiB/s, 完成.
处理 delta 中: 100% (102499/102499), 完成.
检查连接... 完成。
[email protected]:~# ls
w3af 公共 模板 视频 图片 文档 下载 音乐 桌面
[email protected]:~# cd w3af
[email protected]:~/w3af# ./w3af_console //命令行界面
w3af‘s requirements are not met, one or more third-party libraries need to be installed.
On Kali 2.0 systems please install the following operating system packages before running the pip installer:
sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev
Your python installation needs the following modules to run w3af:
pyclamd github nltk chardet concurrent.futures pyasn1 lxml scapy.config markdown psutil
After installing any missing operating system packages, use pip to install the remaining modules:
sudo pip install pyClamd==0.3.15 PyGithub==1.21.0 nltk==3.0.1 chardet==2.1.1 futures==2.1.5 pyasn1==0.1.8 lxml==3.4.4 scapy-real==2.2.0-dev markdown==2.6.1 psutil==2.2.1
A script with these commands has been created for you at /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh
According to Kali‘s documentation [0] in order to avoid breaking the packaged w3af version you should run the following commands:
cd ~
apt-get install -y python-pip
pip install --upgrade pip
git clone https/github.com/andresriancho/w3af.git
cd w3af
. /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh
[0] http://www.kali.org/kali-monday/bleeding-edge-kali-repositories/
[email protected]:~/w3af# cd /tmp/
[email protected]:~/tmp# cat w3af_dependency_install.sh //查看w3af命令行依赖包
sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev
sudo pip install pyClamd==0.3.15 PyGithub==1.21.0 nltk==3.0.1 chardet==2.1.1 futures==2.1.5 pyasn1==0.1.8 lxml==3.4.4 scapy-real==2.2.0-dev markdown==2.6.1 psutil==2.2.1
[email protected]:~/tmp# apt-get build-dep python-lxml
[email protected]:~/tmp# ./w3af_dependency_install.sh //安装w3af命令行依赖包
[email protected]:~/tmp# cd
[email protected]:~# cd w3af
[email protected]:~/w3af# ./w3af_gui //图形化行界面
you python installation needs the following modules to run w3af:
After installing any missing operating system packages, use pip to install the remaining modules:
sudo pip install xdot==0.6
A script with these commands has been created for you at /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh
[email protected]:~/w3af# cat /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh
sudo pip install xdot==0.6
[email protected]:~/w3af# pip install xdot==0.6
Downloading/unpacking xdot==0.6
Downloading xdot-0.6.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip-build-xI8Xu7/xdot/setup.py) egg_info for package xdot
Installing collected packages: xdot
Found existing installation: xdot 0.5
Not uninstalling xdot at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, owned by OS
Running setup.py install for xdot
Installing xdot script to /usr/local/bin
Successfully installed xdot
Cleaning up...
W3af 升级 git pull 创建快捷方式 /usr/share/applications/w3af.desktop 用户接口 Console Gui API |
[email protected]:~/w3af# cp /usr/share/applications/w3af.desktop /root/桌面/
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c "/root/w3af/w3af_gui"
[email protected]:~/w3af# cd
[email protected]:~# cd 桌面
[email protected]:~/桌面# chmod +x w3af.desktop
[email protected]:~/桌面# cd
[email protected]:~# cd w3af
[email protected]:~/w3af# ./w3af_console //命令行界面
W3af W3af_console help #显示可用指令 plugin #进入plugin子命令 Help #显示可用指令 list sqli xxs #选择使用的audi插件 http-setting / misc-setings #全局配置 help view #查看可配置的参数 set #设置参数 back #回到上一级命令 |
[email protected]:~/w3af# ./w3af_console //命令行界面
w3af>>> help
w3af>>> plugins
w3af/plugins>>> help
w3af/plugins>>> list aduit
w3af/plugins>>> list grep
w3af/plugins>>> list auth
w3af/plugins>>> list aduit
w3af/plugins>>> aduit xss sqli lfi
w3af/plugins>>> list aduit
w3af/plugins>>> aduit all
w3af/plugins>>> help
w3af/plugins>>> grep all
w3af/plugins>>> crwal
w3af/plugins>>> crwal web_spider
w3af/plugins>>> back
w3af>>> help
w3af>>> profiles
w3af/profiles>>> help
w3af/profiles>>> list
w3af/profiles>>> save_as test
w3af/profiles>>> help
w3af/profiles>>> use fast_scan
w3af/profiles>>> back
w3af>>> help
w3af>>> http-settings
w3af/config:http-settings>>> help
w3af/config:http-settings>>> view
w3af/config:http-settings>>> set rand_user_agent ture
w3af/config:http-settings>>> save
The configuration has been saved.
w3af/config:http-settings>>> back
The configuration has been saved.
w3af>>> help
w3af>>> misc-settings
w3af/config:misc-setting>>> help
w3af/config:misc-setting>>> view
w3af/config:misc-setting>>> back
w3af>>> help
w3af>>> target
w3af/config:target>>> help
w3af/config:target>>> view
w3af/config:target>>> set target
w3af/config:target>>> view
w3af/config:target>>> back
w3af>>> profiles
w3af/profiles>>> save_as test1
W3af Profiles save_as self-contained save_as test self-contained Target set target Start Script scrpt/*.w3af |
[email protected]:~# cd w3af
[email protected]:~/w3af# ls
[email protected]:~/w3af# cd scripts/
[email protected]:~/w3af/scripts# ls
[email protected]:~/w3af/scripts# cat sqli.w3af
Security+ 认证是一种中立第三方认证,其发证机构为美国计算机行业协会CompTIA ;是和CISSP、ITIL 等共同包含在内的国际 IT 业 10 大热门认证之一,和CISSP偏重信息安全管理相比,Security+ 认证更偏重信息安全技术和操作。
原因一:在所有信息安全认证当中,偏重信息安全技术的认证是空白的, Security+认证正好可以弥补信息安全技术领域的空白 。
原因二: IT运维人员工作与翻身的利器。
本文出自 “11662938” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://11672938.blog.51cto.com/11662938/1967913