
Posted zhangwj0101




字节码是JVM的机器语言。JVM加载类文件时,对类中的每个方法,它都会得到一个字节码流。这些字节码流保存在JVM的方法区中。在程序运行过程中,当一个方法被调用时,它的字节码流就会被执行。根据特定JVM设计者的选择,它们可以通过解释的方式,即时编译(Just-in-time compilation)的方式或其他技术的方式被执行。



// 字节码流: 03 3b 84 00 01 1a 05 68 3b a7 ff f9
// 分解后:
iconst_0      // 03
istore_0      // 3b
iinc 0, 1     // 84 00 01
iload_0       // 1a
iconst_2      // 05
imul          // 68
istore_0      // 3b
goto -7       // a7 ff f9


JVM中,所有的计算都是围绕栈(stack)而展开的。因为JVM没有存储任意数值的寄存器(register),所有的操作数在计算开始之前,都必须先压入栈中。因此,字节码指令主要是用来操作栈的。例如,在上面的字节码序列中,通过iload_0先把本地变量(local variable)入栈,然后用iconst_2把数字2入栈的方式,来计算本地变量乘以2。两个整数都入栈之后,imul指令有效的从栈中弹出它们,然后做乘法,最后把运算结果压入栈中。istore_0指令把结果从栈顶弹出,保存回本地变量。JVM被设计成基于栈,而不是寄存器的机器,这使得它在如80486寄存器架构不佳的处理器上,也能被高效的实现。

原始类型(primitive types)


类型          定义
byte    单字节有符号二进制补码整数
short   2字节有符号二进制补码整数
int 4字节有符号二进制补码整数
long    8字节有符号二进制补码整数
float   4字节IEEE 754单精度浮点数
double  8字节IEEE 754双精度浮点数
char    2字节无符号Unicode字符

原始数据类型以操作数的方式出现在字节码流中。所有长度超过1字节的原始类型,都以大端(big-endian)的方式保存在字节码流中,这意味着高位字节出现在低位字节之前。例如,为了把常量值256(0×0100)压入栈中,你可以用sipush操作码,后跟一个短操作数。短操作数会以“01 00”的方式出现在字节码流中,因为JVM是大端的。如果JVM是小端(little-endian)的,短操作数将会是“00 01”。

// Bytecode stream: 17 01 00
// Dissassembly:
sipush 256;      // 17 01 00


很多操作码都可以把常量压入栈中。操作码以3中不同的方式指定入栈的常量值:由操作码隐式指明,作为操作数跟在操作码之后,或者从常量池(constant pool)中获取。


操作码                            操作数描述
iconst_m1   (none)  pushes int -1 onto the stack
iconst_0    (none)  pushes int 0 onto the stack
iconst_1    (none)  pushes int 1 onto the stack
iconst_2    (none)  pushes int 2 onto the stack
iconst_3    (none)  pushes int 3 onto the stack
iconst_4    (none)  pushes int 4 onto the stack
iconst_5    (none)  pushes int 5 onto the stack
fconst_0    (none)  pushes float 0 onto the stack
fconst_1    (none)  pushes float 1 onto the stack
fconst_2    (none)  pushes float 2 onto the stack


操作码                                操作数描述
lconst_0    (none)  pushes long 0 onto the stack
lconst_1    (none)  pushes long 1 onto the stack
dconst_0    (none)  pushes double 0 onto the stack
dconst_1    (none)  pushes double 1 onto the stack

另外还有一个隐含入栈常量值的操作码,aconst_null,它把空对象(null object)的引用(reference)压入栈中。对象引用的格式取决于JVM实现。对象引用指向垃圾收集堆(garbage-collected heap)中的对象。空对象引用,意味着一个变量当前没有指向任何合法对象。aconst_null操作码用在给引用变量赋null值的时候。

操作码                                            操作数描述
aconst_null (none)  pushes a null object reference onto the stack


操作码                                                  操作数描述
bipush  byte1   expands byte1 (a byte type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack
sipush  byte1, byte2    expands byte1, byte2 (a short type) to an int and pushes it onto the stack


在字节码流中,常量池索引(constant pool index)是一个紧跟在操作码后的无符号值。操作码lcd1和lcd2把32位的项压入栈中,如int或float。两者的区别在于lcd1只适用于1-255的常量池索引位,因为它的索引只有1个字节。(常量池0号位未被使用。)lcd2的索引有2个字节,所以它可以适用于常量池的任意位置。lcd2w也有一个2字节的索引,它被用来指示任意含有64位的long或double型数据的常量池位置。下表列出了把常量池中的常量压入栈中的操作码:

操作码                        操作数描述
ldc1    indexbyte1  pushes 32-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1 onto the stack
ldc2    indexbyte1, indexbyte2  pushes 32-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1, indexbyte2 onto the stack
ldc2w   indexbyte1, indexbyte2  pushes 64-bit constant_pool entry specified by indexbyte1,indexbyte2 onto the stack

把局部变量(local variables)压入栈中







操作码                                         操作数描述
iload   vindex  pushes int from local variable position vindex
iload_0 (none)  pushes int from local variable position zero
iload_1 (none)  pushes int from local variable position one
iload_2 (none)  pushes int from local variable position two
iload_3 (none)  pushes int from local variable position three
fload   vindex  pushes float from local variable position vindex
fload_0 (none)  pushes float from local variable position zero
fload_1 (none)  pushes float from local variable position one
fload_2 (none)  pushes float from local variable position two
fload_3 (none)  pushes float from local variable position three


操作码                          操作数描述
lload   vindex  pushes long from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
lload_0 (none)  pushes long from local variable positions zero and one
lload_1 (none)  pushes long from local variable positions one and two
lload_2 (none)  pushes long from local variable positions two and three
lload_3 (none)  pushes long from local variable positions three and four
dload   vindex  pushes double from local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
dload_0 (none)  pushes double from local variable positions zero and one
dload_1 (none)  pushes double from local variable positions one and two
dload_2 (none)  pushes double from local variable positions two and three
dload_3 (none)  pushes double from local variable positions three and four


操作码                           操作数描述
aload   vindex  pushes object reference from local variable position vindex
aload_0 (none)  pushes object reference from local variable position zero
aload_1 (none)  pushes object reference from local variable position one
aload_2 (none)  pushes object reference from local variable position two
aload_3 (none)  pushes object reference from local variable position three



操作码                                            操作数描述
istore  vindex  pops int to local variable position vindex
istore_0    (none)  pops int to local variable position zero
istore_1    (none)  pops int to local variable position one
istore_2    (none)  pops int to local variable position two
istore_3    (none)  pops int to local variable position three
fstore  vindex  pops float to local variable position vindex
fstore_0    (none)  pops float to local variable position zero
fstore_1    (none)  pops float to local variable position one
fstore_2    (none)  pops float to local variable position two
fstore_3    (none)  pops float to local variable position three


操作码                               操作数描述
lstore  vindex  pops long to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
lstore_0    (none)  pops long to local variable positions zero and one
lstore_1    (none)  pops long to local variable positions one and two
lstore_2    (none)  pops long to local variable positions two and three
lstore_3    (none)  pops long to local variable positions three and four
dstore  vindex  pops double to local variable positions vindex and (vindex + 1)
dstore_0    (none)  pops double to local variable positions zero and one
dstore_1    (none)  pops double to local variable positions one and two
dstore_2    (none)  pops double to local variable positions two and three
dstore_3    (none)  pops double to local variable positions three and four


操作码                                     操作数描述
astore  vindex  pops object reference to local variable position vindex
astore_0    (none)  pops object reference to local variable position zero
astore_1    (none)  pops object reference to local variable position one
astore_2    (none)  pops object reference to local variable position two
astore_3    (none)  pops object reference to local variable position three



操作码          操作数描述
i2l (none)  converts int to long
i2f (none)  converts int to float
i2d (none)  converts int to double
l2i (none)  converts long to int
l2f (none)  converts long to float
l2d (none)  converts long to double
f2i (none)  converts float to int
f2l (none)  converts float to long
f2d (none)  converts float to double
d2i (none)  converts double to int
d2l (none)  converts double to long
d2f (none)  converts double to float


操作码                       操作数描述
int2byte    (none)  converts int to byte
int2char    (none)  converts int to char
int2short   (none)  converts int to short


class BadArithmetic {
    byte addOneAndOne() {
        byte a = 1;
        byte b = 1;
        byte c = a + b;
        return c;


BadArithmetic.java(7): Incompatible type for declaration.
Explicit cast needed to convert int to byte.
                byte c = a + b;
Java程序员必须显式的把a + b的结果转换为byte,这样才能通过编译。

class GoodArithmetic {
    byte addOneAndOne() {
        byte a = 1;
        byte b = 1;
        byte c = (byte) (a + b);
        return c;


iconst_1  // Push int constant 1.
istore_1  // Pop into local variable 1, which is a: byte a = 1;
iconst_1  // Push int constant 1 again.
istore_2  // Pop into local variable 2, which is b: byte b = 1;
iload_1   // Push a (a is already stored as an int in local variable 1).
iload_2   // Push b (b is already stored as an int in local variable 2).
iadd      // Perform addition. Top of stack is now (a + b), an int.
int2byte  // Convert int result to byte (result still occupies 32 bits).
istore_3  // Pop into local variable 3, which is byte c: byte c = (byte) (a + b);
iload_3   // Push the value of c so it can be returned.
ireturn   // Proudly return the result of the addition: return c;






