




1: 计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统(8)
2: 计算机网络(6)
3: 网络与信息安全 (7)
4: 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言(9)
5: 数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索(6)
6: 计算机科学理论(5)
7: 计算机图形学与多媒体(6)
8: 人工智能(9)
9: 人机交互与普适计算(4)


6 "1 Theory of Computing", |1
6 "2 Foundations of Computer Science",|1
6 "3 Logic in Computer Science",|1
6 "4 Information and Computation",|0
6 "5 SICOMP",|0
7 "6 Multimedia",|1
7 "7 Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference",|1
7 "8 Transactions on Graphics",|0
7 "9 Transactions on Image Processing",|0
7 "10 Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",|0
7 "11 Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",|0
2 "12 Mobile Computing",|1
2 "13 ACM SIGCOMM",|1
2 "14 Computer and Communications Societies",|1
2 "15 Selected Areas in Communications",|0
2 "16 Transactions on Mobile Computing",|0
2 "17 Transactions on Networking",|0
1 "18 Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS)",|0
1 "19 Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems",|1
1 "20 File and Storage Technologies",|1
1 "21 High-Performance Computer Architecture",|1
1 "22 Transactions on Computers",|0
1 "23 Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems",|0
1 "24 International Symposium on Computer Architecture",|1
1 "25 Microarchitecture",|1
10 "26 core computer science and  the boundaries(JACM)",|0
10 "27 Proceedings of the IEEE(overview review)",|0
10 "28 Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)",|1·
8 "29 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence",|1
8 "30 Artificial Intelligence",|0
8 "31 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",|1
8 "32 Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence",|0
8 "33 Computer Vision (ICCV), International Conference on",|1
8 "34 International Conference on Machine Learning",|1
8 "35 IJCAI",|1
8 "36 IJCV",|0
8 "37 JMLR",|0
9 "38 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems",|1
9 "39 Ubiquitous Computing",|1
9 "40 Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)",|0
9 "41 Human-Computer Studies design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative ",|0
4 "42 Programming Language Design and Implementation",|1
4 "43 Principles of Programming Languages",|1
4 "44 European Software Engineering Conference / Foundations of Software Engineering",|1
4 "45 Symposium on Operating Systems Principles",|1
4 "46 Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)",|0
4 "47 Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications",|1
4 "48 Transactions on Software Engineering",|0
4 "49 International Conference on Software Engineering",|1
4 "50 Operating Systems Design and Implementation",|1
5 "51 Management of Data",|1
5 "52 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",|1
5 "53 Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)",|0
5 "54 Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)",|0
5 "55 Data Engineering, International Conference on",|1
5 "56 Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering",|0
5 "57 Information Retrieval",|1
5 "58 Very Large Data Bases",|1
5 "59 The VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases",|0
3 "60 Information, Computer and Communications Security",|1
3 "61 EUROCRYPT",|1
3 "62 Security and Privacy",|1
3 "63 Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing",|0
3 "64 Transactions on Information Forensics and Security",|0
3 "65 Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO",|1
3 "66 Journal of Cryptology"|0






CCF 201909-4 推荐系统


CCF201909-4 推荐系统(100分)模拟


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