扩增子分析解读2提取barcode 质控及样品拆分 切除扩增引物
Posted 弗雷塞斯
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了扩增子分析解读2提取barcode 质控及样品拆分 切除扩增引物相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
# 进入工作目录 cd example_PE250

# 提取barcode extract_barcodes.py -f temp/PE250_join/fastqjoin.join.fastq \\ -m mappingfile.txt \\ -o temp/PE250_barcode \\ -c barcode_paired_stitched --bc1_len 0 --bc2_len 6 -a --rev_comp_bc2
barcodes.fastq # 切下来的barcode,用于后续拆分样品barcodes_not_oriented.fastq # 方向不确定序列的barcode。连引物都不匹配,质量太差,建议不再使用reads1_not_oriented.fastq # 方向不确定序列的序列,可能barcode切错方向。连引物都不匹配,质量太差,不建议使用reads2_not_oriented.fastq # 空文件reads.fastq # 序列文件,与barcode对应,用于下游分析
# 质控及样品拆分 split_libraries_fastq.py -i temp/PE250_barcode/reads.fastq \\ -b temp/PE250_barcode/barcodes.fastq \\ -m mappingfile.txt \\ -o temp/PE250_split/ \\ -q 20 --max_bad_run_length 3 --min_per_read_length_fraction 0.75 --max_barcode_errors 0 --barcode_type 6
histograms.txt # 所有序列长度分布数据,可知长度范围308-488,峰值为408seqs.fna # 质控并拆分后的数据,序列按样品编号为SampleID_0/1/2/3split_library_log.txt # 日志文件,有基本统计信息和每个样品的数据量;查看可知每个样品最大数据量为110454,最小值为10189
# 下载,请尽量检查主页下载最新版源码 wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/16/e3/06b45eea35359833e7c6fac824b604f1551c2fc7ba0f2bd318d8dd883eb9/cutadapt-1.14.tar.gz # 解压 tar xvzf cutadapt-1.14.tar.gz # 进入程序目录 cd cutadapt-1.14/ # 安装在当前用户目录,不需管理员权限 python setup.py install --user
cutadapt -g AACMGGATTAGATACCCKG -a GGAAGGTGGGGATGACGT -e 0.15 -m 300 --discard-untrimmed temp/PE250_split/seqs.fna -o temp/PE250_P5.fa
This is cutadapt 1.14 with Python 3.6.1
Command line parameters: -g AACMGGATTAGATACCCKG -a GGAAGGTGGGGATGACGT -e 0.15 -m 300 --discard-untrimmed temp/PE250_split/seqs.fna -o temp/PE250_P5.fa
Trimming 2 adapters with at most 15.0% errors in single-end mode ...
Finished in 73.83 s (58 us/read; 1.04 M reads/minute).=== Summary ===
Total reads processed: 1,277,436
Reads with adapters: 1,277,194 (100.0%)
Reads that were too short: 8,849 (0.7%)
Reads written (passing filters): 1,268,345 (99.3%)Total basepairs processed: 522,379,897 bp
Total written (filtered): 495,607,409 bp (94.9%)=== Adapter 1 ===
Sequence: GGAAGGTGGGGATGACGT; Type: regular 3\'; Length: 18; Trimmed: 202757 times.
No. of allowed errors:
0-5 bp: 0; 6-12 bp: 1; 13-18 bp: 2Bases preceding removed adapters:
A: 96.3%
C: 1.5%
G: 0.8%
T: 1.3%
none/other: 0.0%
The adapter is preceded by "A" extremely often.
The provided adapter sequence may be incomplete.
To fix the problem, add "A" to the beginning of the adapter sequence.Overview of removed sequences
length count expect max.err error counts
3 3 19959.9 0 3
4 4 4990.0 0 4
6 2 311.9 0 2
8 1 19.5 1 1
11 1 0.3 1 1
13 1 0.0 1 1
15 9 0.0 2 9
17 42 0.0 2 42
18 202626 0.0 2 202626
19 56 0.0 2 56
20 1 0.0 2 1
21 1 0.0 2 1
32 1 0.0 2 1
38 1 0.0 2 1
39 1 0.0 2 1
41 1 0.0 2 1
309 2 0.0 2 2
310 1 0.0 2 1
311 3 0.0 2 3=== Adapter 2 ===
Sequence: AACMGGATTAGATACCCKG; Type: regular 5\'; Length: 19; Trimmed: 1074437 times.
No. of allowed errors:
0-5 bp: 0; 6-12 bp: 1; 13-19 bp: 2Overview of removed sequences
length count expect max.err error counts
3 2 19959.9 0 2
7 1 78.0 1 0 1
8 2 19.5 1 1 1
10 6 1.2 1 4 2
11 1 0.3 1 1
12 3 0.1 1 2 1
13 5 0.0 1 3 2
14 24 0.0 2 17 7
15 51 0.0 2 32 14 5
16 71 0.0 2 56 12 3
17 134 0.0 2 92 30 12
18 327 0.0 2 189 117 21
19 1059175 0.0 2 1056863 2069 243
20 13846 0.0 2 1817 10955 1074
21 744 0.0 2 5 10 729
22 1 0.0 2 1
23 2 0.0 2 2
24 1 0.0 2 1
25 2 0.0 2 2
27 5 0.0 2 5
28 2 0.0 2 2
29 2 0.0 2 2
30 1 0.0 2 1
31 2 0.0 2 2
32 10 0.0 2 10
49 1 0.0 2 1
51 1 0.0 2 1
166 1 0.0 2 1
291 6 0.0 2 6
401 2 0.0 2 2
409 1 0.0 2 1
443 1 0.0 2 1
460 2 0.0 2 2
465 2 0.0 2 2WARNING:
One or more of your adapter sequences may be incomplete.
Please see the detailed output above.
以上是关于扩增子分析解读2提取barcode 质控及样品拆分 切除扩增引物的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
扩增子分析解读4去嵌合体 非细菌序列 生成代表性序列和OTU表