翻译Express web应用开发 第一章



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了翻译Express web应用开发 第一章相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。




Express是一个轻量、灵活、强大的NodeJS web开发框架。

What do we mean by minimal yet flexible and powerful?
Express is minimal because it does not come loaded with all sorts of functionality,
which makes it a bloat-free framework. Out of the box, it supports only the very
basic features of a web framework. Even the supported features are not all enabled
by default, you have the option to pick and use, according to your needs.
The flexibility in Express comes from the use of middlewares and Node modules.
Express middlewares and Node modules are pluggable javascript components,
which make Express apps very modular, flexible, and extensible.
Express is a powerful framework because it gives you complete access to the core
Node APIs. Anything you can do with Node, you can do it with Express too.
Express can be used to create very simple to very complex web apps. It provides
you all the tools required to create the most complex of apps, but does not force
you to use them when you don‘t need them.
What is Express?
[6 ]
Hearing someone tell you that Express is a minimal, flexible, and powerful web
development framework doesn‘t really help much in understanding it, does it?.
Many other frameworks probably claim the same thing. Let‘s find out what is
actually special about Express.



Express是一个Node模块,和其他Node模块一样,我们可以通过NPM(Node Package Manager)安装,NPM在安装Node的时候已经默认安装。后面会详细介绍NPM和Node模块。




我们通过在npm install命令中制定 -g选项来将Node模块安装到全局。安装Express命令如下:

  npm install express -g


  npm install [email protected] -g 


  express -v







  var express = require(‘express‘);
  var app = new express();


Property/Method Description
app.set(name, value)   Sets app-specific properties
app.get(name)  Retrieves value set by app.set()
app.enable(name)  Enables a setting in the app
app.disable(name)  Disables a setting in the app
app.enabled(name)  Checks if a setting is enabled
app.disabled(name)  Checks if a setting is disabled
app.configure([env], callback) Sets app settings conditionally based on the development environment
app.use([path], function)  Loads a middleware in the app
app.engine(ext, callback)  Registers a template engine for the app
app.param([name], callback)  Adds logic to route parameters
app.VERB(path, [callback...],callback) Defines routes and handlers based on HTTP verbs
app.all(path, [callback...], callback) Defines routes and handlers for all HTTP verbs
app.locals  The object to store variables accessible from any view
app.render(view, [options], callback) Renders view from the app
app.routes  A list of routes defined in the app
app.listen()  Binds and listen for connections


当客户端向Express应用发起请求时,Http request对象将被创建。request对象包含一系列与当期请求相关的属性和变量,通常被变量req取代。

Property/Method                                         Description
req.params                                 Holds the values of named routes parameters
req.params(name)                      Returns the value of a parameter from named routes or GETparams or POST params
req.query                                   Holds the values of a GETform submission
req.body                                    Holds the values of a POSTform submission
req.files                                     Holds the files uploaded via a form
req.route                                   Provides details about the current matched route
req.cookies                                 Cookie values
req.signedCookies                       Signed cookie values
req.get(header)                          Gets the request HTTP header
req.accepts(types)                      Checks if the client accepts the media types
req.accepted                             A list of accepted media types by the client
req.is(type)                               Checks if the incoming request is of the particular media type
req.ip                                      The IP address of the client
req.ips                                     The IP address of the client, along with that of the proxies it is connected through
req.path                                  The request path
req.host                                   Hostname from the HTTP header
req.fresh                                  Checks if the request is still fresh
req.stale                                  Checks if the request is stale
req.xhr                                    Checks if the request came via an AJAX request
req.protocol                             The protocol used for making the request
req.secure                                Checks if it is a secure connection
req.subdomains                        Subdomains of the host domain name
req.url                                     The request path, along with any query parameters
req.originalUrl                          Used as a backup for req.url
req.acceptedLanguages             A list of accepted languages by the client
req.acceptsLanguage(langauge)  Checks if the client accepts the language
req.acceptedCharsets                A list of accepted charsets by the client
req.acceptsCharsets(charset)     Checks if the client accepts the charset


以上是关于翻译Express web应用开发 第一章的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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如鹏网 静态Web开发 第一章:html

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