SPOJMGLAR10 - Growing Strings
Posted Der Barde, Nietzsche
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SPOJMGLAR10 - Growing Strings相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Gene and Gina have a particular kind of farm. Instead of growing animals and vegetables, as
it is usually the case in regular farms, they grow strings. A string is a sequence of characters.
Strings have the particularity that, as they grow, they add characters to the left and/or to the
right of themselves, but they never lose characters, nor insert new characters in the middle.
Gene and Gina have a collection of photos of some strings at di?erent times during their growth.
The problem is that the collection is not annotated, so they forgot to which string each photo
belongs to. They want to put together a wall to illustrate strings growing procedures, but they
need your help to ?nd an appropriate sequence of photos.
Each photo illustrates a string. The sequence of photos must be such that if si comes imme-
diately before si+1 in the sequence, then si+1 is a string that may have grown from si (i.e., si
appears as a consecutive substring of si+1). Also, they do not want to use repeated pictures,
so all strings in the sequence must be di?erent.
Given a set of strings representing all available photos, your job is to calculate the size of the
largest sequence they can produce following the guidelines above.
Gene and Gina have a particular kind of farm. Instead of growing animals and vegetables, as it is usually the case in regular farms, they grow strings. A string is a sequence of characters. Strings have the particularity that, as they grow, they add characters to the left and/or to the right of themselves, but they never lose characters, nor insert new characters in the middle.
Gene and Gina have a collection of photos of some strings at di?erent times during their growth. The problem is that the collection is not annotated, so they forgot to which string each photo belongs to. They want to put together a wall to illustrate strings growing procedures, but they need your help to ?nd an appropriate sequence of photos.
Each photo illustrates a string. The sequence of photos must be such that if si comes immediately before si+1 in the sequence, then si+1 is a string that may have grown from si (i.e., si appears as a consecutive substring of si+1). Also, they do not want to use repeated pictures, so all strings in the sequence must be di?erent.
Given a set of strings representing all available photos, your job is to calculate the size of the largest sequence they can produce following the guidelines above.
--by spoj
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; char s[1000010]; struct Trie{ int ch[26]; }data[1000010]; int tot; int is_end[1000010],fail[1000010]; int que[10000000]; void work(int ); void Init(); void buildfail(); int main() { int n; while(scanf("%d",&n)&&n) work(n); return 0; } void work(int n){ int i,j,k,len,ans=0; Init(); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%s",s); len=strlen(s);k=0; for(j=0;j<len;j++){ if(!data[k].ch[s[j]-‘a‘]) data[k].ch[s[j]-‘a‘]=++tot; k=data[k].ch[s[j]-‘a‘]; } is_end[k]=1; } buildfail(); for(i=0;i<=tot;i++) if(ans<is_end[i]) ans=is_end[i]; printf("%d\n",ans); } void Init(){ memset(fail,0,sizeof(fail)); memset(is_end,0,sizeof(is_end)); memset(data,0,sizeof(data)); tot=0; } void buildfail(){ int h=0,t=1,i,j,k; while(h<t){ h++; for(i=0;i<26;i++) if(data[que[h]].ch[i]){ que[++t]=data[que[h]].ch[i]; j=fail[que[h]]; while(1) if(data[j].ch[i]&&data[j].ch[i]!=que[t]){ fail[que[t]]=data[j].ch[i]; is_end[que[t]]+=is_end[que[h]]>is_end[fail[que[t]]]?is_end[que[h]]:is_end[fail[que[t]]]; break; } else{ if(!j)break; j=fail[j]; } if(!fail[que[t]])is_end[que[t]]+=is_end[que[h]]; } } }
以上是关于SPOJMGLAR10 - Growing Strings的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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