#!/bin/bash # Output: # Result must exactly equal to "3:on,5:on|enable" # # Other output is non-compliant. # Confirm OS Version unset OS_VERSION uname -r | grep el5 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el5 uname -r | grep el6 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el6 uname -r | grep el7 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el7 # Check ntp auto start on rhel5 and rhel6 function ntp_boot_start () { local LANG local ret LANG="en_US.UTF-8" ret=$(chkconfig --list ntpd 2>/dev/null|awk ‘{print $5","$7}‘) if [ "$ret" = "" ]; then ntp_auto=false echo "$ntp_auto" elif [ "$ret" != "" -a "$ret" != "3:on,5:on" ];then # echo "$ret" # echo "Check [ntpd auto start]... FAILED" ntp_auto=false echo "$ntp_auto" else # echo "$ret" ntp_auto=true echo "$ntp_auto" fi } # Check chrony auto start on rhel7 function chrony_boot_start () { local LANG local ret LANG="en_US.UTF-8" ret=$(systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service 2>/dev/null) if [ "$ret" = "" ]; then ntp_auto=false echo "$ntp_auto" elif [ "$ret" != "" -a "$ret" != "enabled" ];then ntp_auto=false echo "$ntp_auto" #echo "Change method:" #echo "systemctl enable chronyd.service" else ntp_auto=true echo "$ntp_auto" fi } #Begin check if [ "$OS_VERSION" = "el5" -o "$OS_VERSION" = "el6" ];then ntp_boot_start elif [ "$OS_VERSION" = "el7" ];then chrony_boot_start fi
#!/bin/bash # Output: # At this time, it must exactly equal to "UP". # # Other output is non-compliant. # Confirm OS Version unset OS_VERSION uname -r | grep el5 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el5 uname -r | grep el6 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el6 uname -r | grep el7 > /dev/null && OS_VERSION=el7 # Begin check if [ "$OS_VERSION" = "el5" -o "$OS_VERSION" = "el6" ];then pidof ntpd &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then ntpd_service_status=flase echo "ntpd_service_status $ntpd_service_status" # echo "DOWN" # echo "Check [ntp service status]... FAILED" #echo "Change method:" #echo "service ntpd start" else ntpd_service_status=true echo "ntpd_service_status $ntpd_service_status" # echo "UP" fi elif [ "$OS_VERSION" = "el7" ];then pidof chronyd &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then ntpd_service_status=flase echo "ntpd_service_status $ntpd_service_status" # echo "DOWN" # echo "Check [chrony service status]... FAILED" #echo "Change method:" #echo "systemctl start chronyd.service" else ntpd_service_status=true echo "ntpd_service_status $ntpd_service_status" # echo "UP" fi fi
本文出自 “一杯水” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://6528161.blog.51cto.com/6518161/1954309