Lua 行为树实现
Posted 爱裸奔的小亮亮
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Lua 行为树实现相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

1 BehaviorTreeNode = {} 2 3 BehaviorTreeNode.Type = { 4 ACTION = "ACTION", 5 CONDITION = "CONDITION", 6 SELECTOR = "SELECTOR", 7 SEQUENCE = "SEQUENCE" 8 } 9 10 function,type) 11 local node = {} 12 13 node.action_ = nil 14 node.children_ = {} 15 node.evaluator_ = nil 16 node.name_ = name or "" 17 node.parent_ = nil 18 node.type_ = type or BehaviorTreeNode.Type.ACTION 19 20 node.AddChild = BehaviorTreeNode.AddChild 21 node.ChildIndex = BehaviorTreeNode.ChildIndex 22 node.GetChild = BehaviorTreeNode.GetChild 23 node.GetNumberOfChildren = BehaviorTreeNode.GetNumberOfChildren 24 25 node.GetParent = BehaviorTreeNode.GetParent 26 node.SetAction = BehaviorTreeNode.SetAction 27 node.SetEvaluator = BehaviorTreeNode.SetEvaluator 28 node.SetType = BehaviorTreeNode.SetType 29 30 return node 31 end 32 33 function BehaviorTreeNode.AddChild(self,child,index) 34 index = index or (#self.children_ + 1) 35 table.insert(self.children_,index,child) 36 child.parent_ = self 37 end 38 39 function BehaviorTreeNode.ChildIndex(self,child) 40 for index = 1, #self.children_ do 41 if self.children_[index] == child then 42 return index 43 end 44 end 45 46 return -1 47 end 48 49 function BehaviorTreeNode.GetChild(self,childIndex) 50 return self.children_[childIndex] 51 end 52 53 function BehaviorTreeNode.GetNumberOfChildren(self) 54 return #self.children_ 55 end 56 57 function BehaviorTreeNode.GetParent(self) 58 return self.parent_ 59 end 60 61 function BehaviorTreeNode.SetAction(self,action) 62 self.action_ = action 63 end 64 65 function BehaviorTreeNode.SetEvaluator(self,evaluator) 66 self.evaluator_ = evaluator 67 end 68 69 function BehaviorTreeNode.SetType(self,type) 70 self.type_ = type 71 end

1 require "BehaviorTreeNode" 2 require "Action" 3 4 BehaviorTree = {} 5 6 local _EvaluateSelector 7 local _EvaluateSequence 8 9 function BehaviorTree.SetNode(self,node) 10 self.node_ = node 11 end 12 13 function 14 local tree = {} 15 16 tree.currentNode_ = nil 17 tree.node_ = nil 18 tree.userData_ = userData 19 20 tree.SetNode = BehaviorTree.SetNode 21 tree.Update = BehaviorTree.Update 22 23 return tree 24 end 25 26 _EvaluateSelector = function(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis) 27 for index = 1,#node.children_ do 28 local child = node:GetChild(index) 29 30 if child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.ACTION then 31 return {node = child,result = true} 32 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.CONDITION then 33 assert(false) 34 return {result = false} 35 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SELECTOR then 36 local result = _EvaluateSelector(self,child,deltaTimeInMillis) 37 38 if result.result then 39 return result 40 end 41 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SEQUENCE then 42 local result = _EvaluateSequence(self,child,deltaTimeInMillis) 43 44 if result.result then 45 return result 46 end 47 end 48 49 end 50 51 return {result = false} 52 end 53 54 _EvaluateSequence = function(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis,index) 55 56 index = index or 1 57 58 for count = index,#node.children_ do 59 local child = node:GetChild(count) 60 61 if child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.ACTION then 62 return { node = child,result = true } 63 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.CONDITION then 64 local result = child.evaluator_(self.userData_) 65 66 if not result then 67 return {result = false} 68 end 69 70 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SELECTOR then 71 local result = _EvaluateSelector(self,child,deltaTimeInMillis) 72 73 if not result.result then 74 return {result = false} 75 elseif result.result and result.node ~= nil then 76 return result 77 end 78 elseif child.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SEQUENCE then 79 local result = _EvaluateSequence(self,child,deltaTimeInMillis) 80 81 if not result.result then 82 return {result = false} 83 elseif result.result and result.node ~= nil then 84 return result 85 end 86 87 end 88 89 count = count + 1 90 91 end 92 93 return {result = true} 94 end 95 96 local function _EvaluateNode(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis) 97 if node.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.ACTION then 98 return node 99 elseif node.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.CONDITION then 100 assert(false) 101 elseif node.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SELECTOR then 102 local result = _EvaluateSelector(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis) 103 104 if result.result then 105 return result.node 106 end 107 elseif node.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SEQUENCE then 108 local result = _EvaluateSequence(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis) 109 110 if result.result then 111 return result.node 112 end 113 end 114 end 115 116 local function _ContinueEvaluation(self,node,deltaTimeInMillis) 117 local parentNode = node:GetParent() 118 local childNode = node 119 while parentNode ~= nil do 120 if parentNode.type_ == BehaviorTreeNode.Type.SEQUENCE then 121 local childIndex = parentNode:ChildIndex(childNode) 122 123 if childIndex < parentNode:GetNumberOfChildren() then 124 local result = _EvaluateSequence(self,parentNode,deltaTimeInMillis,childIndex + 1) 125 126 if result.result then 127 return result.node 128 end 129 end 130 end 131 132 childNode = parentNode 133 parentNode = childNode:GetParent() 134 end 135 end 136 137 function BehaviorTree.Update(self,deltaTimeInMillis) 138 if self.currentNode_ == nil then 139 self.currentNode_ = _EvaluateNode(self,self.node_,deltaTimeInMillis) 140 end 141 142 if self.currentNode_ ~= nil then 143 local status = self.currentNode_.action_.status_ 144 if status == Action.Status.UNINIIALIZED then 145 self.currentNode_.action_:Initialize() 146 elseif status == Action.Status.TERMINATED then 147 self.currentNode_.action_:CleanUp() 148 149 self.currentNode_ = _ContinueEvaluation(self,self.currentNode_,deltaTimeInMillis) 150 151 elseif status == Action.Status.RUNNING then 152 self.currentNode_.action_:Update(deltaTimeInMillis) 153 end 154 end 155 end

1 Action = {} 2 3 Action.Status = { 4 RUNNING = "RUNNING", 5 TERMINATED = "TERMINATED", 6 UNINIIALIZED = "UNINIIALIZED" 7 } 8 9 Action.Type = "Action" 10 11 12 function,initializeFunction,updateFunction,cleanUpFunction,userData) 13 14 local action = {} 15 16 action.cleanUpFunction_ = cleanUpFunction 17 action.initializeFunction_ = initializeFunction 18 action.updateFunction_ = updateFunction 19 action.name_ = name or "" 20 action.status_ = Action.Status.UNINIIALIZED 21 action.type_ = Action.Type 22 action.userData_ = userData 23 24 action.CleanUp = Action.CleanUp 25 action.Initialize = Action.Initialize 26 action.Update = Action.Update 27 28 return action 29 end 30 31 function Action.Initialize(self) 32 if self.status_ == Action.Status.UNINIIALIZED then 33 if self.initializeFunction_ then 34 self.initializeFunction_(self.userData_) 35 end 36 end 37 38 self.status_ = Action.Status.RUNNING 39 end 40 41 42 function Action.Update(self,deltaTimeInMillis) 43 if self.status_ == Action.Status.TERMINATED then 44 return Action.Status.TERMINATED 45 elseif self.status_ == Action.Status.RUNNING then 46 if self.updateFunction_ then 47 self.status_ = self.updateFunction_(deltaTimeInMillis,self.userData_) 48 49 assert(self.status_) 50 else 51 self.status_ = Action.Status.TERMINATED 52 end 53 end 54 55 return self.status_ 56 57 end 58 function Action.CleanUp(self) 59 if self.status_ == Action.Status.TERMINATED then 60 if self.cleanUpFunction_ then 61 self.cleanUpFunction_(self.userData_) 62 end 63 end 64 65 self.status_ = Action.Status.UNINIIALIZED 66 end
以上是关于Lua 行为树实现的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章