Posted voyage~st~Imagine

1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<string.h> 3 #include<queue> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 struct trie_node 7 { 8 trie_node *fa,*next[26],*fail; 9 char cc; 10 bool end; 11 }*root; 12 13 void mdy(trie_node* now,trie_node* fa,char cc)//mordify 14 { 15 long i; 16 now->fa=fa; 17 for (i=0;i<26;i++)now->next[i]=NULL; 18 now->cc=cc; 19 now->end=false; 20 } 21 22 void update(string ss,trie_node* now)//insert strings into Trie 23 { 24 char cc; 25 cc=ss[0]; 26 if (now->next[cc-‘a‘]==NULL){ 27 now->next[cc-‘a‘]=new trie_node; 28 mdy(now->next[cc-‘a‘],now,cc); 29 } 30 if (ss.length()==1){ 31 now->next[cc-‘a‘]->end=true; 32 return; 33 } else update(ss.substr(1),now->next[cc-‘a‘]); 34 } 35 36 void build_fail()//BFS 37 { 38 queue<trie_node*>v; 39 trie_node *fail,*now; 40 long i; 41 char cc; 42 v.push(root); 43 while (!v.empty()){ 44 now=v.front(); 45 v.pop(); 46 fail=now->fa->fail,cc=now->cc; 47 while (fail!=NULL){ 48 if (fail->next[cc-‘a‘]!=NULL){ 49 fail=fail->next[cc-‘a‘]; 50 break; 51 } else fail=fail->fail; 52 } 53 if (fail==NULL)fail=root; 54 now->fail=fail; 55 for (i=0;i<26;i++)if (now->next[i]!=NULL)v.push(now->next[i]); 56 }//root‘s fail->root 57 } 58 59 bool ac_automachine(string str)//matching,to find if those string in trie have appeared in str(also you can change into different function) 60 { 61 trie_node* now; 62 long i; 63 char cc; 64 now=root; 65 for (i=0;i<str.length();i++){ 66 cc=str[i]; 67 while (now!=NULL) 68 if (now->next[cc-‘a‘]!=NULL){ 69 now=now->next[cc-‘a‘]; 70 break; 71 } else now=now->fail; 72 if (now==NULL)now=root; 73 else if (now->end)return true; 74 } 75 return false; 76 } 77 78 int main() 79 { 80 string s1,str; 81 long n,i; 82 cin>>n; 83 mdy(root,NULL,‘ ‘); 84 for (i=1;i<=n;i++){ 85 cin>>s1; 86 update(s1,root); 87 } 88 build_fail(); 89 cin>>str; 90 if (ac_automachine(str))cout<<"YES there is."<<endl; 91 else cout<<"NO there isn‘t."<<endl; 92 return 0; 93 }
HDU4057 Rescue the Rabbit(AC自动机+状压DP)
Codeforces 86C Genetic engineering(AC自动机+DP)