[CodeForces - 614B] B - Gena's Code
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了[CodeForces - 614B] B - Gena's Code相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
A - Link/Cut Tree
Programmer Rostislav got seriously interested in the Link/Cut Tree data structure, which is based on Splay trees. Specifically, he is now studying the exposeprocedure.
Unfortunately, Rostislav is unable to understand the definition of this procedure, so he decided to ask programmer Serezha to help him. Serezha agreed to help if Rostislav solves a simple task (and if he doesn‘t, then why would he need Splay trees anyway?)
Given integers l, r and k, you need to print all powers of number k within range from l to r inclusive. However, Rostislav doesn‘t want to spent time doing this, as he got interested in playing a network game called Agar with Gleb. Help him!
The first line of the input contains three space-separated integers l, r and k (1?≤?l?≤?r?≤?1018, 2?≤?k?≤?109).
Print all powers of number k, that lie within range from l to r in the increasing order. If there are no such numbers, print "-1" (without the quotes).
1 10 2
1 2 4 8
2 4 5
Note to the first sample: numbers 20?=?1, 21?=?2, 22?=?4, 23?=?8 lie within the specified range. The number 24?=?16 is greater then 10, thus it shouldn‘t be printed.
由于数据很大,在判断是否超出R的时候可能会爆long long.所以在判断时不能用乘,而应该用除,这样就不会爆了.

1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<algorithm> 3 using namespace std; 4 long long L,R,K; 5 int main(){ 6 scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&L,&R,&K); 7 long long x=1; bool fl=0; 8 if (L<=x&&x<=R){printf("1 "); fl=1;} 9 for (int i=1; R/x>=K; i++){ 10 x*=K; if (x>=L&&x<=R){printf("%lld ",x); fl=1;} 11 } 12 if (fl==0) puts("-1"); 13 return 0; 14 }
以上是关于[CodeForces - 614B] B - Gena's Code的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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