Posted clnchanpin
public void postInvalidate(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { postInvalidateDelayed(0, left, top, right, bottom); } /** * Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event * loop. Waits for the specified amount of time. * * @param delayMilliseconds the duration in milliseconds to delay the * invalidation by */ public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there‘s no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window if (mAttachInfo != null) { Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = AttachInfo.INVALIDATE_MSG; msg.obj = this; mAttachInfo.mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMilliseconds); } } /** * Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on a subsequent cycle * through the event loop. Waits for the specified amount of time. * * @param delayMilliseconds the duration in milliseconds to delay the * invalidation by * @param left The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param top The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param right The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. */ public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there‘s no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window if (mAttachInfo != null) { final AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo info = AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo.acquire(); info.target = this; info.left = left; info.top = top; info.right = right; info.bottom = bottom; final Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = AttachInfo.INVALIDATE_RECT_MSG; msg.obj = info; mAttachInfo.mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMilliseconds); } }从上面源代码中我们能够看到最后一句代码mAttachInfo.mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMillisecods),原来也是通过Handler来实现界面刷新的。既然是这样我们就将我们的代码改动例如以下:
class RefreshHandler extends Handler{ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { MySnake.this.update(); MySnake.this.invalidate(); } public void sleep(long delayMillis) { this.removeMessages(0); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), delayMillis); } }定义了游戏中的四种状态
private enum State{ READY, //就绪 PAUSE, //暂停 RUNNING, //执行 LOSE //失败 }
private void update(){ if(currentState == State.RUNNING){ move(); mRefreshHandler.sleep(1000); } }
case LEFT: /*for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ box = boxs.get(i); box.setX(box.getX() - boxSize); } */ boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX() - boxSize, 0)); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; case RIGHT: /* for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ box = boxs.get(i); box.setX(box.getX() + boxSize); } */ boxs.add(new Box(boxs.get(boxs.size() - 1).getX() + boxSize, 0)); boxs.remove(0); break;我们不用遍历每个方块来实现蛇的移动,我们仅仅须要去改变蛇首和蛇未就可以实现。
package com.example.crazysnake; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; /** * CSDN博客:http://blog.csdn.net/dawanganban * @author 阳光小强 */ public class MySnake extends View { private Paint paint; private RectF rect; private int boxSize = 30; // private SnakeThread snakeThread; private List<Box> boxs = new ArrayList<Box>(); private static final int[] colors = { Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW }; private enum Derectory{ LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM; } private enum State{ READY, //就绪 PAUSE, //暂停 RUNNING, //执行 LOSE //失败 } private Derectory currentDerect = Derectory.RIGHT; private State currentState = State.PAUSE; private RefreshHandler mRefreshHandler = new RefreshHandler(); class RefreshHandler extends Handler{ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { MySnake.this.update(); MySnake.this.invalidate(); } public void sleep(long delayMillis) { this.removeMessages(0); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), delayMillis); } } public MySnake(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); paint = new Paint(); rect = new RectF(); initData(); //startThread(); } /* public void startThread(){ if(snakeThread == null){ snakeThread = new SnakeThread(); snakeThread.start(); } } */ private void update(){ if(currentState == State.RUNNING){ move(); mRefreshHandler.sleep(1000); } } private void initData(){ Box box; for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ box = new Box(i*boxSize, 0); boxs.add(box); } } private float mDownX; private float mDownY; @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { System.out.println("onTouch"); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mDownX = event.getX(); mDownY = event.getY(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: float disX = event.getX() - mDownX; float disY = event.getY() - mDownY; System.out.println("disX = " + disX); System.out.println("dixY = " + disY); if(Math.abs(disX) > Math.abs(disY)){ if(disX > 0){ if(currentState != State.RUNNING){ currentState = State.RUNNING; update(); } currentDerect = Derectory.RIGHT; }else{ currentDerect = Derectory.LEFT; } }else{ if(disY > 0){ currentDerect = Derectory.BOTTOM; }else{ currentDerect = Derectory.TOP; } } break; } return true; } /* private class SnakeThread extends Thread{ private boolean stoped = false; @Override public void run() { while(!stoped){ try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } move(); postInvalidate(); } } } */ private void move(){ Box box; //推断边界条件 if(boxs.get(0).getX() - boxSize < 0) { currentDerect = Derectory.RIGHT; } if(boxs.get(boxs.size() - 1).getX() + 2 * boxSize > getWidth()){ currentDerect = Derectory.LEFT; } switch (currentDerect) { case LEFT: /*for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ box = boxs.get(i); box.setX(box.getX() - boxSize); } */ boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX() - boxSize, 0)); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; case RIGHT: /* for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ box = boxs.get(i); box.setX(box.getX() + boxSize); } */ boxs.add(new Box(boxs.get(boxs.size() - 1).getX() + boxSize, 0)); boxs.remove(0); break; case TOP: break; case BOTTOM: break; } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ paint.setColor(colors[i % colors.length]); rect.set(boxs.get(i).getX(), boxs.get(i).getY(), boxs.get(i).getX() + boxSize, boxSize); canvas.drawRect(rect, paint); } } }

package com.example.crazysnake; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; /** * CSDN博客:http://blog.csdn.net/dawanganban * @author 阳光小强 */ public class MySnake extends View { private Paint paint; private Paint textPaint; private RectF rect; private static int boxSize = 40; private static int xMaxBoxCount; //x轴方向最多的box数量 private static int yMaxBoxCount; //y轴方向最多的box数量 private List<Box> boxs = new ArrayList<Box>(); private static final int[] colors = { Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GRAY, Color.YELLOW }; private enum Derectory{ LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM; } private enum State{ READY, //就绪 PAUSE, //暂停 RUNNING, //执行 LOSE //失败 } private Derectory currentDerect = Derectory.LEFT; private State currentState = State.READY; private RefreshHandler mRefreshHandler = new RefreshHandler(); class RefreshHandler extends Handler{ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { MySnake.this.update(); MySnake.this.invalidate(); } public void sleep(long delayMillis) { this.removeMessages(0); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), delayMillis); } } public MySnake(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); paint = new Paint(); textPaint = new Paint(); textPaint.setColor(Color.RED); textPaint.setTextSize(80); rect = new RectF(); initData(); } private void update(){ if(currentState == State.RUNNING){ move(); mRefreshHandler.sleep(150); } } private void initData(){ Box box; for(int i=5; i<10; i++){ box = new Box(i, 0); boxs.add(box); } } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); xMaxBoxCount = (int) Math.floor(w / boxSize); yMaxBoxCount = (int) Math.floor(h / boxSize); } private float mDownX; private float mDownY; @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { System.out.println("onTouch"); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mDownX = event.getX(); mDownY = event.getY(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: float disX = event.getX() - mDownX; float disY = event.getY() - mDownY; System.out.println("disX = " + disX); System.out.println("dixY = " + disY); if(Math.abs(disX) > Math.abs(disY)){ if(disX > 0){ // currentDerect = Derectory.RIGHT; }else{ if(currentState != State.RUNNING){ currentState = State.RUNNING; currentDerect = Derectory.LEFT; update(); } } }else{ if(disY > 0){ // currentDerect = Derectory.BOTTOM; }else{ // currentDerect = Derectory.TOP; } } break; } return true; } private void move(){ Box box; if(currentDerect == Derectory.LEFT && boxs.get(0).getX() <= 0){ currentDerect = Derectory.BOTTOM; } if(currentDerect == Derectory.BOTTOM && boxs.get(0).getY() >= yMaxBoxCount -1){ currentDerect = Derectory.RIGHT; } if(currentDerect == Derectory.RIGHT && boxs.get(0).getX() >= xMaxBoxCount - 1){ currentDerect = Derectory.TOP; } if(currentDerect == Derectory.TOP && boxs.get(0).getY() <= 0){ currentDerect = Derectory.LEFT; } switch (currentDerect) { case LEFT: boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX() - 1, boxs.get(0).getY())); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; case RIGHT: boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX() + 1, boxs.get(0).getY())); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; case TOP: boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX(), boxs.get(0).getY() - 1)); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; case BOTTOM: boxs.add(0, new Box(boxs.get(0).getX(), boxs.get(0).getY() + 1)); boxs.remove(boxs.size() - 1); break; } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); for(int i=0; i<boxs.size(); i++){ paint.setColor(colors[i % colors.length]); rect.set(boxs.get(i).getX() * boxSize, boxs.get(i).getY() * boxSize, (boxs.get(i).getX() + 1) * boxSize, (boxs.get(i).getY() + 1) * boxSize); canvas.drawRect(rect, paint); } if(currentState == State.READY){ canvas.drawText("请向左滑动", (xMaxBoxCount * boxSize - textPaint.measureText("请向左滑动")) / 2, xMaxBoxCount * boxSize / 2, textPaint); } } }