Azure Event hub usage
Posted _iorilan
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Azure Event hub usage相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1. create event hub on azure

3. check connection string

4. sender sample code
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl-C to stop the sender process"); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to start now"); Console.ReadLine(); SendingRandomMessages(); } static string eventHubName = "get from event hub connection information"; static string connectionString = "get from event hub connection information"; static void SendingRandomMessages() { var eventHubClient = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, eventHubName); while (true) { try { var message = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Console.WriteLine("{0} > Sending message: {1}", DateTime.Now, message); eventHubClient.Send(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message))); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("{0} > Exception: {1}", DateTime.Now, exception.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } Thread.Sleep(200); } }
5. create a storage account

6. install nuget for receiver prj

7. check keys

8. sample code for receiver
class SimpleEventProcessor : IEventProcessor { Stopwatch checkpointStopWatch; async Task IEventProcessor.CloseAsync(PartitionContext context, CloseReason reason) { Console.WriteLine("Processor Shutting Down. Partition ‘{0}‘, Reason: ‘{1}‘.", context.Lease.PartitionId, reason); if (reason == CloseReason.Shutdown) { await context.CheckpointAsync(); } } Task IEventProcessor.OpenAsync(PartitionContext context) { Console.WriteLine("SimpleEventProcessor initialized. Partition: ‘{0}‘, Offset: ‘{1}‘", context.Lease.PartitionId, context.Lease.Offset); this.checkpointStopWatch = new Stopwatch(); this.checkpointStopWatch.Start(); return Task.FromResult<object>(null); } async Task IEventProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync(PartitionContext context, IEnumerable<EventData> messages) { foreach (EventData eventData in messages) { string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.GetBytes()); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Message received. Partition: ‘{0}‘, Data: ‘{1}‘", context.Lease.PartitionId, data)); } //Call checkpoint every 5 minutes, so that worker can resume processing from 5 minutes back if it restarts. if (this.checkpointStopWatch.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) { await context.CheckpointAsync(); this.checkpointStopWatch.Restart(); } } } static void Main(string[] args) { string eventHubConnectionString = "get from azure event hub connection information"; string eventHubName = "get from azure event hub connection information"; string storageAccountName = "get from azure storage keys"; string storageAccountKey = "get from azure storage keys"; string storageConnectionString = string.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", storageAccountName, storageAccountKey); string eventProcessorHostName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); EventProcessorHost eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(eventProcessorHostName, eventHubName, EventHubConsumerGroup.DefaultGroupName, eventHubConnectionString, storageConnectionString); Console.WriteLine("Registering EventProcessor..."); var options = new EventProcessorOptions(); options.ExceptionReceived += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Exception); }; eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorAsync<SimpleEventProcessor>(options).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Receiving. Press enter key to stop worker."); Console.ReadLine(); eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync().Wait(); }

以上是关于Azure Event hub usage的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Azure 事件中心Spring Cloud Stream Event Hubs Binder 发送Event Hub消息遇见 Spec. Rule 1.3
Azure IoT Hub和Event Hub相关的技术系列-索引篇
Azure 事件中心 Event Grid(事件网格)+Azure Functions处理IOT Hub中的消息