SQL server 2008R2中怎么直接修改表内数据
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SQL server 2008R2中怎么直接修改表内数据相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
2、输入查询语句,:Select * from Student,输入完毕之后选择全部内容,选择执行按钮,执行SQL语句。
但如果需要编辑更多数据,例如1000行,此时可点击工具栏中sql调出sql窗口,其中显示select top 200....,可将200改为1000. 以此类推。本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术B 你用sqlserver management连上服务器,然后就可以改啦
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??????:???Sql Server???SQL SERVER ??????????????????SQL SERVER 2005?????????????????????????????????????????????SQL SERVER 2005???????????????CTE?????????????????????CTE?????????????????????
??????CTE??????????????????Common Table Expression ???SQL SERVER 2005????????????????????????????????????
1 Create table GroupInfo([Id] int,[GroupName] nvarchar(50),[ParentGroupId] int) 2 3 Insert GroupInfo 4 5 select 0,??????????????????,null union all 6 7 select 1,??????????????????,0 union all 8 select 2,??????????????????,1 union all 9 select 3,??????????????????,1 union all 10 select 4,????????????????????????,2 union all 11 select 5,????????????????????????,2 union all 12 select 6,????????????????????????,3 union all 13 select 7,????????????????????????,3 union all 14 15 select 8, ???????????????,0 union all 16 select 9, ?????????????????????,8 union all 17 select 10,????????????????????????,8 union all 18 select 11,???????????????????????????,9 union all 19 select 12,???????????????????????????,9 union all 20 select 13,??????????????????????????????,10 union all 21 select 14,??????????????????????????????,10
1 --???????????????????????????????????????????????? 2 with 3 CTE 4 as 5 ( 6 select * from GroupInfo where Id=1 7 union all 8 select G.* from CTE inner join GroupInfo as G 9 on CTE.Id=G.ParentGroupId 10 ) 11 select * from CTE order by Id
1 --???????????????????????????????????????????????? 2 with 3 CTE 4 as 5 ( 6 select * from GroupInfo where Id=14 7 union all 8 select G.* from CTE inner join GroupInfo as G 9 on CTE.ParentGroupId=G.Id 10 ) 11 select * from CTE order by Id
1 --?????????????????? 2 with 3 CTE 4 as 5 ( 6 select Id,GroupName,ParentGroupId,GroupPath=CAST( GroupName as nvarchar(max)) from GroupInfo where Id=1 7 union all 8 select G.*,CAST(CTE.GroupPath+???//???+G.GroupName as nvarchar(max)) as GroupPath from CTE 9 inner join GroupInfo as G 10 on CTE.Id=G.ParentGroupId 11 ) 12 select * from CTE
1 --??????id????????????????????????????????????sort??????????????????sort?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2 WITH 3 CTE 4 AS 5 ( 6 SELECT * ,CAST(RIGHT(???000??? + CAST([Id] AS VARCHAR), 3) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS sort FROM GroupInfo 7 WHERE ParentGroupId = 0 8 UNION ALL 9 SELECT GroupInfo.* ,CAST(sort + RIGHT(???000??? + CAST(GroupInfo.[Id] AS VARCHAR),3) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS sort 10 FROM CTE 11 INNER JOIN GroupInfo ON CTE.Id = GroupInfo.ParentGroupId 12 ) 13 SELECT * FROM CTE ORDER BY sort
1 --?????????????????? 2 WITH CTE AS ( 3 SELECT *,1 AS [Level] FROM GroupInfo WHERE ParentGroupId=0 4 UNION ALL 5 SELECT G.*,CTE.Level+1 FROM GroupInfo as G 6 JOIN CTE ON CTE.Id =G.ParentGroupId 7 ) 8 SELECT * FROM CTE
以上是关于SQL server 2008R2中怎么直接修改表内数据的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
sql server 2008r2 向带有索引的表里大批量插入数据
sql server 2008r2默认实例名登录(服务器)时应该怎么写?