jiào教 xùn训 1 : jiàn建 lì立 yī一 gè个 V u s e r S c r i p t
To generate a load on your system, you first build a Vuser script that you can run to emulate real user behavior. You use VuGen to create and build Vuser scripts.
In a performance testing environment, LoadRunner replaces human users with virtual users, also known as Vusers. Vusers generate a load on a system by emulating actions of typical users - in a repeatable and predictable manner.
zài在 xìng性 néng能 cè测 shì试 huán环 jìng境 , L o a d R u n n e r dài代 tì替 rén人 lèi类 yòng用 hù户 yǔ与 xū虚 nǐ拟 yòng用 hù户 , yě也 bèi被 chēng称 wéi为 xū虚 nǐ拟 。 yòng用 hù户 tōng通 guò过 mó模 nǐ拟 diǎn典 xíng型 yòng用 hù户 de的 xíng行 wéi为 zài在 yī一 gè个 kě可 chóng重 fù复 de的 hé和 kě可 yù预 cè测 de的 fāng方 shì式 chǎn产 shēng生 yī一 gè个 xì系 tǒng统 fù负 zài载 。
You use VuGen (LoadRunner\'s Virtual User Generator) to create Vuser scripts. VuGen works on a record-and-playback principle. As you walk through a business process on your application, VuGen records your actions and transforms these actions into steps in a Vuser script. These Vuser scripts form the foundation of your load tests.
chuàng创 zào造 yī一 gè个 B l a n k V u s e r S c r i p t
To develop a Vuser script, you first open VuGen and create a blank script. Thereafter, you can enhance the blank script by recording events and adding manual enhancements to the script.
zài在 zhè这 yī一 bù部 fen分 zhōng中 , nǐ你 jiāng将 dǎ打 kāi开 V u G e n bìng并 chuàng创 jiàn建 yī一 gè个 kòng空 bái白 de的 xū虚 nǐ拟 yòng用 hù户 jiǎo脚 běn本 shì是 jī基 yú于 W e b de的 H T T P / H T M L xié协 yì议 。
1.On the LoadRunner machine, double-click the Virtual User Generator shortcut icon on the desktop to open VuGen.
1 。 zài在 L o a d R u n n e r de的 jī机 qì器 , shuāng双 jī击 xū虚 nǐ拟 yòng用 hù户 shēng生 chéng成 qì器 de的 kuài快 jié捷 tú图 biāo标 fàng放 zài在 zhuō桌 miàn面 shàng上 dǎ打 kāi开 dǎ打 kāi开 。
2.Click File > New Script and Solution or click the Add New Script button on the VuGen toolbar. The Create a New Script dialog box opens.