Posted 偶遇晨光
一:解锁Scott/tiger 用户(locked)
alter user scott account lock; --锁定
alter user scott account unlock; --解锁
alter user scott identified by tiger; --改密码
grant dba to scott; --赋权限
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
select empno,ename,job from emp;
select * from EMP where ename = ‘SMITH‘;--字符串内容中区分大小写
select distinct job from emp;
select count(distinct job) from emp;
--给字段取别名 (无单引号,别名包含空格则需要双引号)
select ename as 职员姓名,sal "工 资" from emp;
--算数操作(与空值操作结果为空 NULL)
select sal+nvl(comm,0) from emp;
--字符串拼接( || 可以拼接任何类型)
select ‘职员姓名:‘||ename||‘ 工资:‘||sal from emp;
select * from emp order by sal desc,empno asc;
select * from emp order by comm desc nulls last; -- nulls first;
--模糊查询:通配符( % _ ),空值查询,in between and
select * from emp where comm is not null;
% 任意长度,任意内容
_ 一个长度,任意内容
--查询 名字以 J 开头的人
select * from emp where ename like ‘J%‘;
select * from emp where ename like ‘%A%‘;
select * from emp where ename like ‘J____‘;
--Rowid :是表中行的存储地址
--Rownum :是查询返回的结果集中行的序号
select rowid,rownum,emp.* from emp
where rownum <=2 ;
-- rownum 作为条件时 只能使用小于或小于等于
--聚合分组 count sum avg max min group by having
select job,max(sal) from emp group by job;
select deptno,avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>=2000
order by avg(sal) desc;
--连接查询(内连接) --公共字段
select * from emp a inner join dept b on a.deptno = b.deptno;
select * from emp a ,dept b where a.deptno = b.deptno;
--外连接 left right full
select * from emp a full join dept b on a.deptno = b.deptno;
--交叉连接 cross
select * from emp a cross join dept b ;
create table team
teamname varchar2(10)
insert into team values (‘A‘);
insert into team values (‘B‘);
insert into team values (‘C‘);
select * from team a cross join team b
where a.teamname>b.teamname;
--自连接 : 查询KING的下属
select * from emp where mgr
= (select empno from emp where ename=‘KING‘);
select * from emp a join emp b
on a.mgr = b.empno
where b.ename=‘KING‘;
-- 子查询 = < > <= >= in not in
select * from emp where deptno =
(select deptno from dept where dname =‘ACCOUNTING‘);
--查询所有位置在NEW YORK与 DALLAS 的部门职员
select * from emp where deptno in
(select deptno from dept where loc in (‘NEW YORK‘,‘DALLAS‘));
--查询所有与SMITH同部门同职位的职员(in,= 可以包含多个字段)
select * from emp where (deptno , job)
in (select deptno,job from emp where ename=‘SMITH‘);
-- 内联视图子查询
select * from
(select a.*,b.dname,b.loc from emp a join dept b on a.deptno=b.deptno) Y ;
--使用连接查询作为子查询 要去掉重复字段
select *from emp a join
(select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) Y
on a.deptno = y.deptno
where a.sal>y.avgsal;
select *from dept a join
(select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) Y
on a.deptno = y.deptno
where avgsal>=2000;
select rownum,Y.* from
(select * from emp order by sal ) Y
where rownum<=5;
-- 分页查询 将伪列转为临时表的一个普通列
select * from
( select rownum as rn,emp.* from emp where rownum<=16) Y
where y.rn >=11;
--日期转换(一般采用字符串转换的形式描述日期) to_date(日期字符串,日期格式)
select to_date(‘2012-7-28‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) from dual;
--1.查询系统时间 sysdate
select sysdate from dual;
--2.在一段时间上添加月份 add_months(日期,数字)
select add_months(sysdate,-10) from dual;
--3.求某日期所在月的最后一天 last_day(日期)
select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
--4.求两个日期之间的月份差(返回小数) months_between(日期1,日期2)
select months_between(to_date(‘2012-12-12‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘),sysdate)*30 from dual;
--** 相差的天数:减法
select to_date(‘2012-12-12‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)-sysdate from dual;
--5.求指定日期之后第一个星期几 next_day(日期,星期几)
select next_day(sysdate,‘星期六‘) from dual;
select next_day(sysdate,7) from dual;
--(1-7 星期日-星期六)
--6.四舍五入 round(日期,日期代码)
select round(sysdate,‘yyyy‘) from dual;
--7.提取年月日 extract(year/month/day from 日期)
select extract(year from sysdate) from dual; --返回数字
select extract(month from sysdate) from dual;
select extract(day from sysdate) from dual;
--8.to_char 提取日期部分 to_char(日期,格式字符串)
select to_char(hiredate,‘yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日" hh24:mi:ss ‘)
from emp;
select to_char(hiredate,‘yyyy‘) from emp; --字符串
select to_char(hiredate,‘mm‘) from emp;
select to_char(sysdate,‘day‘) from dual; --星期
-- 查询所有周末入职的职员
select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,‘d‘) in (‘1‘,‘7‘);
--字符串长度 length(字符串) vsize(字符串)
select length(‘hello world!!!!‘) from dual;
select vsize(‘你好‘) from dual;
--拼接字符串 concat(字符串1,字符串2) ||
select concat(‘hello‘,‘world‘) from dual;
--截取字符串 substr(字符串,开始,长度)
select substr(‘hello world !!!!‘,1,5) from dual;
--0 1 都表示第一个
--去掉首尾的指定内容 trim(字符 from 字符串)
select trim(‘x‘ from ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxhexxlloxxxxxxxxx‘) from dual;
--去空格 trim()
select trim(‘ he llo ‘) from dual;
--内容替换 replace(字符串,替换内容,替换字符)
select replace(‘hello‘,‘l‘,‘x‘) from dual;
select replace(‘ he llo ‘,‘ ‘,‘‘) from dual;
select translate(‘hello world!!!!‘,‘lr‘,‘xx‘) from dual;
--查找字符 instr(字符串,查找内容)
select instr(‘hello world!!!!‘,‘l‘) from dual;
-- instr(字符串,查找内容,开始位置)
select instr(‘hello world!!!!‘,‘l‘,6) from dual;
select instr(‘hello world world !!!!‘,‘l‘,6,2) from dual;
--ascii码 ascii(字符) chr(数字)
select ascii(‘a‘) from dual;
select chr(97) from dual;
--转为大小写 upper lower
select upper(‘hello‘) ,lower(‘HELLO‘) from dual;
select mod(3,10) from dual; --取模
select ceil(99.0000000001) from dual; --向上取整
select floor(99.999999) from dual; --向下取整
select round(99.9) from dual; --四舍五入
select round(99.93,1) from dual; --四舍五入,精确位数
select dbms_random.value(55,100) from dual; --随机数
select dbms_random.value() from dual;
--转换函数 to_char(内容,格式) to_number(数字字符) to_date(日期字符,日期格式)
select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) from dual;
select to_char(12345.126,‘L999999.99‘) from dual; --L local
select * from emp;
select sal+comm from emp;
--空值转为替代值 nvl(字段,替换值)
select sal+nvl(comm,0) from emp;
--不为空 转为值1 为空转为值2 nvl2(字段,值1,值2)
select nvl2(comm,comm,0) from emp;
--参数1 等于参数2 则变为空 否则为参数1 nullif(参数1,参数2)
select nullif(comm,300) from emp;
select * from emp;
--wm_concat --行列转换函数 10g
select deptno, wm_concat(ename) from emp group by deptno
select rownum,Y.* from (
select emp.* from emp order by sal) Y
select ename,sal,row_number() over(order by sal ) ,
rank() over(order by sal ),
dense_rank() over(order by sal )
from scott.emp ;