Posted maple-shaw
1 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01 2 2,Jack Wang,30,13304320533,HR,2015-05-03 3 3,Rain Liu,25,1383235322,Saies,2016-04-22 4 4,Mack Cao,40,1356145343,HR,2009-03-01
1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 2 staff_table = [] 3 def file_to_date(file_path): 4 global staff_table 5 staff_table=[{\'staff_id\':int(line.strip().split(\',\')[0]),\'name\':line.strip().split(\',\')[1],\'age\':line.strip().split(\',\')[2],\'phone\':line.strip().split(\',\')[3],\'dept\':line.strip().split(\',\')[4],\'enroll_date\':line.strip().split(\',\')[5]} for line in open(file_path,encoding=\'utf-8\')] 6 def output(line,cmd): 7 for key in line: 8 if key in cmd[0].split(\',\') or cmd[0] == \'*\': 9 print(line[key], end=\' \') 10 print() 11 def select(): #查询功能 12 \'\'\' 13 select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 14 select * from staff_table where dept = "IT" 15 select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" 16 显示查询的条数 17 \'\'\' 18 while True: 19 n=0 20 file_to_date(\'xinxi.txt\') 21 cmd=input(\'please input cmd:\').strip().lower().split() 22 cmd=[cmd[1], cmd[5:]] 23 if \'\\\'\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\') 24 elif \'\\"\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\') 25 for line in staff_table: 26 if cmd[1][1] == \'>\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) > int(cmd[1][2]): 27 output(line, cmd) 28 n += 1 29 elif cmd[1][1] == \'=\'and (line[cmd[1][0]] in [cmd[1][2] ,cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\'),cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\'),cmd[1][2].lower()] or (cmd[1][2].isdigit() and line[cmd[1][0]] == int(cmd[1][2]))): 30 output(line,cmd) 31 n += 1 32 elif cmd[1][1] == \'like\' and cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].split(\'-\') or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]] or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].lower(): 33 output(line,cmd) 34 n += 1 35 print(\'相关查询共%d条\' % n) 36 select()
1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 2 staff_table = [] 3 def file_to_date(file_path): 4 global staff_table 5 staff_table=[{\'staff_id\':int(line.strip().split(\',\')[0]),\'name\':line.strip().split(\',\')[1],\'age\':line.strip().split(\',\')[2],\'phone\':line.strip().split(\',\')[3],\'dept\':line.strip().split(\',\')[4],\'enroll_date\':line.strip().split(\',\')[5]} for line in open(file_path,encoding=\'utf-8\')] 6 def date_to_file(file_path): 7 global staff_table 8 with open(file_path,\'w\',encoding=\'utf-8\') as f: 9 for line in staff_table: 10 res=\'%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\'%(line[\'staff_id\'],line[\'name\'],line[\'age\'],line[\'phone\'],line[\'dept\'],line[\'enroll_date\']) 11 f.write(res) 12 def output(line,cmd): 13 for key in line: 14 if key in cmd[0].split(\',\') or cmd[0] == \'*\': 15 print(line[key], end=\' \') 16 print() 17 def select(): #查询功能 18 \'\'\' 19 select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 20 select * from staff_table where dept = "IT" 21 select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" 22 显示查询的条数 23 \'\'\' 24 while True: 25 n=0 26 file_to_date(\'xinxi.txt\') 27 cmd=input(\'please input cmd:\').strip().lower().split() 28 cmd=[cmd[1], cmd[5:]] 29 if \'\\\'\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\') 30 elif \'\\"\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\') 31 for line in staff_table: 32 if cmd[1][1] == \'>\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) > int(cmd[1][2]): 33 output(line, cmd) 34 n += 1 35 elif cmd[1][1] == \'=\'and (line[cmd[1][0]] in [cmd[1][2] ,cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\'),cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\'),cmd[1][2].lower()] or (cmd[1][2].isdigit() and line[cmd[1][0]] == int(cmd[1][2]))): 36 output(line,cmd) 37 n += 1 38 elif cmd[1][1] == \'like\' and cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].split(\'-\') or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]] or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].lower(): 39 output(line,cmd) 40 n += 1 41 print(\'相关查询共%d条\' % n) 42 def create(): #创建 43 global staff_table 44 phone=[] 45 file_to_date(\'xinxi.txt\') 46 while True: 47 info=input(\'Please enter your name,age,phone number,dept and enroll_date\\n(use \\\',\\\' to separate):\').strip().split(\',\') 48 info={\'staff_id\':len(staff_table)+1,\'name\':info[0].strip(),\'age\':info[1].strip(),\'phone\':info[2].strip(),\'dept\':info[3].strip(),\'enroll_date\':info[4].strip()} 49 for line in staff_table: 50 phone.append(line[\'phone\']) 51 if info[\'phone\'] in phone: 52 print(\'The phone number already exists\') 53 continue 54 if len(info[\'phone\'])!=11 or not info[\'phone\'].isdigit() or not info[\'phone\'].startswith(\'1\'): 55 print(\'Incorrect phone number format\') 56 continue 57 staff_table.append(info) 58 date_to_file(\'a.txt\') 59 create()
1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 2 import time #自动获取日期 3 staff_table = [] 4 file_path=r\'E:\\PycharmProjects\\qz5\\day9\\a.txt\' 5 def table_format(): #格式化输出 6 global staff_table 7 for line in staff_table: 8 res = \'%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\' % (line[\'staff_id\'], line[\'name\'], line[\'age\'], line[\'phone\'], line[\'dept\'], line[\'enroll_date\']) 9 yield res 10 def print_table(file_path): #打印表格 11 file_to_date(file_path) 12 for i in table_format(): 13 print(i,end=\'\') 14 def file_to_date(file_path): #读取文件 15 global staff_table 16 staff_table=[{\'staff_id\':int(line.strip().split(\',\')[0]),\'name\':line.strip().split(\',\')[1],\'age\':line.strip().split(\',\')[2],\'phone\':line.strip().split(\',\')[3],\'dept\':line.strip().split(\',\')[4],\'enroll_date\':line.strip().split(\',\')[5]} for line in open(file_path,encoding=\'utf-8\')] 17 def date_to_file(file_path): #写入文件 18 with open(file_path,\'w\',encoding=\'utf-8\') as f: 19 for i in table_format(): 20 f.write(i) 21 def output(line,cmd): #筛选输出 22 for key in line: 23 if key in cmd[0].split(\',\') or cmd[0] == \'*\': 24 print(line[key], end=\' \') 25 print() 26 def select(): #查询功能 可忽略大小写、单双引号 27 print(\'Syntax examples:\\n select name,age from staff_table where age > 22\\n select * from staff_table where dept = \\"IT\\"\\n select * from staff_table where enroll_date like \\"2013\\"\') 28 while True: 29 n=0 30 file_to_date(file_path) 31 cmd=input(\'please input cmd(q break):\').strip().lower().split() 32 if cmd[0]==\'q\':break 33 cmd=[cmd[1], cmd[5:]] 34 if \'\\\'\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\') 35 if \'\\"\'in cmd[1][2]:cmd[1][2]=cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\') 36 for line in staff_table: 37 if cmd[1][1] in [\'>\',\'<\',\'>=\',\'<=\']: 38 if (cmd[1][1]==\'>\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) > int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]==\'>=\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) >= int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]==\'<\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) < int(cmd[1][2])) or (cmd[1][1]==\'<=\'and int(line[cmd[1][0]]) <= int(cmd[1][2])): 39 output(line, cmd) 40 n += 1 41 elif cmd[1][1] == \'=\'and (line[cmd[1][0]] in [cmd[1][2] ,cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\\'\'),cmd[1][2].strip(\'\\"\'),cmd[1][2].lower()] or (cmd[1][2].isdigit() and line[cmd[1][0]] == int(cmd[1][2]))): 42 output(line,cmd) 43 n += 1 44 elif cmd[1][1] == \'like\' and cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].split(\'-\') or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]] or cmd[1][2] in line[cmd[1][0]].lower(): 45 output(line,cmd) 46 n += 1 47 print(\'相关查询共%d条\' % n) 48 def create(): #创建 只判断年龄、手机号格式,入职时间为当前时间 49 phone=[] 50 file_to_date(file_path) 51 while True: 52 info=input(\'Please enter your name,age,phone number and dept\\nuse \\\',\\\' to separate(q for break):\').strip().split(\',\') 53 if info[0]==\'q\':break 54 info={\'staff_id\':len(staff_table)+1,\'name\':info[0].strip(),\'age\':info[1].strip(),\'phone\':info[2].strip(),\'dept\':info[3].strip(),\'enroll_date\':time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\', time.localtime()) } 55 if not info[\'age\'].isdigit() or int(info[\'age\'])not in range(1,110): 56 print(\'Incorrect age format\') 57 continue 58 for line in staff_table: 59 phone.append(line[\'phone\']) 60 if info[\'phone\'] in phone: 61 print(\'The phone number already exists\') 62 continue 63 if len(info[\'phone\'])!=11 or not info[\'phone\'].isdigit() or not info[\'phone\'].startswith(\'1\'): 64 print(\'Incorrect phone number format\') 65 continue 66 if not info[\'age\'].isdigit() or int(info[\'age\'])not in range(1,110): 67 print(\'Incorrect age format\') 68 continue 69 staff_table.append(info) 70 date_to_file(file_path) 71 def delete(): #删除 72 while True: 73 print_table(file_path) 74 cmd_n=int(input(\'Please enter the number to delete(0 for break):\')) 75 if cmd_n==0:break 76 staff_table.pop(cmd_n-1) 77 for i,line in enumerate(staff_table,1): 78 line[\'staff_id\']=i 79 date_to_file(file_path) 80 def update(): #更新 可去除单引号、双引号 81 global staff_table 82 while True: 83 print_table(file_path) 84 print(\'Syntax examples:\\n UPDATE staff_table SET dept=\\\'Market\\\' WHERE where dept=\\\'IT\\\' \') 85 cmd = input(\'Please enter the modified information(q for break):\\n\').split() 86 if cmd[0]==\'q\':break 87 cmd=[cmd[3],cmd[6]] 88 sort=cmd[0].split(\'=\')[0] 89 where=cmd[1].split(\'=\')[0] 90 after = cmd[0].split(\'=\')[1] 91 before = cmd[1].split(\'=\')[1] 92 if \'\\"\' in cmd[0] or \'\\"\' in cmd[1]: 93 after = cmd[0].split(\'=\')[1].strip(\'\\"\') 94 before = cmd[1].split(\'=\')[1].strip(\'\\"\') 95 if \'\\\'\'in cmd[0] or \'\\\'\'in cmd[1]: 96 after=cmd[0].split(\'=\')[1].strip(\'\\\'\') 97 before=cmd[1].split(\'=\')[1].strip(\'\\\'\') 98 for line in staff_table: 99 if line[where]== before: Day5.对文件的增删改查+三次登陆后锁定