如果你什么都没改过,如果是windows下,一般是安装目录下的data目录下 扩展名是.err那个文件,你可以打开安装目录下的my.ini文件检查一下
如果是linux下,一般是/var/log/mysqld.log,你最好用cat /etc/my.cnf看看 参考技术A
MySQL 8.0 重新定义了错误日志输出和过滤,改善了原来臃肿并且可读性很差的错误日志。比如增加了 JSON 输出,在原来的日志后面以序号以及 JSON 后缀的方式展示。比如我机器上的 MySQL 以 JSON 保存的错误日志 mysqld.log.00.json:[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# jq . mysqld.log.00.json "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12592, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_767", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error" "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12593, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "The error means the system cannot find the path specified.", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_768", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error" "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12216, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_391", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error"以 JSON 输出错误日志后可读性和可操作性增强了许多。这里可以用 Linux 命令 jq 或者把这个字串 COPY 到其他解析 JSON 的工具方便处理。只想非常快速的拿出错误信息,忽略其他信息。[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# jq '.msg' mysqld.log.00.json"Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.""The error means the system cannot find the path specified.""Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71""Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.""Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue."使用 JSON 输出的前提是安装 JSON 输出部件。
INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_log_sink_json';
完了在设置变量 SET GLOBAL log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_json';
格式为:过滤规则;日志输出;[过滤规则]日志输出;查看安装好的部件mysql> select * from mysql.component;+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+| component_id | component_group_id | component_urn |+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+| 2 | 1 | file://component_log_sink_json |+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
现在设置 JSON 输出,输出到系统日志的同时输出到 JSON 格式日志。mysql> SET persist log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_sink_json';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
来测试一把。我之前已经把表 a 物理文件删掉了。mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.
现在错误日志里有 5 条记录。
[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# tailf mysqld.log
2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012592] [InnoDB] Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012593] [InnoDB] The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012216] [InnoDB] Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71
2019-09-03T08:16:12.112227Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
2019-09-03T08:16:14.902617Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
JSON 日志里也有 5 条记录。
[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# tailf mysqld.log.00.json
"log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12592, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_767", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error"
"log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12593, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "The error means the system cannot find the path specified.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_768", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error"
"log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12216, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_391", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error"
"log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.112227Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Warning"
"log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:14.902617Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Warning"
INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_log_filter_dragnet';
mysql> SET persist log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_filter_dragnet;log_sink_json';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
只保留 error,其余的一律过滤掉。SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = 'IF prio>=WARNING THEN drop.';
检索一张误删的表mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.
查看错误日志和 JSON 错误日志发现错误日志里有一条 Warning,JSON 错误日志里的被过滤掉了。2019-09-03T08:22:32.978728Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
再举个例子,每 60 秒只允许记录一个 Warning 事件mysql> SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = 'IF prio==WARNING THEN throttle 1/60.';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
多次执行mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.
现在错误日志里有三条 warning 信息
2019-09-03T08:49:06.820635Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
2019-09-03T08:49:31.455907Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
2019-09-03T08:50:00.430867Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
mysqld.log.00.json 只有一条 "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:49:06.820635Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "and_n_more" : 3, "label" : "Warning"
总结,我这里简单介绍了下 MySQL 8.0 的错误日志过滤以及 JSON 输出。MySQL 8.0 的component_log_filter_dragnet 部件过滤规则非常灵活,可以参考手册,根据它提供的语法写出自己的过滤掉的日志输出。
我在哪里可以找到 phpMyAdmin 中的 MySQL 日志?
【中文标题】我在哪里可以找到 phpMyAdmin 中的 MySQL 日志?【英文标题】:Where can I find MySQL logs in phpMyAdmin? 【发布时间】:2011-03-03 15:49:43 【问题描述】:在 phpMyAdmin 界面哪里可以找到 MySQL 的日志(错误、查询等)?
【参考方案1】:在 phpMyAdmin 4.0 中,您转到状态 > 监控。在那里您可以启用慢查询日志和一般日志,查看实时监视器,选择图表的一部分,查看相关查询并分析它们。
【参考方案2】:使用 performance_schema 数据库和表格:
【参考方案3】:我遇到了@rutherford 的同样问题,今天新的 phpMyAdmin 的 GUI 有所不同,所以我想如果有人用更新的信息改进答案会更好。
这就是答案,不管你使用的是 MAMP、XAMPP、LAMP 等。
【参考方案4】:打开您的 PHPMyAdmin,不要选择任何数据库并查找 Binary Log
我有数据库、SQL、状态、变量、字符集、引擎、进程、导出和导入选项卡,但没有“二进制日志” - 我是否在正确的位置查找? 嗯,我在引擎和进程之间有权限和二进制日志。你在使用 WAMP 吗?哪个版本?你是用root登录的吗? 啊,那可能是被我的主机限制了。我会问他们,谢谢你的帮助。 我找不到Binary Log tab
我正在使用 phpMyAdmin 版本 4.2.11。在撰写本文时,我的Status
之类的东西。因此,我在互联网上进行了挖掘,因为面向 UI 的答案仅与特定版本相关,因此很快就会过时。那么,如果您没有在上面看到相关答案,您会怎么做?
作为article explains,您可以运行全局查询来启用或禁用slow_query_log
等。 启用和禁用这些日志的查询并不难,所以不要害怕它们,例如
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = 'ON';
从这里开始,phpMyAdmin 非常有帮助,一点点谷歌搜索可以让您立即上手。例如,在运行上述查询后,我可以返回状态选项卡的Monitor
这个答案看起来不错,因为这正是我的情况。不幸的是,它并不总是有效,因为您需要 SUPER 权限:“错误 SQL 查询:SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = 'ON' #1227 - 访问被拒绝;您需要(至少一个)该操作的 SUPER 权限” 【参考方案6】:如果您使用 XAMPP 作为服务器,您会发现日志目录是 XAMPP 目录的子目录。如果您还没有尝试过 XAMPP,它可以在任何系统(Windows、Mac OS 和 Linux)上运行,请在此处找到更多信息: