Numpy 常用矩阵计算函数

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Numpy 常用矩阵计算函数相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



Numpy‘s array 类被称为ndarray。 这个对象常用而重要的属性如下:

  • ndarray.ndim: 输出矩阵(数组)的维度
  • ndarray.shape: 输出矩阵的各维数大小,相当于matlab中的size()函数
  • ndarray.size: 输出矩阵(数组)元素的总个数,相当于各维数之积
  • ndarray.dtype: 输出矩阵元素的类型,如int16, int32, float64等
  • ndarray.itemsize: 输出矩阵中每个元素所占字节数


>>> from numpy  import *
>>> a = arange(15).reshape(3, 5)
>>> a
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
       [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]])
>>> a.shape
(3, 5)
>>> a.ndim
>>> a.itemsize
>>> a.size
>>> type(a)
>>> b = array([6, 7, 8])
>>> b
array([6, 7, 8])
>>> type(b)



>>> from numpy import *
>>> a = array( [2,3,4] )
>>> a
array([2, 3, 4])
>>> a.dtype
>>> b = array([1.2, 3.5, 5.1])
>>> b.dtype
>>> a = array(1,2,3,4)    # WRONG
>>> a = array([1,2,3,4])  # RIGHT
>>> b = array( [ (1.5,2,3), (4,5,6) ] )
>>> b
array([[ 1.5,  2. ,  3. ],
       [ 4. ,  5. ,  6. ]])
>>> c = array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ], dtype=complex )
>>> c
array([[ 1.+0.j,  2.+0.j],
       [ 3.+0.j,  4.+0.j]])
>>> zeros( (3,4) )
array([[0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])
>>> ones( (2,3,4), dtype=int16 )                # dtype can also be specified
array([[[ 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [ 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [ 1, 1, 1, 1]],
       [[ 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [ 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [ 1, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=int16)
>>> empty( (2,3) )
array([[  3.73603959e-262,   6.02658058e-154,   6.55490914e-260],
       [  5.30498948e-313,   3.14673309e-307,   1.00000000e+000]])

如果想产生一些连续有规则的序列,可以使用numpy中的arange函数,类似于python中的range,功能相当于matlab中的冒号表达式,此外linespace函数产生等分间隔的数。arange函数的形式是arange(start, end, step), 表示从start开始,每隔step取一个数,到end(但不包括end)结束;linespace函数的形式是linespace(start, end, divide),表示将区间[start,end)等分为divide这么多分,并取这些等分的点。 

>>> arange( 10, 30, 5 )
array([10, 15, 20, 25])
>>> arange( 0, 2, 0.3 )                 # it accepts float arguments
array([ 0. ,  0.3,  0.6,  0.9,  1.2,  1.5,  1.8])
>>> linspace( 0, 2, 9 )                 # 9 numbers from 0 to 2
array([ 0.  ,  0.25,  0.5 ,  0.75,  1.  ,  1.25,  1.5 ,  1.75,  2.  ])
>>> x = linspace( 0, 2*pi, 100 )        # useful to evaluate function at lots of points
>>> f = sin(x)




>>> A = array( [[1,1],
...             [0,1]] )
>>> B = array( [[2,0],
...             [3,4]] )
>>> A*B                         # elementwise product
array([[2, 0],
       [0, 4]])
>>> dot(A,B)                    # matrix product
array([[5, 4],
       [3, 4]])


Many unary operations, such as computing the sum of all the elements in the array, are implemented as methods of the ndarray class. 

>>> b = arange(12).reshape(3,4)
>>> b
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
       [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])
>>> b.sum(axis=0)                            # sum of each column
array([12, 15, 18, 21])
>>> b.min(axis=1)                            # min of each row
array([0, 4, 8])
>>> b.cumsum(axis=1)                         # cumulative sum along each row
array([[ 0,  1,  3,  6],
       [ 4,  9, 15, 22],
       [ 8, 17, 27, 38]])



>>> B = arange(3)
>>> B
array([0, 1, 2])
>>> exp(B)
array([ 1.        ,  2.71828183,  7.3890561 ])
>>> sqrt(B)
array([ 0.        ,  1.        ,  1.41421356])
>>> C = array([2., -1., 4.])
>>> add(B, C)
array([ 2.,  0.,  6.])


索引(Indexing), 分片(Slicing), 和迭代(Iterating)


>>> a = arange(10)**3
>>> a
array([  0,   1,   8,  27,  64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729])
>>> a[2]
>>> a[2:5]
array([ 8, 27, 64])
>>> a[:6:2] = -1000    # equivalent to a[0:6:2] = -1000; from start to position 6, exclusive, set every 2nd element to -1000
>>> a
array([-1000,     1, -1000,    27, -1000,   125,   216,   343,   512,   729])
>>> a[ : :-1]                                 # reversed a
array([  729,   512,   343,   216,   125, -1000,    27, -1000,     1, -1000])
>>> for i in a:
...         print i**(1/3.),
nan 1.0 nan 3.0 nan 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0


>>> def f(x,y):
...         return 10*x+y
>>> b = fromfunction(f,(5,4),dtype=int)
>>> b
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [10, 11, 12, 13],
       [20, 21, 22, 23],
       [30, 31, 32, 33],
       [40, 41, 42, 43]])
>>> b[2,3]
>>> b[0:5, 1]                       # each row in the second column of b
array([ 1, 11, 21, 31, 41])
>>> b[ : ,1]                        # equivalent to the previous example
array([ 1, 11, 21, 31, 41])
>>> b[1:3, : ]                      # each column in the second and third row of b
array([[10, 11, 12, 13],
       [20, 21, 22, 23]])


>>> for row in b:
...         print row
[0 1 2 3]
[10 11 12 13]
[20 21 22 23]
[30 31 32 33]
[40 41 42 43]
>>> for element in b.flat:
...         print element,
0 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 43

Shape Manipulation



>>> a = floor(10*random.random((3,4)))
>>> a
array([[ 7.,  5.,  9.,  3.],
       [ 7.,  2.,  7.,  8.],
       [ 6.,  8.,  3.,  2.]])
>>> a.shape
(3, 4)
>>> a.ravel() # flatten the array
array([ 7.,  5.,  9.,  3.,  7.,  2.,  7.,  8.,  6.,  8.,  3.,  2.])
>>> a.shape = (6, 2)
>>> a.transpose()
array([[ 7.,  9.,  7.,  7.,  6.,  3.],
       [ 5.,  3.,  2.,  8.,  8.,  2.]])
>>> a
array([[ 7.,  5.],
       [ 9.,  3.],
       [ 7.,  2.],
       [ 7.,  8.],
       [ 6.,  8.],
       [ 3.,  2.]])
>>> a.resize((2,6))
>>> a
array([[ 7.,  5.,  9.,  3.,  7.,  2.],
       [ 7.,  8.,  6.,  8.,  3.,  2.]])
>>> a.reshape(3,-1) # 当reshape中的参数为-1时,则对应维度的大小会自动计算
array([[ 7.,  5.,  9.,  3.],
       [ 7.,  2.,  7.,  8.],
       [ 6.,  8.,  3.,  2.]])

Stacking together different arrays


>>> a = floor(10*random.random((2,2)))
>>> a
array([[ 1.,  1.],
       [ 5.,  8.]])
>>> b = floor(10*random.random((2,2)))
>>> b
array([[ 3.,  3.],
       [ 6.,  0.]])
>>> vstack((a,b))
array([[ 1.,  1.],
       [ 5.,  8.],
       [ 3.,  3.],
       [ 6.,  0.]])
>>> hstack((a,b))
array([[ 1.,  1.,  3.,  3.],
       [ 5.,  8.,  6.,  0.]])


>>> column_stack((a,b))   # With 2D arrays
array([[ 1.,  1.,  3.,  3.],
       [ 5.,  8.,  6.,  0.]])
>>> a=array([4.,2.])
>>> b=array([2.,8.])
>>> a[:,newaxis]  # This allows to have a 2D columns vector
array([[ 4.],
       [ 2.]])
>>> column_stack((a[:,newaxis],b[:,newaxis]))
array([[ 4.,  2.],
       [ 2.,  8.]])
>>> vstack((a[:,newaxis],b[:,newaxis])) # The behavior of vstack is different
array([[ 4.],
       [ 2.],
       [ 2.],
       [ 8.]])


在一些复杂的例子中,r_[] 和 c_[] 将数字压缩到数组中非常有用。他们允许使用range literals (":") : 

>>> r_[1:4,0,4]
array([1, 2, 3, 0, 4])

Splitting one array into several smaller ones

Using hsplit, you can split an array along its horizontal axis, either by specifying the number of equally shaped arrays to return, or by specifying the columns after which the division should occur: 

>>> a = floor(10*random.random((2,12)))
>>> a
array([[ 8.,  8.,  3.,  9.,  0.,  4.,  3.,  0.,  0.,  6.,  4.,  4.],
       [ 0.,  3.,  2.,  9.,  6.,  0.,  4.,  5.,  7.,  5.,  1.,  4.]])
>>> hsplit(a,3)   # Split a into 3
[array([[ 8.,  8.,  3.,  9.],
       [ 0.,  3.,  2.,  9.]]), array([[ 0.,  4.,  3.,  0.],
       [ 6.,  0.,  4.,  5.]]), array([[ 0.,  6.,  4.,  4.],
       [ 7.,  5.,  1.,  4.]])]
>>> hsplit(a,(3,4))   # Split a after the third and the fourth column
[array([[ 8.,  8.,  3.],
       [ 0.,  3.,  2.]]), array([[ 9.],
       [ 9.]]), array([[ 0.,  4.,  3.,  0.,  0.,  6.,  4.,  4.],
       [ 6.,  0.,  4.,  5.,  7.,  5.,  1.,  4.]])]


以上是关于Numpy 常用矩阵计算函数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



python 科学计算库NumPy—矩阵运算

AI常用框架和工具丨1. 科学计算库NumPy

AI常用框架和工具丨1. 科学计算库NumPy

二快速上手数组计算模块 Numpy