






    $timezone = "Asia/Shanghai";



 * Database settings


// Which database system: "pgsql"=PostgreSQL, "mysql"=MySQL

$dbsys = "mysql";

// Hostname of database server. For pgsql, can use "" instead of localhost

// to use Unix Domain Sockets instead of TCP/IP. For mysql "localhost"

// tells the system to use Unix Domain Sockets, and $db_port will be ignored;

// if you want to force TCP connection you can use "".

$db_host = "localhost";

// If you need to use a non standard port for the database connection you

// can uncomment the following line and specify the port number

// $db_port = 1234;

// Database name:

$db_database = "mrbs";

// Schema name.  This only applies to PostgreSQL and is only necessary if you have more

// than one schema in your database and also you are using the same MRBS table names in

// multiple schemas.

//$db_schema = "public";

// Database login user name:

$db_login = "mysql_username";

// Database login password:

$db_password = ‘mysql_password‘;

// Prefix for table names.  This will allow multiple installations where only

// one database is available

$db_tbl_prefix = "mrbs_";

// Set $db_persist to TRUE to use PHP persistent (pooled) database connections.  Note

// that persistent connections are not recommended unless your system suffers significant

// performance problems without them.   They can cause problems with transactions and

// locks (see and although

// MRBS tries to avoid those problems, it is generally better not to use persistent

// connections if you can.

$db_persist = FALSE;


$auth["admin"][] = "username";//登录名称


$auth["type"] = "pop3";

# ‘auth_pop3‘ configuration settings

# Where is the POP3 server

$pop3_host = "";修改成服务器指定地址

# The POP3 server port

$pop3_port = "110";





 * Email settings



// ------------

// The following settings determine who should be emailed when a booking is made,

// edited or deleted (though the latter two events depend on the "When" settings below).

// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required

// (Note:  the email addresses for the room and area administrators are set from the

// edit_area_room.php page in MRBS)

$mail_settings[‘admin_on_bookings‘]      = TRUE;  // the addresses defined by $mail_settings[‘recipients‘] below

$mail_settings[‘area_admin_on_bookings‘] = FALSE;  // the area administrator

$mail_settings[‘room_admin_on_bookings‘] = FALSE;  // the room administrator

$mail_settings[‘booker‘]                 = TRUE;  // the person making the booking

$mail_settings[‘book_admin_on_approval‘] = TRUE;  // the booking administrator when booking approval is enabled

                                                   // (which is the MRBS admin, but this setting allows MRBS

                                                   // to be extended to have separate booking approvers)     


// -------------

// These settings determine when an email should be sent.

// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required


// (Note:  (a) the variables $mail_settings[‘admin_on_delete‘] and

// $mail_settings[‘admin_all‘], which were used in MRBS versions 1.4.5 and

// before are now deprecated.   They are still supported for reasons of backward

// compatibility, but they may be withdrawn in the future.  (b)  the default 

// value of $mail_settings[‘on_new‘] is TRUE for compatibility with MRBS 1.4.5

// and before, where there was no explicit config setting, but mails were always sent

// for new bookings if there was somebody to send them to)

$mail_settings[‘on_new‘]    = TRUE;   // when an entry is created

$mail_settings[‘on_change‘] = TRUE;  // when an entry is changed

$mail_settings[‘on_delete‘] = TRUE;  // when an entry is deleted

// It is also possible to allow all users or just admins to choose not to send an

// email when creating or editing a booking.  This can be useful if an inconsequential

// change is being made, or many bookings are being made at the beginning of a term or season.

$mail_settings[‘allow_no_mail‘]        = FALSE;

$mail_settings[‘allow_admins_no_mail‘] = FALSE;  // Ignored if ‘allow_no_mail‘ is TRUE

$mail_settings[‘no_mail_default‘] = FALSE; // Default value for the ‘no mail‘ checkbox.  

                                           // TRUE for checked (ie don‘t send mail),

                                           // FALSE for unchecked (ie do send mail)


// -------------

// These settings determine what should be included in the email

// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required

$mail_settings[‘details‘]   = TRUE; // Set to TRUE if you want full booking details;

                                     // otherwise you just get a link to the entry

$mail_settings[‘html‘]      = TRUE; // Set to true if you want HTML mail

$mail_settings[‘icalendar‘] = TRUE; // Set to TRUE to include iCalendar details

                                     // which can be imported into a calendar.  (Note:

                                     // iCalendar details will not be sent for areas

                                     // that use periods as there isn‘t a mapping between

                                     // periods and time of day, so the calendar would not


// -----------------------------------------

// Set the language used for emails (choose an available lang.* file).

$mail_settings[‘admin_lang‘] = ‘zh‘;   // Default is ‘en‘.


// ------------------------

// The email addresses of the MRBS administrator are set in the config file, and

// those of the room and area administrators are set though the edit_area_room.php

// in MRBS.    But if you have set $mail_settings[‘booker‘] above to TRUE, MRBS will

// need the email addresses of ordinary users.   If you are using the "db" 

// authentication method then MRBS will be able to get them from the users table.  But

// if you are using any other authentication scheme then the following settings allow

// you to specify a domain name that will be appended to the username to produce a

// valid email address (eg "").

$mail_settings[‘domain‘] = ‘‘;

// If you use $mail_settings[‘domain‘] above and username returned by mrbs contains extra

// strings appended like domain name (‘username.domain‘), you need to provide

// this extra string here so that it will be removed from the username.

$mail_settings[‘username_suffix‘] = ‘‘;


// ----------------------

// Set the name of the backend used to transport your mails. Either ‘mail‘,

// ‘smtp‘, ‘sendmail‘ or ‘qmail‘. Default is ‘mail‘.

$mail_settings[‘admin_backend‘] = ‘mail‘;


 * Sendmail settings


// Set the path of the Sendmail program (only used with "sendmail" backend).

// Default is ‘/usr/bin/sendmail‘

$sendmail_settings[‘path‘] = ‘/usr/bin/sendmail‘;

// Set additional Sendmail parameters (only used with "sendmail" backend).

// (example "-t -i"). Default is ‘‘

$sendmail_settings[‘args‘] = ‘‘;


 * Qmail settings


/* Configures the path to ‘qmail-inject‘, if unset defaults to ‘/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject‘ */

$mail_settings[‘qmail‘][‘qmail-inject-path‘] = ‘/usr/bin/qmail-inject‘;


 * SMTP settings


// These settings are only used with the "smtp" backend

$smtp_settings[‘host‘] = ‘‘;  // SMTP server

$smtp_settings[‘port‘] = 25;           // SMTP port number

$smtp_settings[‘auth‘] = TRUE;        // Whether to use SMTP authentication

$smtp_settings[‘secure‘] = ‘tls‘;      // Encryption method: ‘‘, ‘tls‘ or ‘ssl‘

$smtp_settings[‘username‘] = ‘‘;       // Username (if using authentication)

$smtp_settings[‘password‘] = ‘‘;       // Password (if using authentication)

$smtp_settings[‘disable_opportunistic_tls‘] = false; // Set this to true to disable

                                                     // opportunistic TLS



// ---------------------

// Set the email address of the From field. Default is ‘[email protected]

$mail_settings[‘from‘] = ‘[email protected]‘;

// The address to be used for the ORGANIZER in an iCalendar event.   Do not make

// this email address the same as the admin email address or the recipients 

// email address because on some mail systems, eg IBM Domino, the iCalendar email

// notification is silently discarded if the organizer‘s email address is the same 

// as the recipient‘s.  On other systems you may get a "Meeting not found" message.

$mail_settings[‘organizer‘] = ‘[email protected]‘;

// Set the recipient email. Default is ‘[email protected]‘. You can define

// more than one recipient like this "[email protected],[email protected]"

$mail_settings[‘ttrecipients‘] = ‘[email protected]‘;

// Set email address of the Carbon Copy field. Default is ‘‘. You can define

// more than one recipient (see ‘recipients‘)

//$user = getUserName();

$mail_settings[‘cc‘] = $user;

// Set to TRUE if you want the cc addresses to be appended to the to line.

// (Some email servers are configured not to send emails if the cc or bcc

// fields are set)

$mail_settings[‘treat_cc_as_to‘] = TRUE;

// The filename to be used for iCalendar attachments.   Will always have the

// extension ‘.ics‘

$mail_settings[‘ics_filename‘] = "booking";

// Set this to TRUE if you want MRBS to output debug information when you are sending email.

// If you are not getting emails it can be helpful by telling you (a) whether the mail functions

// are being called in the first place (b) whether there are addresses to send email to and (c)

// the result of the mail sending operation.

$mail_settings[‘debug‘] = TRUE;

// Where to send the debug output.  Can be ‘browser‘ or ‘log‘ (for the error_log)

$mail_settings[‘debug_output‘] = ‘log‘;

// Set this to TRUE if you do not want any email sent, whatever the rest of the settings.

// This is a global setting that will override anything else.   Useful when testing MRBS.

$mail_settings[‘disabled‘] = FALSE;

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Postgres_XL 简要安装配置说明


121. 请简要说明linux操作系统下你所了解的文件存储方案
