论文笔记 Interpreting Black-Box Classifiers Using Instance-Level Visual Explanations



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Subject: Interactive Model Analysis

Target: Verify the performance of a model

Existing methods: statistical methods, in an aggregated fashion (e.g. accuracy)

Related work:

  1. White box approach: Aiming at visualizing the internal structures of the models
    •   Logistic Regression: transparent weighting of the features
  2. Black box approach
  3. Models comparison:
    •   ModelTracker
    • MLCube Explorer: data cube analysis type

Contribution: a workflow and an interface


  1. Focus on input/output behaviour of a model (model agnostic)
  2. Locally and globally, decisions and feature importance



Core of the explanation algorithm: Removing features from a vector until the predicted label changes.

User Interface of Rivelo



Limitations: works with binary classifiers and binary features

Useful Quotes: DARPA XAI program: “the effectiveness of these systems is limited by the machines current inability to explain their decisions and actions to human users [. . .] it is essential to understand, appropriately trust, and effectively manage an emerging generation of artificially intelligent machine partners"

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