
Posted wolf940509





 1 #include "iostream"
 2 #include "cstdio"
 3 #include "cstring"
 4 #include "string"
 5 #include "queue"
 6 using namespace std;
 7 const int maxn=200;
 8 int s[3],t[3];
 9 int dx[]={-1,1,0,0,0};
10 int dy[]={0,0,-1,1,0};
11 int ind[maxn];
12 int g[maxn][5];
13 int d[maxn][maxn][maxn];
14 bool conflict(int a,int b,int a2,int b2){
15     return a2==b2||(a2==b&&b2==a);
16 }
17 typedef struct
18 {
19     int a,b,c;
20 }Node;
21 int bfs()
22 {
23     queue<Node> que;
24     memset(d,-1,sizeof(d));
25     Node f;
26     f.a=s[0],f.b=s[1],f.c=s[2];
27     d[s[0]][s[1]][s[2]]=0;
28     que.push(f);
29     while(!que.empty()){
30         Node u=que.front(); que.pop();
31         int a=u.a,b=u.b,c=u.c;
32         if(a==t[0]&&b==t[1]&&c==t[2])  return d[a][b][c];
33         for(int i=0;i<ind[a];i++){
34             int a2=g[a][i];
35             for(int j=0;j<ind[b];j++){
36                 int b2=g[b][j];
37                 if(conflict(a,b,a2,b2))  continue;
38                 for(int k=0;k<ind[c];k++){
39                     int c2=g[c][k];
40                     if(conflict(a,c,a2,c2))  continue;
41                     if(conflict(b,c,b2,c2))  continue;
42                     if(d[a2][b2][c2]!=-1)  continue;
43                     Node zz;
44                     zz.a=a2,zz.b=b2,zz.c=c2;
45                     d[a2][b2][c2]=d[a][b][c]+1;
46                     que.push(zz);
47                 }
48             }
49         }
50     }
51     return -1;
52 }
53 int main()
54 {
55     int w,h,n;
56     while(scanf("%d%d%d\n",&w,&h,&n)==3&&n)
57     {
58         string str[maxn];
59         for(int i=0;i<h;i++)
60             getline(cin,str[i]);
61         int cnt=0;
62         int x[maxn],y[maxn],id[maxn][maxn];
63         for(int i=0;i<h;i++){    //建图
64             for(int j=0;j<w;j++){
65                 if(str[i][j]!=#){
66                     x[cnt]=i,y[cnt]=j,id[i][j]=cnt;
67                     if(islower(str[i][j])) s[str[i][j]-a]=cnt;
68                     else if(isupper(str[i][j]))  t[str[i][j]-A]=cnt;
69                     ++cnt;
70                 }
71             }
72         }
73         for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){
74             ind[i]=0;
75             for(int dir=0;dir<5;dir++){
76                 int nx=x[i]+dx[dir],ny=y[i]+dy[dir];
77                 if(str[nx][ny]!=#)
78                     g[i][ind[i]++]=id[nx][ny];
79             }
80         }
81         if(n<=2){
82             ind[cnt]=1;g[cnt][0]=cnt; s[2]=t[2]=cnt++;
83         }
84         if(n<=1){
85             ind[cnt]=1;g[cnt][0]=cnt; s[1]=t[1]=cnt++;
86         }
87         printf("%d\n",bfs());
89     }
90 }
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UVa1601 The Morning after Halloween (双向广度优先搜索)

UVA - 1601 - The Morning after Halloween

uva 140 bandwidth (好题) ——yhx


UVa1601 The Morning after Halloween(双向bfs)