adict = {‘m‘:1, ‘n‘:2, ‘a‘:7, ‘b‘:8} for eachKey in sorted(adict): print eachKey
adict = {‘m‘:1, ‘n‘:2, ‘a‘:7, ‘b‘:8} for eachKey in sorted(adict): print eachKey, adict[eachKey]
adict = {‘n‘:2, ‘b‘:8,‘m‘:1, ‘a‘:7} values = adict.values() values.sort() for item in values: for a in adict: if adict[a] == item: print a, adict[a] x = a break adict.pop(x)
def list2dict(l1, l2): return dict(zip(l1, l2))
#!/usr/bin/env python import time db = {} def newuser(): prompt = ‘login desired: ‘ while True: name = raw_input(prompt) if db.has_key(name): prompt = ‘name taken, try another: ‘ continue else: break pwd = raw_input(‘passwd: ‘) db[name] = [pwd, time.asctime()] def olduser(): name = raw_input(‘login: ‘) pwd = raw_input(‘passwd: ‘) passwd = db.get(name)[0] if passwd == pwd: print ‘welcome back‘, name oldtime = db[name][1][11:16] newtime = time.asctime()[11:16] if ((float(oldtime[0:2])*60+float(oldtime[3:5])) - (float(newtime[0:2])*60+float(newtime[3:5]))) / 60 <= 4: print "You already logged in at: <%s>" % db[name][1] db[name][1] = time.asctime() else: print ‘login incorrect‘ def showmenu(): prompt = """ (N)ew User Login (E)xisting User Login (Q)uit Enter choice: """ done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): choice = ‘q‘ print ‘\nYou picked: [%s]‘ % choice if choice not in ‘neq‘: print ‘invalid option, try again‘ else: chosen = True if choice == ‘q‘: done = True if choice == ‘n‘: newuser() if choice == ‘e‘: olduser() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: showmenu()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 3 import time 4 5 db = {} 6 7 def newuser(): 8 prompt = ‘login desired: ‘ 9 while True: 10 name = raw_input(prompt) 11 if db.has_key(name): 12 prompt = ‘name taken, try another: ‘ 13 continue 14 else: 15 break 16 pwd = raw_input(‘passwd: ‘) 17 db[name] = [pwd, time.asctime()] 18 19 def olduser(): 20 name = raw_input(‘login: ‘) 21 pwd = raw_input(‘passwd: ‘) 22 passwd = db.get(name)[0] 23 if passwd == pwd: 24 print ‘welcome back‘, name 25 oldtime = db[name][1][11:16] 26 newtime = time.asctime()[11:16] 27 if ((float(oldtime[0:2])*60+float(oldtime[3:5])) - (float(newtime[0:2])*60+float(newtime[3:5]))) / 60 <= 4: 28 print "You already logged in at: <%s>" % db[name][1] 29 db[name][1] = time.asctime() 30 else: 31 print ‘login incorrect‘ 32 33 def manage(): 34 prompt = """ 35 (D)elete a User 36 (V)iew all username and password 37 (Q)uit 38 39 Enter choice: """ 40 while True: 41 ans = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower() 42 if ans not in ‘dvq‘: 43 print ‘invalid option, try again‘ 44 continue 45 else: 46 if ans == ‘d‘: 47 print ‘There are all users in this database‘ 48 for item in db.keys(): 49 print item 50 u = raw_input(‘Enter user name you want to delete: ‘) 51 if u in db.keys(): 52 p = raw_input(‘To delete this account, you must know that its password ->‘) 53 if db[u][0] == p: 54 db.pop(u) 55 print ‘delete succeed!‘ 56 else: 57 print ‘invalid password, delete failed‘ 58 else: 59 print ‘%s is an invalid username‘ % u 60 61 elif ans == ‘v‘: 62 print ‘There is all username and password‘ 63 for key, item in db.items(): 64 print key, item[0] 65 66 else: 67 break 68 69 def showmenu(): 70 prompt = """ 71 (N)ew User Login 72 (E)xisting User Login 73 (M)anage 74 (Q)uit 75 76 Enter choice: """ 77 78 done = False 79 while not done: 80 81 chosen = False 82 while not chosen: 83 try: 84 choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower() 85 except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): 86 choice = ‘q‘ 87 print ‘\nYou picked: [%s]‘ % choice 88 if choice not in ‘nemq‘: 89 print ‘invalid option, try again‘ 90 else: 91 chosen = True 92 93 if choice == ‘q‘: done = True 94 if choice == ‘n‘: newuser() 95 if choice == ‘e‘: olduser() 96 if choice == ‘m‘: manage() 97 98 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 99 showmenu()
print ‘Welcome to stock portfolio database system‘ print ‘there are 4 column data you should input with each line‘ print ‘[stock ticker symbol, number of shares, purchase price, current price]‘ print ‘input each item separate with whitespace, end eachline with enter, end all with ctrl+c‘ all = [] try: while True: userin = raw_input(‘->‘).split(‘ ‘) one = [] for item in userin: one.append(float(item)) all.append(one) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print print ‘please select one column to sort this table‘ prompt = """ (S)tock ticker symbol (N)umber of shares (P)urchase price (C)urrent price select one: """ print prompt while True: select = raw_input().strip().lower() adict = {} if select == ‘s‘: temp = [] for item in all: if item[0] in temp: print ‘error, please select one column which element is unique.‘ break temp.append(item[0]) else: for item in all: adict[item[0]] = item for key in sorted(adict): print key, adict[key] break continue elif select == ‘n‘: temp = [] for item in all: if item[1] in temp: print ‘error, please select one column which element is unique.‘ break temp.append(item[1]) else: for item in all: adict[item[1]] = item for key in sorted(adict): print key, adict[key] break continue elif select == ‘p‘: temp = [] for item in all: if item[2] in temp: print ‘error, please select one column which element is unique.‘ break temp.append(item[2]) else: for item in all: adict[item[2]] = item for key in sorted(adict): print key, adict[key] break continue elif select == ‘c‘: temp = [] for item in all: if item[3] in temp: print ‘error, please select one column which element is unique.‘ break temp.append(item[3]) else: for item in all: adict[item[3]] = item for key in sorted(adict): print key, adict[key] break continue
adict = {‘a‘:1, ‘b‘:2, ‘c‘:‘hello‘, ‘d‘:‘world‘} bdict = {} for key, value in adict.items(): bdict[value] = key print bdict
try: print ‘Input some employee name and number, separate with whitespace, end up with ctrl+c‘ resource = {} while True: userin = raw_input(‘->‘).split(‘ ‘) resource[userin[0]] = userin[1] except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print for eachKey in sorted(resource): print eachKey, resource[eachKey]
try: print ‘Input some employee name and number, separate with whitespace, end up with ctrl+c‘ resource = {} while True: userin = raw_input(‘->‘).split(‘ ‘) resource[userin[0]] = userin[1] except KeyboardInterrupt: pass bdict = {} for key, value in resource.items(): bdict[int(value)] = key print for eachKey in sorted(bdict): print eachKey, bdict[eachKey]
def tr(srcstr, dststr, string): if (len(srcstr) != len(dststr)) or (srcstr not in string): print ‘error‘ return for item in range(len(string)): if string[item] == srcstr[0] and (item <= len(string) - len(srcstr)): if string[item:item+len(srcstr)] == srcstr: string = string[:item] + dststr + string[item+len(srcstr):] return string
def tr(srcstr, dststr, string, cs = True): # cs means case sensitive if not cs: srcstr = srcstr.lower() dststr = dststr.lower() string = string.lower() if (len(srcstr) != len(dststr)) or (srcstr not in string): print ‘error‘ return for item in range(len(string)): if string[item] == srcstr[0] and (item <= len(string) - len(srcstr)): if string[item:item+len(srcstr)] == srcstr: string = string[:item] + dststr + string[item+len(srcstr):] return string
def tr(srcstr, dststr, string, cs = True): # cs means case sensitive if not cs: srcstr = srcstr.lower() dststr = dststr.lower() string = string.lower() if srcstr not in string: print ‘error‘ return for item in range(len(string)): if string[item] == srcstr[0] and (item <= len(string) - len(srcstr)): if string[item:item+len(srcstr)] == srcstr: string = string[:item] + dststr + string[item+len(srcstr):] + ‘ ‘ * (len(srcstr) - len(dststr)) return string.strip()
def rot13(c): if 65 <= ord(c) <= 90: if ord(c) <= 77: return chr(ord(c) + 13) elif ord(c) > 77: return chr(64 + ord(c) + 13 - 90) elif 97 <= ord(c) <= 122: if ord(c) <= 109: return chr(ord(c) + 13) elif ord(c) > 109: return chr(96 + ord(c) + 13 - 122) else: return c
#!/usr/bin/env python def rot13(c): if 65 <= ord(c) <= 90: if ord(c) <= 77: return chr(ord(c) + 13) elif ord(c) > 77: return chr(64 + ord(c) + 13 - 90) elif 97 <= ord(c) <= 122: if ord(c) <= 109: return chr(ord(c) + 13) elif ord(c) > 109: return chr(96 + ord(c) + 13 - 122) else: return c user = raw_input(‘Enter string to rot13: ‘) print ‘You string to en/decrypt was: [%s].‘ % user rots = "" for item in user: rots += rot13(item) print ‘The rot 13 string is: [%s]‘ % rots
import random N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 A = set() while count < N: A.add(random.randint(0, 9)) count += 1 N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 B = set() while count < N: B.add(random.randint(0, 9)) count += 1 print ‘A =‘, A print ‘B =‘, B print ‘A|B =‘, (A|B) print ‘A&B =‘, (A&B)
import random N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 A = set() while count < N: A.add(str(random.randint(0, 9))) count += 1 N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 B = set() while count < N: B.add(str(random.randint(0, 9))) count += 1 print ‘A =‘, A print ‘B =‘, B print ‘How do you think A|B and A&B (separate each item with whitespace)?‘ for item in range(3): aorb = set(raw_input(‘A|B: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) aandb = set(raw_input(‘A&B: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) if (aorb == A|B) and (aandb == A&B): print ‘right!‘ break else: print ‘wrong, please alter your answer‘ print aorb print aandb else: print ‘The answer is:‘ print ‘A|B: ‘, (A|B) print ‘A&B: ‘, (A&B)
import random N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 A = set() while count < N: A.add(str(random.randint(0, 9))) count += 1 N = random.randint(1, 10) count = 0 B = set() while count < N: B.add(str(random.randint(0, 9))) count += 1 print ‘A =‘, A print ‘B =‘, B print ‘How do you think A|B and A&B (separate each item with whitespace)?‘ for item in range(3): aorb = set(raw_input(‘A|B: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) aandb = set(raw_input(‘A&B: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) if (aorb == A|B) and (aandb == A&B): print ‘right!‘ break else: print ‘wrong, please alter your answer‘ print aorb print aandb else: print ‘The answer is:‘ print ‘A|B: ‘, (A|B) print ‘A&B: ‘, (A&B) ss = A - B print ‘There is‘, ss, ‘please judge whether is a subset of set A: (y/n)?‘ for i in range(3): judge = raw_input(‘->‘).strip()[0].lower() if judge == ‘y‘: print ‘right!‘ break else: ‘wrong, please alter your answer‘ else: print ‘This is a subset of set A‘
print ‘please input 2 sets, for each item separate with whitespace, for each set end with enter:‘ a = set(raw_input(‘set A: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) b = set(raw_input(‘set B: ‘).split(‘ ‘)) print ‘select an operator: in, not in, &, |, ^, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=‘ o = raw_input(‘->‘) if o == ‘in‘: print ‘A in B =‘, (a in b) elif o == ‘not in‘: print ‘A not in B =‘, (a not in b) elif o == ‘&‘: print ‘A & B =‘, (a & b) elif o == ‘|‘: print ‘A | B =‘, (a | b) elif o == ‘^‘: print ‘A ^ B =‘, (a ^ b) elif o == ‘<‘: print ‘A < B :‘, (a < b) elif o == ‘<=‘: print ‘A <= B :‘, (a <= b) elif o == ‘>‘: print ‘A > B :‘, (a > b) elif o == ‘>=‘: print ‘A >= B :‘, (a >= b) elif o == ‘==‘: print ‘A == B :‘, (a == b) elif o == ‘!=‘: print ‘A != B :‘, (a != b)