扫描线三巨头 hdu1928&&hdu 1255 && hdu 1542 [POJ 1151]
Posted hk lin
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了扫描线三巨头 hdu1928&&hdu 1255 && hdu 1542 [POJ 1151]相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
hdu 1928
Time Limit: 6000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 4795 Accepted Submission(s): 2339
Write a program to calculate the perimeter. An example with 7 rectangles is shown in Figure 1.

The corresponding boundary is the whole set of line segments drawn in Figure 2.

The vertices of all rectangles have integer coordinates.
0 <= number of rectangles < 5000
All coordinates are in the range [-10000,10000] and any existing rectangle has a positive area.
Please process to the end of file.
1 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<iostream> 4 #include<cstring> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<cmath> 7 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) 8 #define MAXN 50010 9 using namespace std; 10 struct edgx 11 { 12 int l,u,x; 13 int d; 14 }edgex[MAXN]; 15 struct edgy 16 { 17 int l,r,y; 18 int d; 19 }edgey[MAXN]; 20 struct seg 21 { 22 int l,r,cov,len; 23 }segt[MAXN<<2]; 24 int cntx,cnty; 25 int x[MAXN],y[MAXN],vec[MAXN]; 26 bool cmpy(edgy a,edgy b) 27 { 28 if(a.y==b.y) return a.d>b.d; 29 return a.y<b.y; 30 } 31 bool cmpx(edgx a,edgx b) 32 { 33 if(a.x==b.x) return a.d>b.d; 34 return a.x<b.x; 35 } 36 void init(int i,int l,int r) 37 { 38 segt[i]=(seg){l,r,0,0}; 39 if(l==r) 40 return ; 41 int mid=(l+r)>>1; 42 init(i<<1,l,mid); 43 init(i<<1|1,mid+1,r); 44 return ; 45 } 46 void pushup(int i) 47 { 48 if(segt[i].cov) 49 { 50 segt[i].len=vec[segt[i].r+1]-vec[segt[i].l]; 51 } 52 else if(segt[i].l==segt[i].r) 53 { 54 segt[i].len=0; 55 } 56 else 57 { 58 segt[i].len=segt[i<<1].len+segt[i<<1|1].len; 59 } 60 return ; 61 } 62 void update(int i,int l,int r,int value) 63 { 64 if(segt[i].l>=l && segt[i].r<=r) 65 { 66 segt[i].cov+=value; 67 pushup(i); 68 return ; 69 } 70 int mid=(segt[i].l+segt[i].r)>>1; 71 if(mid>=r) 72 { 73 update(i<<1,l,r,value); 74 } 75 else if(mid<l) 76 { 77 update(i<<1|1,l,r,value); 78 } 79 else 80 { 81 update(i<<1,l,r,value); 82 update(i<<1|1,l,r,value); 83 } 84 pushup(i); 85 return ; 86 } 87 int main() 88 { 89 int x1,x2,y1,y2,n,m,T,ans,l,r,k; 90 while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) 91 { 92 cntx=0; 93 cnty=0; 94 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 95 { 96 scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); 97 edgex[++cntx]=(edgx){y1,y2,x1,1}; 98 x[cntx]=x1; 99 edgex[++cntx]=(edgx){y1,y2,x2,-1}; 100 x[cntx]=x2; 101 edgey[++cnty]=(edgy){x1,x2,y1,1}; 102 y[cnty]=y1; 103 edgey[++cnty]=(edgy){x1,x2,y2,-1}; 104 y[cnty]=y2; 105 } 106 n<<=1; 107 ans=0; 108 memcpy(vec,x,sizeof(x)); 109 sort(vec+1,vec+n+1); 110 m=unique(vec+1,vec+n+1)-vec-1; 111 sort(edgey+1,edgey+n+1,cmpy); 112 init(1,1,m); 113 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 114 if(edgey[i].l<edgey[i].r) 115 { 116 k=segt[1].len; 117 l=lower_bound(vec+1,vec+m+1,edgey[i].l)-vec; 118 r=lower_bound(vec+1,vec+m+1,edgey[i].r)-vec; 119 update(1,l,r-1,edgey[i].d); 120 ans+=abs(segt[1].len-k); 121 } 122 memcpy(vec,y,sizeof(y)); 123 sort(vec+1,vec+n+1); 124 m=unique(vec+1,vec+n+1)-vec-1; 125 sort(edgex+1,edgex+n+1,cmpx); 126 init(1,1,m); 127 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 128 if(edgex[i].l<edgex[i].u) 129 { 130 k=segt[1].len; 131 l=lower_bound(vec+1,vec+m+1,edgex[i].l)-vec; 132 r=lower_bound(vec+1,vec+m+1,edgex[i].u)-vec; 133 update(1,l,r-1,edgex[i].d); 134 ans+=abs(segt[1].len-k); 135 } 136 printf("%d\n",ans); 137 } 138 return 0; 139 }
hdu 1255 矩阵面积并
Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5718 Accepted Submission(s): 2854

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