译x86程序员手册30-8.2 I/O指令

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了译x86程序员手册30-8.2 I/O指令相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

8.2 I/O Instructions I/O指令


The I/O instructions of the 80386 provide access to the processor\'s I/O ports for the transfer of data to and from peripheral devices. These instructions have as one operand the address of a port in the I/O address space. There are two classes of I/O instruction:


  1. Those that transfer a single item (byte, word, or doubleword) located in a register.


  1. Those that transfer strings of items (strings of bytes, words, or doublewords) located in memory. These are known as "string I/O instructions" or "block I/O instructions".


8.2.1 Register I/O Instructions 寄存器IO指令


The I/O instructions IN and OUTare provided to move data between I/O ports and the EAX (32-bit I/O), the AX (16-bit I/O), or AL (8-bit I/O) general registers. IN andOUTinstructions address I/O ports either directly, with the address of one of up to 256 port addresses coded in the instruction, or indirectly via the DX register to one of up to 64K port addresses.


IN (Input from Port) transfers a byte, word, or doubleword from an input port to AL, AX, or EAX. If a program specifies AL with the IN instruction, the processor transfers 8 bits from the selected port to AL. If a program specifies AX with the IN instruction, the processor transfers 16 bits from the port to AX. If a program specifies EAX with the IN instruction, the processor transfers 32 bits from the port to EAX.


OUT(Output to Port) transfers a byte, word, or doubleword to an output port from AL, AX, or EAX. The program can specify the number of the port using the same methods as the IN instruction.



8.2.2 Block I/O Instructions 块传送IO指令


The block (or string) I/O instructions INS and OUTS move blocks of data between I/O ports and memory space. Block I/O instructions use the DX register to specify the address of a port in the I/O address space. INS and OUTSuse DX to specify:


  • 8-bit ports numbered 0 through 65535 


  • 16-bit ports numbered 0, 2, 4, . . . , 65532, 65534


  • 32-bit ports numbered 0, 4, 8, . . . , 65528, 65532


Block I/O instructions use either SI or DI to designate the source or destination memory address. For each transfer, SI or DI are automatically either incremented or decremented as specified by the direction bit in the flags register.


INS and OUTS, when used with repeat prefixes, cause block input or output operations. REP, the repeat prefix, modifies INS and OUTS to provide a means of transferring blocks of data between an I/O port and memory. These block I/O instructions are string primitives (refer also to Chapter 3 for more on string primitives). They simplify programming and increase the speed of data transfer by eliminating the need to use a separate LOOP instruction or an intermediate register to hold the data.


The string I/O primitives can operate on byte strings, word strings, or doubleword strings. After each transfer, the memory address in ESI or EDI is updated by 1 for byte operands, by 2 for word operands, or by 4 for doubleword operands. The value in the direction flag (DF) determines whether the processor automatically increments ESI or EDI (DF=0) or whether it automatically decrements these registers (DF=1).

字符串IO原语可以对字节、字或双字构成的字符串进行操作。在每次传输后,ESI或EDI中的内存地址以1(字节操作数)、2(字操作数)或4(双字操作数)的变化量更新。方向标志(DF)的值决定处理器自动增加ESI或EDI的值(DF = 0)或减少这些寄存器值(DF = 1)。

INS(Input String from Port) transfers a byte or a word string element from an input port to memory. The mnemonics INSBINSW, and INSD are variants that explicitly specify the size of the operand. If a program specifies INSB, the processor transfers 8 bits from the selected port to the memory location indicated by ES:EDI. If a program specifies INSW, the processor transfers 16 bits from the port to the memory location indicated by ES:EDI. If a program specifies INSD, the processor transfers 32 bits from the port to the memory location indicated by ES:EDI. The destination segment register choice (ES) cannot be changed for the INS instruction. Combined with the REP prefix, INS moves a block of information from an input port to a series of consecutive memory locations.


OUTS (Output String to Port) transfers a byte, word, or doubleword string element to an output port from memory. The mnemonics OUTSBOUTSW, and OUTSD are variants that explicitly specify the size of the operand. If a program specifies OUTSB, the processor transfers 8 bits from the memory location indicated by ES:EDI to the the selected port. If a program specifies OUTSW, the processor transfers 16 bits from the memory location indicated by ES:EDI to the the selected port. If a program specifies OUTSD, the processor transfers 32 bits from the memory location indicated by ES:EDI to the the selected port. Combined with the REP prefix, OUTS moves a block of information from a series of consecutive memory locations indicated by DS:ESI to an output port.


8.3 Protection and I/O 保护与I/O

Two mechanisms provide protection for I/O functions:


  1. The IOPL field in the EFLAGS register defines the right to use I/O-related instructions.


  1. The I/O permission bit map of a 80386 TSS segment defines the right to use ports in the I/O address space.


These mechanisms operate only in protected mode, including virtual 8086 mode; they do not operate in real mode. In real mode, there is no protection of the I/O space; any procedure can execute I/O instructions, and any I/O port can be addressed by the I/O instructions.



8.3.1 I/O Privilege Level I/O特权级别


Instructions that deal with I/O need to be restricted but also need to be executed by procedures executing at privilege levels other than zero. For this reason, the processor uses two bits of the flags register to store the I/O privilege level (IOPL). The IOPL defines the privilege level needed to execute I/O-related instructions.


The following instructions can be executed only if CPL <= IOPL:


  • IN -- Input 输入
  • INS -- Input String 输入串
  • OUT -- Output 输出
  • OUTS -- Output String 输出串
  • CLI -- Clear Interrupt-Enable Flag 清除中断使能标志位
  • STI -- Set Interrupt-Enable 设置中断使能

These instructions are called "sensitive" instructions, because they are sensitive to IOPL.


To use sensitive instructions, a procedure must execute at a privilege level at least as privileged as that specified by the IOPL (CPL <= IOPL). Any attempt by a less privileged procedure to use a sensitive instruction results in a general protection exception.

为使用敏感指令,程序必须执行在IOPL指定的特权级别上(CPL <= IOPL)。任何较低特权的程序企图使用敏感指令,都会引发一般性保护异常。

Because each task has its own unique copy of the flags register, each task can have a different IOPL. A task whose primary function is to perform I/O (a device driver) can benefit from having an IOPL of three, thereby permitting all procedures of the task to perform I/O. Other tasks typically have IOPL set to zero or one, reserving the right to perform I/O instructions for the most privileged procedures.


A task can change IOPL only with the POPF instruction; however, such changes are privileged. No procedure may alter IOPL (the I/O privilege level in the flag register) unless the procedure is executing at privilege level 0. An attempt by a less privileged procedure to alter IOPL does not result in an exception; IOPL simply remains unaltered.


The POPF instruction may be used in addition to CLI and STI to alter the interrupt-enable flag (IF); however, changes to IF by POPF are IOPL-sensitive. A procedure may alter IF with a POPF instruction only when executing at a level that is at least as privileged as IOPL. An attempt by a less privileged procedure to alter IF in this manner does not result in an exception; IF simply remains unaltered.


8.3.2 I/O Permission Bit Map I/O权限位图


The I/O instructions that directly refer to addresses in the processor\'s I/O space are ININSOUTOUTS. The 80386 has the ability to selectively trap references to specific I/O addresses. The structure that enables selective trapping is the I/O Permission Bit Map in the TSS segment (see Figure 8-2). The I/O permission map is a bit vector. The size of the map and its location in the TSS segment are variable. The processor locates the I/O permission map by means of the I/O map base field in the fixed portion of the TSS. The I/O map base field is 16 bits wide and contains the offset of the beginning of the I/O permission map. The upper limit of the I/O permission map is the same as the limit of the TSS segment.




In protected mode, when it encounters an I/O instruction (ININSOUT, or OUTS), the processor first checks whether CPL <= IOPL. If this condition is true, the I/O operation may proceed. If not true, the processor checks the I/O permission map. (In virtual 8086 mode, the processor consults the map without regard for IOPL . Refer to Chapter 15.)


Each bit in the map corresponds to an I/O port byte address; for example, the bit for port 41 is found at I/O map base + 5, bit offset 1. The processor tests all the bits that correspond to the I/O addresses spanned by an I/O operation; for example, a doubleword operation tests four bits corresponding to four adjacent byte addresses. If any tested bit is set, the processor signals a general protection exception. If all the tested bits are zero, the I/O operation may proceed.

图中的每一位都对应一个I/O端口的字节地址;例如,端口41的对应位在I/O图的基址 + 5处,位的偏移为1。处理器对I/O操作涉及的所有I/O地址的对应位都进行测试;例如,一个双字操作测试一个以4对齐的字节地址所对应的4个位。如果任何位被设置,处理器发送一个一般保护异常。如果所以测试的位都是0,则I/O操作可以执行。

It is not necessary for the I/O permission map to represent all the I/O addresses. I/O addresses not spanned by the map are treated as if they had one bits in the map. For example, if TSS limit is equal to I/O map base + 31, the first 256 I/O ports are mapped; I/O operations on any port greater than 255 cause an exception.

对于IO权限位图,代表所有的I/O地址是不必要的。不被图所包含的I/O地址被视为在图中的位为1。例如,如果TSS限长等于I/O图基址 + 31,第一个256I/O端口被映射;任何对端口大于255的I/O操作都会导致异常。

If I/O map base is greater than or equal to TSS limit, the TSS segment has no I/O permission map, and all I/O instructions in the 80386 program cause exceptions when CPL > IOPL.

如果I/O图基址大于或等于TSS限长,则TSS段没有I/O权限位图,所有80386程序中的IO指令在CPL > IOPL时都会引发异常。

Because the I/O permission map is in the TSS segment, different tasks can have different maps. Thus, the operating system can allocate ports to a task by changing the I/O permission map in the task\'s TSS.


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