今天思考一个问题 --- 自己强项是什么??
Posted @想太多先森
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了今天思考一个问题 --- 自己强项是什么??相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
--- 思考中 ---
同样的问题抛给娜女士: 她说她没有强项。
答案是: 能找到工作就行。(这怎么能行?白菜吗?大甩卖吗?虽然java行业目前已经到了 ‘高标准高要求‘ 的年代,但是学得好,高收入也是很正常的,特别是目前java行业其实是趋于稳定了的,新的技术一时半会儿还取代不了java)
其实一开始我和她的答案是一样的。我们都是快速加工工厂的产物,都有消化不良的反应,所以如果她和我的想法一样的话,确实是这样的。没有强项,我是说我们想学习的人:我们没有大量时间去研究一样东西,没有大量的练习和实践经验,何来的强项?何来的熟能生巧?之前看过一个工作2-3年的前辈的博客,真的是很一般,框架基本是还是要重头学,很多基础知识都不会,开发估计大多是靠百度完成的。知识和学问就是这样,不用100%就可以干活,学要什么用什么,搜索什么就可以了,有个简单的基础,几年前会个面向对象就可以直接去公司上班了,现在这个年代已经一去不复返了,前辈们是从java1.0开始使用的,现在都java1.8了,java到后来开发项目,就是变得里三层外三层,一环套一环,复杂程度,估计james Gosling 本人都不认识了。所以面向大型的项目,企业级开发框架的优势就营运而生了。所以我们要好好学习企业级框架,小豆腐说的没错!!

复制代码 这个问题就是给你自夸的!自己夸自己高兴不高兴!可是有的同学本来实力很强,但有一肚子优点在面试时说不出来,或者说用英语说不出来。还有的同学往死里夸自己但是没有夸对,比如说自己能旅游,吃得多睡得香。 再强调一次,不是你真的牛逼了就牛逼,而是你的强项能和工作职责结合起来,符合公司的需求,才是牛逼。 如何用英语夸自己夸得低调,优雅,有内涵? HR希望你的强项能符合职位的要求(your strength match the needs of the job)。 这里的强项和要求分文三个级别的, 一是知识性的,比如电脑技能,大学学历,语言技能; 二是转移性技能,是你可以从你的科研背景,课外活动背景或者说其他的实习中嫁接到申请的工作中的,比如统筹人员(manage people),善于解决工作中的困难(being good at solving complex problems)等; 三是个人的特点,比如你是一个灵活安排工作的人。 在面试中,要带着面试官回顾你的简历,你说的优点和强项,在简历中有事例佐证;而你说完任何一个优点,你都要拿出例子佐证。 使用攻略:这篇文字很长,而且中英文夹杂,除了示范,还有分析,请大家耐心看完。看完后按照专业和个人情况修改一下。没有能百分之百切合你实际情况的示范答案。 另外,自己完成了原始的稿件,请不断练习,不断练习。能在压力情况下,流利地复述出来,才是达标的自我介绍。 我们还是先上直接的模板,再上分析。 One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills. In my current internship, I work with people from all over the world/country and many different backgrounds. I am able to understand that everyone has different perspectives about projects and work tasks. One of our new team member has background in such area. It is very tempting when talking about the latest technological developments to dismiss or at least ignore his perspective. However, as the core member of the department, it was clear to me that this new member brought a fresh perspective on why we needed to consider different options when deciding on the type of technology to adopt. Through hard work and determination, I was able to get the rest of the department to make important changes that moved us in the same direction as the project. I was fortunate that I was able to develop these analytical skills when I was an undergraduate student at XXX University. The program/major/lab I was in used case- based teaching so that we worked on solving real-life problems under real-life conditions. I graduated at the top of my class, and now, I make use of the skills I learned there everyday. 我们来分析一遍这个模板为什么要这么写。只有明白了为什么模板好,才能写出属于自己的好模板。 One of mybiggest strengths is my communication skills(这个沟通能力是万金油啊). In my currentinternship(用实习经历佐证沟通能力), I work with people from all over the world/country and many different backgrounds.I am able to understand that everyone has different perspectives about projects and work tasks.(能站在不同的角度看问题)One of our new team member has background in such area. It is very tempting when talking about the latest technological developments to dismiss or at least ignore his perspective. However, as the core member of the department, it was clear to me that this new member brought a fresh perspective on why we needed to consider different options when deciding on the type of technology to adopt. (能看到新组员的优点,帮助组内沟通) Throughhard work and determination(我的其他优点是努力工作有), I was able to get the rest of the department to make important changes that moved us in thesame direction as the project,(在项目组内起到润滑作用) I was fortunate that I was able to develop theseanalytical skills(这是上文提到的“转移性技能点”) when I was an undergraduate student at XXX University. Theprogram/major/lab(教育经历,实验室经历,专业课经历) I was in used case- based teaching so that we workedon solving real-life problems under real-life conditions.I graduated at the top of my class, and now, I make use of the skills I learned there everyday.(我成绩很好,学东西快,也算是转移性技能) 除此之外,可以说到的优点和强项包括: I have a positive attitude. (我十分乐观) I am dependable and punctual. (我可靠也准时) I believe in myself and have self-confidence. (我自信) I am able to handle failures and learn from my mistakes. (我可以反思我的错误) I am a team player. I have good interpersonal skills.(很好的团队合作者,有沟通技巧) 这些强项和优点,都是需要有一定的事例来佐证的。具体的模板就留给你们来写啦!思路是“我的优点是XXX,实习/课外活动中一件事情来佐证,我从我的专业课中学习了这些技巧,我的优点符合公司和职位的需求”。 复制代码
以上是关于今天思考一个问题 --- 自己强项是什么??的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章