Posted ChavinKing
Build instructions for Hadoop (Hadoop 编译安装,参考hadoop源码包中BUILDING.txt文档)
* Unix System
* JDK 1.6+
* Maven 3.0 or later
* Findbugs 1.3.9 (if running findbugs)
* ProtocolBuffer 2.5.0
* CMake 2.6 or newer (if compiling native code)
* Zlib devel (if compiling native code)
* openssl devel ( if compiling native hadoop-pipes )
* Internet connection for first build (to fetch all Maven and Hadoop dependencies)
yum groupinstall “Development tools”
yum -y install cmake zlib openssl gcc zlib-devel openssl-devel make
tar -zxvf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
make && make install
protoc --version
[[email protected] ~]# mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19 21:51:28+0800)
Maven home: /usr/local/maven305
Java version: 1.7.0_67, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[[email protected] ~]# ll /home/hadoop/.m2/
total 16
drwxrwxr-x. 56 hadoop hadoop 4096 Mar 3 20:13 repository
-rw-r--r--. 1 hadoop hadoop 10224 Mar 3 20:13 settings.xml
tar -zxvf findbugs-3.0.0.tar.gz
export FINDBUGS_HOME = /usr/local/findbugs
执行命令:source /etc/profile或者 . /etc/profile
验证:findbugs -version
Build options:
* Use -Pnative to compile/bundle native code
* Use -Pdocs to generate & bundle the documentation in the distribution (using -Pdist)
* Use -Psrc to create a project source TAR.GZ
* Use -Dtar to create a TAR with the distribution (using -Pdist)
Snappy build options:
Snappy is a compression library that can be utilized by the native code.
It is currently an optional component, meaning that Hadoop can be built with
or without this dependency.
* Use -Drequire.snappy to fail the build if libsnappy.so is not found.
If this option is not specified and the snappy library is missing,
we silently build a version of libhadoop.so that cannot make use of snappy.
This option is recommended if you plan on making use of snappy and want
to get more repeatable builds.
* Use -Dsnappy.prefix to specify a nonstandard location for the libsnappy
header files and library files. You do not need this option if you have
installed snappy using a package manager.
* Use -Dsnappy.lib to specify a nonstandard location for the libsnappy library
files. Similarly to snappy.prefix, you do not need this option if you have
installed snappy using a package manager.
* Use -Dbundle.snappy to copy the contents of the snappy.lib directory into
the final tar file. This option requires that -Dsnappy.lib is also given,
and it ignores the -Dsnappy.prefix option.
OpenSSL build options:
OpenSSL includes a crypto library that can be utilized by the native code.
It is currently an optional component, meaning that Hadoop can be built with
or without this dependency.
* Use -Drequire.openssl to fail the build if libcrypto.so is not found.
If this option is not specified and the openssl library is missing,
we silently build a version of libhadoop.so that cannot make use of
openssl. This option is recommended if you plan on making use of openssl
and want to get more repeatable builds.
* Use -Dopenssl.prefix to specify a nonstandard location for the libcrypto
header files and library files. You do not need this option if you have
installed openssl using a package manager.
* Use -Dopenssl.lib to specify a nonstandard location for the libcrypto library
files. Similarly to openssl.prefix, you do not need this option if you have
installed openssl using a package manager.
* Use -Dbundle.openssl to copy the contents of the openssl.lib directory into
the final tar file. This option requires that -Dopenssl.lib is also given,
and it ignores the -Dopenssl.prefix option.
Tests options:
* Use -DskipTests to skip tests when running the following Maven goals:
‘package‘, ‘install‘, ‘deploy‘ or ‘verify‘
* -Dtest.exclude=<TESTCLASSNAME>
* -Dtest.exclude.pattern=**/<TESTCLASSNAME1>.java,**/<TESTCLASSNAME2>.java
Building distributions:
Create binary distribution without native code and without documentation:
$ mvn package -Pdist -DskipTests -Dtar
Create binary distribution with native code and with documentation:
$ mvn package -Pdist,native,docs -DskipTests -Dtar
Create source distribution:
$ mvn package -Psrc -DskipTests
Create source and binary distributions with native code and documentation:
$ mvn package -Pdist,native,docs,src -DskipTests -Dtar
Create a local staging version of the website (in /tmp/hadoop-site)
$ mvn clean site; mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/tmp/hadoop-site
Handling out of memory errors in builds(编译过程中可能遇到的问题)
If the build process fails with an out of memory error, you should be able to fix
it by increasing the memory used by maven -which can be done via the environment
variable MAVEN_OPTS.
Here is an example setting to allocate between 256 and 512 MB of heap space to
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
编译命令:mvn package -Pdist,native -DskipTests -Dtar
mvn package -DskipTests -Dtar -Dsnappy.lib=/usr/lib64/ -Dbundle.snappy