
Posted 那海蓝蓝



1 元数据锁的锁请求与锁等待

    元数据锁在mysql Server层,按照锁的状态被细分为两种,一种是已经施加的锁,一种是等待施加的锁即锁请求,这样被区分的原因,如MySQL对“class MDL_request”的代码注释作了解释:


  A pending metadata lock request.


  A lock request and a granted metadata lock are represented by

  different classes because they have different allocation

  sites and hence different lifetimes. The allocation of lock requests is     //注意这里给出的原因是从工程实践中对锁的实现的角度区分的

  controlled from outside of the MDL subsystem, while allocation of granted   //体现了工程与理论的不同

  locks (tickets) is controlled within the MDL subsystem.


  MDL_request is a C structure, you don‘t need to call a constructor

  or destructor for it.


class MDL_request{...}  //锁请求

    所以,元数据锁在使用的过程中又被细分为“lock granted metadata” (代码中使用“class MDL_ticket”表示。ticket,入场卷,即要被授予的锁)和“lock request metadata”(代码中使用“class MDL_request”表示加锁的请求)。这样,MySQL Server分别使用两个类来表示这两种被细分的锁。


/**A reliable way to wait on an MDL lock. */

class MDL_wait{...  //锁等待。在获取锁的过程中,需要为是否获得锁做标志,采用的就是锁等待的状态值

enum enum_wait_status { //锁等待的状态,在锁等待在生命周期内因不同操作产生不同结果

    EMPTY = 0, //空状态,初始值

    GRANTED,   //锁被授予的状态

    VICTIM,    //某个会话被选为了受害者

    TIMEOUT,   //超时状态,申请加锁却发生超时

    KILLED };  //killed状态,发起锁请求的会话被killed掉,所以不仅是发起加锁请求的事务应终止,事务的属主会话也被终止


2 元数据锁类对象



The lock context. Created internally for an acquired lock.

 For a given name, there exists only one MDL_lock instance,and it exists only when the lock has been granted. 

Can be seen as an MDL subsystem‘s version of TABLE_SHARE.  //能够被存储层的TABLE_SHARE使用这个锁对象


This is an abstract class which lacks information aboutcompatibility rules for lock types.

 They should be specifiedin its descendants. 


class MDL_lock  //当需要施加元数据锁的时候,生成一个MDL_lock锁对象


    class Ticket_list{...}  //MDL_ticket封装为一个 List对象,用以存放多个MDL_ticket锁对象(MDL_ticket参见下一小节)


    /**  //对于锁的操作,又存在两种策略,这是根据被加锁的对象的特定区分的。每一种策略分别有各自的锁兼容规则

      Helper struct which defines how different types of locks are handledfor a specific MDL_lock.

      In practice we use only two strategies:

      "scoped"lock strategy for locks in GLOBAL, COMMIT, TABLESPACE and SCHEMA namespaces  //范围锁策略:范围带有空间的意味

      and "object" lock strategy for all other namespaces.                                 //对象锁策略:数据库内部的各种对象


    struct MDL_lock_strategy //锁的施加策略。如上所述,锁被分为两种类型,所以统一用策略数据结构来管理和描述这两类锁的特性


        /**Compatibility (or rather "incompatibility") matrices for lock types. //新申请的锁向已经授予的锁进行锁的相容性判断

            Array of bitmaps which elements specify which granted locks areincompatible with the type of lock being requested.*/   

        bitmap_tm_granted_incompatible[MDL_TYPE_END];  //已经被授予的锁的数组中保存有不兼容的、准备申请此对象的请求锁,位图数组结构










         /** Arrays of bitmaps which elements specify which waiting locks areincompatible with the type of lock being requested.

            Basically, eacharray defines priorities between lock types.

           We need 4 separate arrays since in order to prevent starvation for some of lock request types, we use different priority matrices:

          0) in "normal" situation.  //正常优先级

          1) in situation when the number of successively granted "piglet" requestsexceeds the max_write_lock_count limit. //小猪优先级

          2) in situation when the number of successively granted "hog" requestsexceeds the max_write_lock_count limit. //猪优先级

          3) in situation when both "piglet" and "hog" counters exceed limit.*/  //小猪和猪之和








        /**Array of increments for "unobtrusive" types of lock requests for locks.

           @sa MDL_lock::get_unobtrusive_lock_increment().*/

        //“unobtrusive”类型相关的锁粒度包括: SSHSR SW,对应“Fast path”的访问方式,主要用于DML类操作

        //obtrusive” 类型相关的锁粒度包括:SUSROSNWSNRWX,对应“slow path”的访问方式,主要用于非DML类操作

        fast_path_state_tm_unobtrusive_lock_increment[MDL_TYPE_END]; //快速访问“unobtrusive”类型的锁


        /**Indicates that locks of this type are affected bythe max_write_lock_count limit.*/

        bool m_is_affected_by_max_write_lock_count;


        /**Pointer to a static method which determines if the type of lockrequested requires notification of conflicting locks.

           NULL if thereare no lock types requiring notification.*/

        //当有冲突锁的时候,是否要被通知。“scopedlock”不要求被通知,而“object lock”施加排它锁时才需要被通知

        bool (*m_needs_notification)(const MDL_ticket *ticket);


        /**Pointer to a static method which allows notification of owners ofconflicting locksabout the fact

           that a type of lock requiringnotification was requested.*/

        //对于“object lock”,通知持有SSH类锁的会话线程(可能与待定的X锁冲突,pending lock

        void (*m_notify_conflicting_locks)(MDL_context *ctx, MDL_lock *lock); //发出通知的函数,含义类似上面


        /**Pointer to a static method which converts information aboutlocks granted using "fast" path

           from fast_path_state_trepresentation to bitmap of lock types.*/

        //SSRSW粒度的锁可以被使用“fast path”方式快速处理

        bitmap_t (*m_fast_path_granted_bitmap)(const MDL_lock &lock);


         /**Pointer to a static method which determines if waiting for the lockshould be aborted

           when connection is lost. NULL if locks ofthis type don‘t require such aborts.*/ //当连接断开的时候,锁是否应该被撤销。


        bool (*m_needs_connection_check)(const MDL_lock *lock);




    /** The key of the object (data) being protected. */

     MDL_key key;   //元数据锁所属的类型(在MDL_key中把元数据这样的对象分为了几类,给每类定义一个keyenum_mdl_namespace枚举中)

    /** List of granted tickets for this lock. */

    Ticket_list m_granted;  //对于本锁而言,在系统内部存在的已经被授予的所有锁list

    /** Tickets for contexts waiting to acquire a lock. */

Ticket_list m_waiting; //对于本锁而言,在系统内部存在的正在等待被授予的所有锁list




//这样的事情,当获取锁或释放锁时,或因ALTER TABLE等操作需要降级锁时,通过reschedule_waiters()函数进行


    /** Pointer to strategy object which defines how different types of lock

        requests should be handled for the namespace to which this lock belongs.

        @sa MDL_lock::m_scoped_lock_strategy and MDL_lock:m_object_lock_strategy. */

    const MDL_lock_strategy *m_strategy; //注意这是一个指针,执行哪个类型的策略就表示使用被指向的策略对象之策略(指向下面两个策略对象之一)


    static const MDL_lock_strategy m_scoped_lock_strategy; //范围锁对应的策略

    static const MDL_lock_strategy m_object_lock_strategy; //对象锁对应的策略






MySQL的事务与锁 转

