以前的空间poj 2288 Islands and Bridges
Posted Macaulish
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了以前的空间poj 2288 Islands and Bridges相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
一个不错的题解 : http://blog.csdn.net/accry/article/details/6607703
状态转移方程为:dp[i][j][k]=max(dp[i,j,k],dp[i\'][k][l]+temp) j表示当前点,k表示上一个点,l表示上上一个点。

var dp,way:array[0..mm,1..14,1..14]of int64; f:array[0..14]of int64; map:array[0..14,0..14]of boolean; j,k,l,n,m,i,state,p,temp,top:longint; ans1,ans2:int64; begin readln(p); while p<>0 do begin dec(p); read(n,m); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); for i:=1 to n do read(f[i]); if n=1 then begin writeln(f[1],\' 1\'); continue; end; readln; fillchar(map,sizeof(map),false); fillchar(way,sizeof(way),0); fillchar(dp,sizeof(dp),255); for i:=1 to m do begin read(j,k); map[j,k]:=true; map[k,j]:=true; end; top:=1<<n-1; ans1:=-1; ans2:=0; for i:=0 to top do for j:=1 to n do if (i and ( 1<< (j-1) )<>0) then for k:=1 to n do if (j<>k) and ((i and ( 1<< (k-1) ))<>0) and (map[j,k]) then begin if i=(1<<(j-1))+(1<<(k-1)) then begin dp[i,j,k]:=f[j]+f[k]+f[j]*f[k]; way[i,j,k]:=1; end else begin for l:=1 to n do if (j<>l) and (l<>k) and (i and ( 1<< (l-1))<>0)and map[k,l] then begin state:=i-(1<<(j-1)); if dp[state,k,l]=-1 then continue; temp:=f[j]*f[k]+f[j]+dp[state,k,l]; if map[j,l] then inc(temp,f[j]*f[k]*f[l]); if dp[i,j,k]>temp then continue; if dp[i,j,k]=temp then inc(way[i,j,k],way[state,k,l]); if dp[i,j,k]<temp then begin dp[i,j,k]:=temp; way[i,j,k]:=way[state,k,l]; end; end; end; if (i=top) then begin if ans1=dp[i,j,k] then ans2:=ans2+way[i,j,k] else if ans1<dp[i,j,k] then begin ans1:=dp[i,j,k]; ans2:=way[i,j,k]; end; end; end; if ans1=-1 then writeln(\'0 0\') else writeln(ans1,\' \',ans2 div 2); end; end.
以上是关于以前的空间poj 2288 Islands and Bridges的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
POJ2288 Islands and Bridges (DP)
POJ2288 Islands and Bridges (DP)
poj 2288 Islands and Bridges ——状压DP
POJ 2288 Islands and Bridges(状压dp)