Posted BandariFang
Queueable Apex: Batch 和 Future 的结合
Queueable Apex允许你提交类似于Future方法的异步处理作业,还具有以下附加优点:
Non-primitive types:你的Queueable类可以包含非原始数据类型的成员变量,例如sObjects或自定义Apex类型。当作业执行时,可以访问这些对象。
Chaining jobs:通过从正在运行的作业启动第二个作业,可以将一个作业链接到另一个作业。如果需要执行一些顺序处理,链接作业很有用
public class SomeClass implements Queueable { public void execute(QueueableContext context) { // awesome code here } }
public class UpdateParentAccount implements Queueable { private List<Account> accounts; private ID parent; public UpdateParentAccount(List<Account> records, ID id) { this.accounts = records; this.parent = id; } public void execute(QueueableContext context) { for (Account account : accounts) { account.parentId = parent; // perform other processing or callout } update accounts; } }
@isTest public class UpdateParentAccountTest { @testSetup static void setup() { List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>(); // add a parent account accounts.add(new Account(name=‘Parent‘)); // add 100 child accounts for (Integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) { accounts.add(new Account( name=‘Test Account‘+i )); } insert accounts; } static testmethod void testQueueable() { // query for test data to pass to queueable class Id parentId = [select id from account where name = ‘Parent‘][0].Id; List<Account> accounts = [select id, name from account where name like ‘Test Account%‘]; // Create our Queueable instance UpdateParentAccount updater = new UpdateParentAccount(accounts, parentId); // startTest/stopTest block to force async processes to run Test.startTest(); System.enqueueJob(updater); Test.stopTest(); // Validate the job ran. Check if record have correct parentId now System.assertEquals(100, [select count() from account where parentId = :parentId]); } }