Magnum项目通过Openstack API能够在Openstack中创建基于容器的服务,但它本身并不直接对容器进行操作,而是通过Kubernetes, Swarm或者Mesos后端进行管理。Openstack正式项目Zun具有直接管理docker的功能。
(1)Clusters(node对象的集合, 以前版本称为Bay)抽象化。
(2)与Kubernetes, Swarm以及Mesos进行集成,管理容器。

command | parameters | function | example |
cluster-create |
--cluster-template \\ The ID or name of the ClusterTemplate to use. --name \\ Name of the cluster to create. --keypair \\ The name or UUID of the SSH keypair to configure in the cluster servers for ssh access. --node-count \\ The number of servers that will serve as node in the cluster. --master-count \\ The number of servers that will serve as master for the cluster. --discovery-url \\ The custom discovery url for node discovery. --timeout \\ The timeout for cluster creation in minutes. |
创建一个cluster,以异步的方式执行。 |
magnum cluster-create --name mycluster \\ --cluster-template mytemplate \\ --node-count 8 \\ --master-count 3 说明:使用名为mytemplate的模板, 创建了一个拥有8个node, 3个master node, 名为mycluster的cluster |
cluster-delete | 通过name或ID删除一个cluster | magnum cluster-delete mycluster | |
cluster-list | 列出所以得cluster | magnum cluster-list | |
cluster-show | 显示某个cluster的详细信息 | magnum cluster-show mycluster | |
cluster-update |
<cluster> \\ This is the first parameter, specifying the UUID or name of the cluster to update. <op> \\ This is the second parameter, specifying the desired change to be made to the cluster attributes. The allowed changes are ‘add‘, ‘replace‘ and ‘remove‘. <attribute=value> \\ This is the third parameter, specifying the targeted attributes in the cluster as a list separated by blank space. |
更新某个cluster |
magnum cluster-update mycluster replace node_count=8 说明:把mycluster中的node节点设置为8 |
cluster-template-create |
--coe \\ Specify the Container Orchestration Engine to use. Supported COE‘s include ‘kubernetes‘, ‘swarm‘, ‘mesos‘. --image \\ The name or UUID of the base image in Glance to boot the servers for the cluster. --keypair \\ The name or UUID of the SSH keypair to configure in the cluster servers for ssh access. --external-network \\ The name or network ID of a Neutron network to provide connectivity to the external internet for the cluster. --name \\ Name of the ClusterTemplate to create. --public \\ Access to a ClusterTemplate is normally limited to the admin, owner or users within the same tenant as the owners. --server-type \\ The servers in the cluster can be VM or baremetal. --volume-driver \\ The name of a volume driver for managing the persistent storage for the containers. --dns-nameserver \\ The DNS nameserver for the servers and containers in the cluster to use. --flavor \\ The nova flavor id for booting the node servers. --master-flavor \\ The nova flavor id for booting the master or manager servers. --http-proxy /--https-proxy \\ The IP address for a proxy to use when direct http/https access from the servers to sites on the external internet is blocked. --no-proxy \\ When a proxy server is used, some sites should not go through the proxy and should be accessed normally. --docker-volume-size \\ If specified, container images will be stored in a cinder volume of the specified size in GB. --docker-storage-driver \\ The name of a driver to manage the storage for the images and the container‘s writable layer. --labels \\ Arbitrary labels in the form of key=value pairs. --tls-disabled \\ Transport Layer Security (TLS) is normally enabled to secure the cluster. --registry-enabled \\ Docker images by default are pulled from the public Docker registry, but in some cases, users may want to use a private registry. --master-lb-enabled \\ Since multiple masters may exist in a bay, a load balancer is created to provide the API endpoint for the bay and to direct requests to the masters. |
创建cluster template |
magnum cluster-template-create --name mesos-cluster-template \\ --image ubuntu-mesos \\ --keypair testkey \\ --external-network public \\ --dns-nameserver \\ --master-flavor m1.magnum \\ --docker-volume-size 4 \\ --tls-disabled \\ --flavor m1.magnum \\ --coe mesos \\ --volume-driver rexray \\ --labels rexray-preempt=true |
cluster-template-delete | 删除某个模板 | magnum cluster-template-delete mytemplate | |
cluster-template-list | 列出所有的模板 | magnum cluster-template-delete | |
cluster-template-show | 显示某个模板的详细信息 | magnum cluster-template-show mytemplate | |
cluster-template-update | 更新某个模板 | magnum cluster-template-update mytemplate [ ...] | |
service-list | 列出所以得magnum service | magnum service-list | |
ca-show | 显示某个cluster CA certificate 的详细信息 | magnum ca-show mycluster | |
ca-sign |
--csr File path of the csr file to send to Magnum to get signed. --cluster ID or name of the cluster. |
为某个cluster产生一个CA certificate | |
cluster-config | Configure native client to access cluster. | ||
stats-list | Show stats for the given project_id | magnum stats-list [--project-id ] |
COE | os-distro |
Kubernetes | Fedora-atomic, CoreOS |
Swarm | Fedora-atomic |
Mesos | Ubuntu |
COE | Network-Driver | Default |
Kubernetes | Flannel | Flannel |
Swarm | Docker, Flannel | Flannel |
Mesos | Docker | Docker |
COE | Volume-Driver | Default |
Kubernetes | Cinder | No Driver |
Swarm | Rexray | No Driver |
Mesos | Rexray | No Driver |
cmd: 整个Magnum组件对外提供操作的入口。
common: 公共代码。
condutor: magnum-conductor接收到magnum-api消息后,在此处选择相应的driver进行下一步处理。
conf: 配置相关代码。
db: sqlalchemy相关代码,包括数据库migrating功能。
drviers: 后端各种driver(Kubernetes, Swarm以及Mesos)相关代码。
hacking: 供magnum单元测试使用的检测对象。
objects: 数据库model抽象,提供操作数据库功能。
servicegroup: 周期性更新magnum服务组状态至数据库。
tests: 单元测试相关代码。
magnum-api: 负责接收处理以及转发client的请求消息。
magnum-conductor: 负责接收magnum-api所发出的消息,进行cluster等具体操作。
magnum-db-manage: 负责数据库的stamp,upgrade,version相关操作。
magnum-driver-manage: 负责管理后端各种driver(Kubernetes, Swarm以及Mesos)相关配置。
(1)通过magnum-db-manage控制数据库的migrating,目前只支持sqlalchemy的backend, 位于源码文件, 如下图所示。
执行过程:调用源码文件magnum/cmd/, 之后调用magnum/db/migration.py直接操作,如下图所示。此过程较简单,不再深入。
(2)通过magnum-driver-manage脚本,调用源码文件magnum/cmd/,之后调用magnum/drivers/, 管理drivers/目录下各种driver(Kubernetes, Swarm以及Mesos)的相关配置。此过程较简单,不再深入。
(2)之后由Pecan Route转发消息至相应的分支进行处理。
magnum-conductor消息处理大致流程:此进程启动RPC service接受magnum-api发出的消息,之后转发到相应的endpoint进行处理,如下图所示,位于源码文件cmd/。
其中,具体负责certificate相关消息处理,包括生成,存储,删除以及读取certificate操作。支持不同的backend来进行相关的certificate操作,位于源码文件, 如下图所示。负责处理cluster create,update,delete操作,根据cluster的属性选择相应的后端driver(kuberntes, mesos或者swarm, 位于源码文件, 如下图所示),最后通过heat组件以template形式来执行cluster相关的操作。代表magnum-conductor alive状态,即相当于keepalive概念。主要用于处理与数据库相关操作。
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