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Now I am ready to start installing TA-Lib.

Generally I followed the steps listed in?here.

1. Install Mac OS X brew install ?by opening terminal and run

ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL?”

2. Install TA-Lib

brew install ta-lib

3. Because Anaconda already have cython, we can skip this step

4. Install?ta-lib wrapper?by running this in terminal

sudo pip install ta-lib

By now, since you are in testenv, all necessary packages have been installed. You can check by running

pip list

and see that TA-Lib has been installed.

Now in your python file, you can import talib and run help(talib) to see the help file for TALIB.




无法在 ubuntu 上安装 Ta-lib - pip 和 make [重复] 错误


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