服务(Service)对于大家来说一定不会陌生,它是Windows 操作系统重要的组成部分。我们可以把服务想像成一种特殊的应用程序,它随系统的“开启~关闭”而“开始~停止”其工作内容,在这期间无需任何用户参与。Windows 服务在后台执行着各种各样任务,支持着我们日常的桌面操作。有时候可能需要服务与用户进行信息或界面交互操作,这种方式在XP 时代是没有问题的,但自从Vista 开始你会发现这种方式似乎已不起作用。
现在有个需求需要服务程序弹框提示和启动包含复杂UI的桌面程序,"穿透Session 0 隔离"这篇文章已经写得很好了,看了之后非常有帮助,但是在最后启动了cmd之后发现就只能启动cmd,启动其他类型的程序都会报错。仔细看了评论发现还是没有解决,只是照着抄了一遍,发现不仔细看还是不是自己的东西(知识)啊。
最后修改了一下程序,解决了问题。跟原博主李敬然写的稍微有点区别。我的是抄的msdn的代码。总之就是 CreateProcessAsUser 函数的申明和调用有些区别。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Principal; namespace WindowsService1 { public class WinAPI_Interop { public static IntPtr WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE = IntPtr.Zero; /// <summary> /// 服务程序执行消息提示,前台MessageBox.Show /// </summary> /// <param name="message">消息内容</param> /// <param name="title">标题</param> public static void ShowServiceMessage(string message, string title) { int resp = 0; WTSSendMessage(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(), title, title.Length, message, message.Length, 0, 0, out resp, false); } [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern int WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(); [DllImport("wtsapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool WTSSendMessage(IntPtr hServer, int SessionId, String pTitle, int TitleLength, String pMessage, int MessageLength,int Style, int Timeout, out int pResponse, bool bWait); #region P/Invoke WTS APIs private enum WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { WTSActive, WTSConnected, WTSConnectQuery, WTSShadow, WTSDisconnected, WTSIdle, WTSListen, WTSReset, WTSDown, WTSInit } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private struct WTS_SESSION_INFO { public UInt32 SessionID; public string pWinStationName; public WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS State; } [DllImport("WTSAPI32.DLL", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern bool WTSEnumerateSessions( IntPtr hServer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] UInt32 Reserved, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] UInt32 Version, ref IntPtr ppSessionInfo, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref UInt32 pSessionInfoCount ); [DllImport("WTSAPI32.DLL", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern void WTSFreeMemory(IntPtr pMemory); [DllImport("WTSAPI32.DLL", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern bool WTSQueryUserToken(UInt32 sessionId, out IntPtr Token); #endregion #region P/Invoke CreateProcessAsUser /// <summary> /// Struct, Enum and P/Invoke Declarations for CreateProcessAsUser. /// </summary> /// [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] struct STARTUPINFO { public Int32 cb; public string lpReserved; public string lpDesktop; public string lpTitle; public Int32 dwX; public Int32 dwY; public Int32 dwXSize; public Int32 dwYSize; public Int32 dwXCountChars; public Int32 dwYCountChars; public Int32 dwFillAttribute; public Int32 dwFlags; public Int16 wShowWindow; public Int16 cbReserved2; public IntPtr lpReserved2; public IntPtr hStdInput; public IntPtr hStdOutput; public IntPtr hStdError; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] struct PROCESS_INFORMATION { public IntPtr hProcess; public IntPtr hThread; public int dwProcessId; public int dwThreadId; } /// <summary> /// 以当前登录的windows用户(角色权限)运行指定程序进程 /// </summary> /// <param name="hToken"></param> /// <param name="lpApplicationName">指定程序(全路径)</param> /// <param name="lpCommandLine">参数</param> /// <param name="lpProcessAttributes">进程属性</param> /// <param name="lpThreadAttributes">线程属性</param> /// <param name="bInheritHandles"></param> /// <param name="dwCreationFlags"></param> /// <param name="lpEnvironment"></param> /// <param name="lpCurrentDirectory"></param> /// <param name="lpStartupInfo">程序启动属性</param> /// <param name="lpProcessInformation">最后返回的进程信息</param> /// <returns>是否调用成功</returns> [DllImport("ADVAPI32.DLL", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken,string lpApplicationName,string lpCommandLine,IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles,uint dwCreationFlags,string lpEnvironment,string lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation); [DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hHandle); #endregion /// <summary> /// 以当前登录系统的用户角色权限启动指定的进程 /// </summary> /// <param name="ChildProcName">指定的进程(全路径)</param> public static void CreateProcess(string ChildProcName) { IntPtr ppSessionInfo = IntPtr.Zero; UInt32 SessionCount = 0; if (WTSEnumerateSessions( (IntPtr)WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, // Current RD Session Host Server handle would be zero. 0, // This reserved parameter must be zero. 1, // The version of the enumeration request must be 1. ref ppSessionInfo, // This would point to an array of session info. ref SessionCount // This would indicate the length of the above array. )) { for (int nCount = 0; nCount < SessionCount; nCount++) { WTS_SESSION_INFO tSessionInfo = (WTS_SESSION_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ppSessionInfo + nCount * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO)), typeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO)); if (WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS.WTSActive == tSessionInfo.State) { IntPtr hToken = IntPtr.Zero; if (WTSQueryUserToken(tSessionInfo.SessionID, out hToken)) { PROCESS_INFORMATION tProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO tStartUpInfo = new STARTUPINFO(); tStartUpInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(STARTUPINFO)); bool ChildProcStarted = CreateProcessAsUser( hToken, // Token of the logged-on user. ChildProcName, // Name of the process to be started. null, // Any command line arguments to be passed. IntPtr.Zero, // Default Process‘ attributes. IntPtr.Zero, // Default Thread‘s attributes. false, // Does NOT inherit parent‘s handles. 0, // No any specific creation flag. null, // Default environment path. null, // Default current directory. ref tStartUpInfo, // Process Startup Info. out tProcessInfo // Process information to be returned. ); if (ChildProcStarted) { CloseHandle(tProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(tProcessInfo.hProcess); } else { ShowServiceMessage("CreateProcessAsUser失败", "CreateProcess"); } CloseHandle(hToken); break; } } } WTSFreeMemory(ppSessionInfo); } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.ServiceProcess; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsService1 { public partial class AlertService : ServiceBase { public AlertService() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { //Interop.ShowMessageBox("This a message from AlertService.","AlertService Message"); WinAPI_Interop.CreateProcess(@"E:\\work\\box\\GreenlandBox\\BinFiles\\ClientBin\\BufferBox.exe"); //Interop.CreateProcess("cmd.exe", @"C:\\Windows\\System32\\"); } protected override void OnStop() { } } }
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CreateProcessAsUser 在活动会话中创建窗口
无密码的 CreateProcessAsUser 和 LogonUser