




还有很多地方没有完善 暂时就先这样吧 以后有机会在加效果

多练习 熟能生巧~


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250                 <h5><b>云音乐特色榜</b></h5>
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253                     <h6> 云音乐飙升榜</h6>
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258                     <h6>云音乐新歌榜</h6>
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263                     <h6>网易原创歌曲榜</h6>
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268                     <h6>云音乐热歌榜</h6>
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274                 <h5><b>全体媒体榜</b></h5>
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277                     <h6>云音乐ACG音乐榜</h6>
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282                     <h6>云音乐古典音乐榜</h6>
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287                     <h6>UK排行榜周榜</h6>
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292                     <h6>美国Billboard周榜</h6>
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297                     <h6>Beatport全球电子舞曲榜</h6>
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302                     <h6>法国&nbsp;NRJ&nbsp;Vos&nbsp;Hiits&nbsp;周榜</h6>
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312                     <h6>iTunes榜</h6>
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317                     <h6>日本Oricon周榜</h6>
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322                     <h6>韩国Mne排行榜周榜</h6>
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326                     <img src="img/bd7.png" alt="">
327                     <h6>美国Billboard周榜</h6>
328                     <p class="font1"><small>每天更新</small></p>
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331                     <img src="img/bd7.png" alt="">
332                     <h6>Beatport全球电子舞曲榜</h6>
333                     <p class="font1"><small>每天更新</small></p>
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336                     <img src="img/bd7.png" alt="">
337                     <h6>法国&nbsp;NRJ&nbsp;Vos&nbsp;Hiits&nbsp;周榜</h6>
338                     <p class="font1"><small>每天更新</small></p>
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348                     <p class="font1"><small>每天更新</small></p>
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359                     <h4 class="media-heading"><b>云音乐飙升榜</b></h4>
360                     <p><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>最近更新:01月20日&nbsp;(每天更新)</p>
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396                 <table id="media-table" class="table table-striped table-responsive">
397                     <span><strong>歌曲列表</strong>100首歌曲</span>
398                     <p id="media-table-p2">播放:
399                         <span class="red"><strong>7465644</strong></span>400                     </p>
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412                     <tbody id="tbody-tr">
413                     <tr class="media-table-tr" height="40px">
414                         <td class="td">1</td>
415                         <td>
416                             <img src="img/xzq.jpg" width="60px" height="60px">
417                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o td1"></i>
418                             <p class="td-p td1">Goodbey</p>
420                         </td>
421                         <td class="td1 change"> 0320</td>
422                         <td class="tr-td td1">2NE1</td>
423                     </tr>
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425                         <td class="td">2</td>
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427                             <img src="img/xzq2.jpg" width="60px" height="60px">
428                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o td1"></i>
429                             <p class="td-p td1">小幸运</p>
431                         </td>
432                         <td class="td1 change"> 0320</td>
433                         <td class="tr-td td1">田馥甄</td>
434                     </tr>
435                     <tr class="media-table-tr" height="40px">
436                         <td class="td">1</td>
437                         <td>
438                             <img src="img/tx.jpg" width="60px" height="60px">
439                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o td1"></i>
440                             <p class="td-p td1">演员</p>
442                         </td>
443                         <td class="td1 change"> 0320</td>
444                         <td class="tr-td td1">薛之谦</td>
445                     </tr>
446                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
447                         <td>4</td>
448                         <td>
449                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
450                             <p class="td-p">晴天</p>
452                         </td>
453                         <td>0320</td>
454                         <td>周杰伦</td>
455                     </tr>
456                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
457                         <td>5</td>
458                         <td>
459                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
460                             <p class="td-p">九歌</p>
462                         </td>
463                         <td>0320</td>
464                         <td>小曲儿</td>
465                     </tr>
466                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
467                         <td>6></td>
468                         <td>
469                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
470                             <p class="td-p">下午茶</p>
472                         </td>
473                         <td>0320</td>
474                         <td>徐梦媛</td>
475                     </tr>
476                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
477                         <td>7</td>
478                         <td>
479                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
480                             <p class="td-p">火星人来过</p>
482                         </td>
483                         <td>0320</td>
484                         <td>薛之谦</td>
485                     </tr>
486                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
487                         <td>8</td>
488                         <td>
489                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
490                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
492                         </td>
493                         <td>0320</td>
494                         <td>薛之谦</td>
495                     </tr>
496                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
497                         <td>9</td>
498                         <td>
499                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
500                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
502                         </td>
503                         <td>0320</td>
504                         <td>薛之谦</td>
505                     </tr>
506                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
507                         <td>10</td>
508                         <td>
509                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
510                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
512                         </td>
513                         <td>0320</td>
514                         <td>薛之谦</td>
515                     </tr>
516                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
517                         <td>11</td>
518                         <td>
519                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
520                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
522                         </td>
523                         <td>0320</td>
524                         <td>薛之谦</td>
525                     </tr>
526                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
527                         <td>12</td>
528                         <td>
529                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
530                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
532                         </td>
533                         <td>0320</td>
534                         <td>薛之谦</td>
535                     </tr>
536                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
537                         <td>13</td>
538                         <td>
539                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
540                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
542                         </td>
543                         <td>0320</td>
544                         <td>薛之谦</td>
545                     </tr>
546                     <tr class="media-table-tr" bgcolor="#ffffff">
547                         <td>14</td>
548                         <td>
549                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
550                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
552                         </td>
553                         <td>0320</td>
554                         <td>薛之谦</td>
555                     </tr>
556                     <tr class="media-table-tr">
557                         <td>15</td>
558                         <td>
559                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></i>
560                             <p class="td-p">意外</p>
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