[codeforces724E]Goods transportation
Posted xjr_01
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了[codeforces724E]Goods transportation相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
[codeforces724E]Goods transportation
There are n cities located along the one-way road. Cities are numbered from 1 to n in the direction of the road.
The i-th city had produced pi units of goods. No more than si units of goods can be sold in the i-th city.
For each pair of cities i and j such that 1?≤?i?<?j?≤?n you can no more than once transport no more than c units of goods from the city i to the city j. Note that goods can only be transported from a city with a lesser index to the city with a larger index. You can transport goods between cities in any order.
Determine the maximum number of produced goods that can be sold in total in all the cities after a sequence of transportations.
The first line of the input contains two integers n and c (1?≤?n?≤?10?000, 0?≤?c?≤?109) — the number of cities and the maximum amount of goods for a single transportation.
The second line contains n integers pi (0?≤?pi?≤?109) — the number of units of goods that were produced in each city.
The third line of input contains n integers si (0?≤?si?≤?109) — the number of units of goods that can be sold in each city.
Print the maximum total number of produced goods that can be sold in all cities after a sequence of transportations.
4 3 13 10 7 4 4 7 10 13
这显然是一个最大流模型,从源点向每一个城市连一条容量为 pi 的单向边,从每个城市向汇点连一条容量为 si 的单向边,然后每个城市向编号比它大的所有城市连一条容量为 c 的单向边。
然而最多有 10002 个点,50015000 条边,时间暂且不考虑,每条边需要有反向弧,并且每条弧至少需要存 2 个 int(边的终点和边的剩余流量),对于 256MB 的限制来说太大了。
然而这题有一个比较妙的办法,由于建图的特殊性,我们可以转化成最小割之后 dp,设 f(i, j) 表示前 i 个点中 j 个点属于 S 集合的最小割是多少。
第一步:先把从源点到节点 i 再到汇点的流量先耗尽,于是残量网络就变成了这个样子:
若 pi > si,则从源点向 i 连一条 pi - si 的边;
若 pi < si,则从 i 向汇点连一条 si - pi 的边;
若 0 < i < j < n + 1,则从 i 向 j 连一条 c 的边。
第二步:考虑上面的 dp 如何转移,枚举当前点属于 S 集还是 T 集。我很懒,不想再写了,转移方程不妨留给读者思考吧。。。
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <stack> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; const int BufferSize = 1 << 16; char buffer[BufferSize], *Head, *Tail; inline char Getchar() { if(Head == Tail) { int l = fread(buffer, 1, BufferSize, stdin); Tail = (Head = buffer) + l; } return *Head++; } int read() { int x = 0, f = 1; char c = Getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == ‘-‘) f = -1; c = Getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ x = x * 10 + c - ‘0‘; c = Getchar(); } return x * f; } #define maxn 10010 #define oo (1ll << 60) #define LL long long LL f[2][maxn]; int n, C, P[maxn], S[maxn]; int main() { n = read(); C = read(); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) P[i] = read(); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) S[i] = read(); for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for(int j = 0; j <= n; j++) f[i][j] = oo; f[0][0] = 0; LL base = 0; bool cur = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++, cur ^= 1) { base += min(S[i], P[i]); for(int j = 0; j <= n; j++) f[cur][j] = oo; for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { if(S[i] > P[i]) { if(j && f[cur^1][j-1] < oo) f[cur][j] = min(f[cur][j], f[cur^1][j-1] + S[i] - P[i]); if(f[cur^1][j] < oo) f[cur][j] = min(f[cur][j], f[cur^1][j] + (LL)j * C); } else { if(j && f[cur^1][j-1] < oo) f[cur][j] = min(f[cur][j], f[cur^1][j-1]); if(f[cur^1][j] < oo) f[cur][j] = min(f[cur][j], f[cur^1][j] + P[i] - S[i] + (LL)j * C); } } } LL tmp = oo; for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) tmp = min(tmp, f[cur^1][i]); printf("%I64d\n", base + tmp); return 0; }
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