Posted 阿波罗2003
1 template<typename T> 2 class ScapegoatTreeNode{ 3 private: 4 static const float factora = 0.75; //平衡因子 5 public: 6 T data; 7 int size, cover; //数的个数, 实际节点个数 8 int count; 9 ScapegoatTreeNode* next[2]; 10 11 ScapegoatTreeNode():size(1), cover(1), count(1){ 12 memset(next, 0, sizeof(next)); 13 } 14 15 ScapegoatTreeNode(T data):data(data), size(1), cover(1), count(1){ 16 memset(next, 0, sizeof(next)); 17 } 18 19 void maintain(){ //维护大小 20 cover = 1, size = count; 21 for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 22 if(next[i] != NULL) 23 cover += next[i]->cover, size += next[i]->size; 24 } 25 26 int cmp(T data){ 27 if(this->data == data) return -1; 28 return (data < this->data) ? (0) : (1); 29 } 30 31 boolean bad(){ 32 for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 33 // if(next[i] != NULL && next[i]->cover > this->cover * factora) 34 if(next[i] != NULL && next[i]->cover > (this->cover + 3) * factora) //+1 384ms +3 376ms +5 448ms 35 return true; 36 return false; 37 } 38 39 inline void addCount(int val){ 40 size += val; 41 count += val; 42 } 43 };
首先将要重构的子树拍平(遍历一次得到一个数组),然后利用这个数组进行重构。每次的节点为这个区间的中点,然后递归调用去把[l, mid - 1]重构左子树,[mid + 1, r]重构有子树。记得在每层函数返回之前进行子树大小的维护。
为了体现当l > r时,直接return NULL,特此注明的键值为7的左子树。
1 //查找操作,因为重构后,有一些节点会消失,需要重新维护一下cover 2 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* find(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T data){ 3 if(node == NULL) return NULL; 4 int d = node->cmp(data); 5 if(d == -1) return node; 6 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* s = find(node->next[d], data); 7 node->maintain(); 8 return s; 9 } 10 11 //中序遍历得到一个数组 12 void getLis(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node){ 13 if(node == NULL) return; 14 getLis(node->next[0]); 15 if(node->count > 0) lis.push_back(node); 16 getLis(node->next[1]); 17 if(node->count <= 0) delete node; 18 } 19 20 //重构的主要过程 21 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* rebuild(int from, int end){ 22 if(from > end) return NULL; 23 if(from == end){ 24 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* node = lis[from]; 25 node->next[0] = node->next[1] = NULL; 26 node->size = node->count; 27 node->cover = 1; 28 return node; 29 } 30 int mid = (from + end) >> 1; 31 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* node = lis[mid]; 32 node->next[0] = rebuild(from, mid - 1); 33 node->next[1] = rebuild(mid + 1, end); 34 node->maintain(); 35 return node; 36 } 37 38 //调用 39 void rebuild(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& father){ 40 lis.clear(); 41 getLis(node); 42 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* ret = rebuild(0, (unsigned)lis.size() - 1); 43 if(father == NULL) root = ret; 44 else{ 45 father->next[father->cmp(ret->data)] = ret; 46 find(root, ret->data); 47 } 48 }
1 static boolean remove(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T data){ 2 if(node == NULL) return false; 3 int d = node->cmp(data); 4 if(d == -1){ 5 node->addCount(-1); 6 return true; 7 } 8 boolean res = remove(node->next[d], data); 9 if(res) node->maintain(); 10 return res; 11 } 12 13 boolean remove(T data){ 14 boolean res = remove(root, data); 15 return res; 16 }
1 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* upper_bound(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T val){ 2 if(node == NULL) return node; 3 int to = node->cmp(val); 4 if(val == node->data) to = 1; 5 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* ret = upper_bound(node->next[to], val); 6 if(to == 0 && ret == NULL) ret = upper_bound(node->next[1], val); 7 return ((ret == NULL || node->data < ret->data) && node->data > val && node->count > 0) ? (node) : (ret); 8 }
替罪羊树的思路可以算是我见过的平衡树中最简单的,然而实现起来处处被坑,处处RE。另外可以通过多次实践来调整平衡因子和bad()函数,可以不通过改变主体过程就可以做到提高效率。下面是bzoj 3224的AC完整代码。
1 /** 2 * bzoj 3 * Problem#3224 4 * Accepted 5 * Time:500ms / 368ms 6 * Memory:2628k / 2628k 7 */ 8 #include<iostream> 9 #include<fstream> 10 #include<sstream> 11 #include<cstdio> 12 #include<cstdlib> 13 #include<cstring> 14 #include<ctime> 15 #include<cctype> 16 #include<cmath> 17 #include<algorithm> 18 #include<stack> 19 #include<queue> 20 #include<set> 21 #include<map> 22 #include<vector> 23 using namespace std; 24 typedef bool boolean; 25 #define smin(a, b) (a) = min((a), (b)) 26 #define smax(as, b) (a) = max((a), (b)) 27 template<typename T> 28 inline boolean readInteger(T& u){ 29 char x; 30 int aFlag = 1; 31 while(!isdigit((x = getchar())) && x != \'-\' && x != -1); 32 if(x == -1) return false; 33 if(x == \'-\'){ 34 x = getchar(); 35 aFlag = -1; 36 } 37 for(u = x - \'0\'; isdigit((x = getchar())); u = (u << 3) + (u << 1) + x - \'0\'); 38 ungetc(x, stdin); 39 u *= aFlag; 40 return true; 41 } 42 43 template<typename T> 44 class ScapegoatTreeNode{ 45 private: 46 static const float factora = 0.75; //平衡因子 47 public: 48 T data; 49 int size, cover; //数的个数, 实际节点个数 50 int count; 51 ScapegoatTreeNode* next[2]; 52 53 ScapegoatTreeNode():size(1), cover(1), count(1){ 54 memset(next, 0, sizeof(next)); 55 } 56 57 ScapegoatTreeNode(T data):data(data), size(1), cover(1), count(1){ 58 memset(next, 0, sizeof(next)); 59 } 60 61 void maintain(){ //维护大小 62 cover = 1, size = count; 63 for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 64 if(next[i] != NULL) 65 cover += next[i]->cover, size += next[i]->size; 66 } 67 68 int cmp(T data){ 69 if(this->data == data) return -1; 70 return (data < this->data) ? (0) : (1); 71 } 72 73 boolean bad(){ 74 for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 75 // if(next[i] != NULL && next[i]->cover > this->cover * factora) 76 if(next[i] != NULL && next[i]->cover > (this->cover + 3) * factora) //+1 384ms +3 376ms +5 448ms 77 return true; 78 return false; 79 } 80 81 inline void addCount(int val){ 82 size += val; 83 count += val; 84 } 85 }; 86 87 template<typename T> 88 class ScapegoatTree{ 89 protected: 90 static void insert(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T data, ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& last, ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& father){ 91 if(node == NULL){ 92 node = new ScapegoatTreeNode<T>(data); 93 return; 94 } 95 int d = node->cmp(data); 96 if(d == -1){ 97 node->addCount(1); 98 return; 99 } 100 insert(node->next[d], data, last, father); 101 node->maintain(); 102 if(father == NULL && last != NULL) father = node; 103 if(node->bad()) last = node, father = NULL; 104 } 105 106 static boolean remove(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T data){ 107 if(node == NULL) return false; 108 int d = node->cmp(data); 109 if(d == -1){ 110 node->addCount(-1); 111 return true; 112 } 113 boolean res = remove(node->next[d], data); 114 if(res) node->maintain(); 115 return res; 116 } 117 118 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* less_bound(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T val){ 119 if(node == NULL) return node; 120 int to = node->cmp(val); 121 if(val == node->data) to = 0; 122 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* ret = less_bound(node->next[to], val); 123 if(to == 1 && ret == NULL) ret = less_bound(node->next[0], val); 124 return ((ret == NULL || node->data > ret->data) && node->data < val && node->count > 0) ? (node) : (ret); 125 } 126 127 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* upper_bound(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T val){ 128 if(node == NULL) return node; 129 int to = node->cmp(val); 130 if(val == node->data) to = 1; 131 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* ret = upper_bound(node->next[to], val); 132 if(to == 0 && ret == NULL) ret = upper_bound(node->next[1], val); 133 return ((ret == NULL || node->data < ret->data) && node->data > val && node->count > 0) ? (node) : (ret); 134 } 135 136 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* findKth(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, int k){ 137 int ls = (node->next[0] == NULL) ? (0) : (node->next[0]->size); 138 int count = node->count; 139 if(k >= ls + 1 && k <= ls + count) return node; 140 if(k <= ls) return findKth(node->next[0], k); 141 return findKth(node->next[1], k - ls - count); 142 } 143 144 static ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* find(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, T data){ 145 if(node == NULL) return NULL; 146 int d = node->cmp(data); 147 if(d == -1) return node; 148 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* s = find(node->next[d], data); 149 node->maintain(); 150 return s; 151 } 152 public: 153 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* root; 154 vector<ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*> lis; 155 156 ScapegoatTree():root(NULL){ } 157 158 void getLis(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node){ 159 if(node == NULL) return; 160 getLis(node->next[0]); 161 if(node->count > 0) lis.push_back(node); 162 getLis(node->next[1]); 163 if(node->count <= 0) delete node; 164 } 165 166 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* rebuild(int from, int end){ 167 if(from > end) return NULL; 168 if(from == end){ 169 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* node = lis[from]; 170 node->next[0] = node->next[1] = NULL; 171 node->size = node->count; 172 node->cover = 1; 173 return node; 174 } 175 int mid = (from + end) >> 1; 176 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* node = lis[mid]; 177 node->next[0] = rebuild(from, mid - 1); 178 node->next[1] = rebuild(mid + 1, end); 179 node->maintain(); 180 return node; 181 } 182 183 void rebuild(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node, ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& father){ 184 lis.clear(); 185 getLis(node); 186 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* ret = rebuild(0, (unsigned)lis.size() - 1); 187 if(father == NULL) root = ret; 188 else{ 189 father->next[father->cmp(ret->data)] = ret; 190 find(root, ret->data); 191 } 192 } 193 194 void insert(T data){ 195 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* node = NULL, *father = NULL; 196 insert(root, data, node, father); 197 if(node != NULL) rebuild(node, father); 198 } 199 200 boolean remove(T data){ 201 boolean res = remove(root, data); 202 return res; 203 } 204 205 void out(ScapegoatTreeNode<T>*& node){ //调试使用函数,打印树 206 if(node == NULL) return; 207 cout << node->data << "(" << node->size << "," << node->cover << "," << node->count << "){"; 208 out(node->next[0]); 209 cout << ","; 210 out(node->next[1]); 211 cout << "}"; 212 } 213 214 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* less_bound(T data){ 215 return less_bound(root, data); 216 } 217 218 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* upper_bound(T data){ 219 return upper_bound(root, data); 220 } 221 222 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* findKth(int k){ 223 return findKth(root, k); 224 } 225 226 inline int rank(T data){ 227 ScapegoatTreeNode<T>* p = root; 228 int r = 0; 229 while(p != NULL){ 230 int ls = (p->next[0] != NULL) ? (p->以上是关于[数据结构]替罪羊树简介的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章