
Posted 方帅



AxeSlide软件项目梳理   canvas绘图系列知识点整理




1)context.json 存储画布状态信息和所有元素的配置信息(这个文件在过程中生成)








 3)利用模块zip-addon 将所有的file利用zip.exe压缩到目标路径

require("zip-addon") 可以从github上下载:https://github.com/liufangfang/zip-addon


 1 var fs = require(\'fs\');
 2 var cp = require(\'child_process\');
 3 var path = require(\'path\');
 4 var platform = process.platform;
 6 function zipFiles(listfile){//利用zip.exe根据list.txt文件里的内容来处理压缩文件
 7     var exeName = platform == \'win32\' ? \'win/zip.exe\' : \'mac/zip.out\';
 8     try{
 9         cp.execFileSync(
10             path.join(__dirname, exeName),
11             [listfile], 
12             {cwd: process.cwd()}
13         );
14         return \'\';
15     }
16     catch(e){
17         return String(e.stdout);
18     }
19 }
21 function createDbkFile2(fileList, targetZipPath){
22     var delimiter = platform == \'win32\' ? "|" : ":";
23     var all = targetZipPath + \'\\n\';
24     var len = fileList.length;
25     for(var i=0; i<len; i++){//拼接压缩文件内容字符串all
26         var rawPath = String(fileList[i].rawPath);
27         var targetPath = String(fileList[i].targetPath);
28         all += rawPath + delimiter + targetPath + \'\\n\';
29     }
30     var listFile;
31     if (platform == \'win32\') {
32         listFile = path.join(__dirname, \'win/list.txt\');
33     }
34     else {
35         listFile = path.join(__dirname, \'mac/list.txt\');
36     }
37     try {
38         fs.writeFileSync(listFile, all, \'utf8\');//将字符串写入list.txt
39     }
40     catch(e) {
41         return e.message;
42     }
43     return zipFiles(listFile);
44 }
46 exports.createDbkFile2 = createDbkFile2;






 1 static distinctList(inList) {
 2     var outList = [], distinct = {};
 3     var i, len = inList.length;
 4     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 5         var obj = inList[i];
 6         if (!distinct[obj.targetPath]) {
 7             outList.push(obj);
 8             distinct[obj.targetPath] = true;
 9         }
10     }
11     return outList;
12 }


 1 public createDbkFile(path, dtoCore, onSuccess: Function) {
 2     var version = "";
 3     var that = this;
 4     this.getDtoFileList(dtoCore, true, true, function (bool, fileList) {//fileList要压缩的文件列表
 5         if (!bool) {
 6             onSuccess(bool);
 7             return;
 8         }
 9         //将dtoCore对象的clipImage置空,减少context的大小
10         dtoCore.frames.frames.foreach(function (i, obj) {
11             obj.clipImage = null;
12         })
13         //净化dtoCore
14         dtoCore.fontsUsed = null;
15         dtoCore.textsUsed = null;
16         var dtoCoreObj = JSON.decycle(dtoCore, true);
17         var packageConfig = JSON.stringify(dtoCoreObj);
18         var dbkTempPath = path + ".temp";//保存文件的临时文件名
19         Common.FileSytem.createSmallDbk(packageConfig, fileList, dbkTempPath, (e) => {//temp临时文件成功后的回调函数
20             if (e) {
21                 Common.Logger.setErrLog(Common.LogCode.savedbk, "文件:Editor,方法:createDbkFile,异常信息:" + e);
22                 onSuccess(false);
23             }
24             else {
25                 try {
26                     if (Common.FileSytem.existsSync(path)) {//判断是否已经存在该文件
27                         Common.FileSytem.fsExt.removeSync(path);
28                     }
29                     Common.FileSytem.renameSync(dbkTempPath, path.replace(/\\\\/g, "/").split("/").pop());
30                     if (fileList.get(0) && (fileList.get(0).targetPath == "cover.png") && !editor.isUploadFile) {
31                         index.template.saveLocal(path.replace(/\\\\/g, "/"), fileList.get(0).rawPath);
32                     }
33                     if (Common.FileSytem.checkZipIntegrity(path)) {//检查zip文件完整性
34                         onSuccess(true);
35                     } else {
36                         Common.Logger.setErrLog(Common.LogCode.savedbk, "文件:Editor,方法:createDbkFile(1),异常信息:" + e);
37                         onSuccess(false);
38                     }
39                 }
40                 catch (e) {
41                     Common.Logger.setErrLog(Common.LogCode.savedbk, "文件:Editor,方法:createDbkFile,异常信息:" + e);
42                     onSuccess(false);
43                 }
44             }
45         });
46     });
47 }
 1 //检查zip文件夹完整性,判断保存的zip文件是否正确
 2 static checkZipIntegrity(file: string, fileCount: number = undefined): boolean {
 3     var fd;
 4     var buf = new Buffer(22);
 5     var fs = Common.FileSytem.fsExt;
 6     try {
 7         fd = Common.FileSytem.fsExt.openSync(file, "r");
 8         var stat = fs.fstatSync(fd);
 9         var len = stat.size;
10         if (len < 22)
11             throw new Error("file size too small");
12         var n = Common.FileSytem.fsExt.readSync(fd, buf, 0, 22, len-22);
13         if (n != 22)
14             throw new Error("read size error");
15         //0x50 0x4b 0x05 0x06
16         if (buf[0] != 0x50 || buf[1] != 0x4b || buf[2] != 0x05 || buf[3] != 0x06)
17             throw new Error("zip Integrity head Error");
18         var fc = buf[8] | (buf[9] << 8);
19         if (fileCount && (fc != fileCount))
20             throw new Error("zip Integrity fileCount Error");
21         Common.FileSytem.fsExt.closeSync(fd);
22         return true;
23     }
24     catch (e) {
25         Common.FileSytem.fsExt.closeSync(fd);
26         return false;
27     }
28 }




1. 解压文件

我们需要进行解压缩文件 require(unzip)。  https://github.com/EvanOxfeld/node-unzip

 1 //打开dbk
 2 static openDbk(filePath, isSetFilePath, callback) {
 3     //解压
 4     var unzip = require(\'unzip\');
 5     var that = this;
 6     try
 7     {
 8         var extractTempFolder = FileSytem.tempDbkPath + Util.getGenerate();//创建一个解压目录
 9         FileSytem.mkdirpSync(extractTempFolder);
11         var readStream = this.fs.createReadStream(filePath);//读取zip文件包
12         var unzipExtractor = unzip.Extract({ path: extractTempFolder })
13         unzipExtractor.on(\'error\', function (err) {
14             callback(false);
15         });
16         unzipExtractor.on(\'close\',() => {
17             that.copyExtratedDbkFile(extractTempFolder + "/dbk",(isSuccess) => {//解压完成后,在进行copy过程,将解压出来的资源copy对应的目录下
18                 isSuccess && isSetFilePath && index.template.saveLocal(filePath.replace(/\\\\/g, "/"), extractTempFolder + "/dbk/cover.png");
19                 callback(isSuccess, extractTempFolder + "/dbk");
20             })
21         });
22         readStream.pipe(unzipExtractor);
24     }
25     catch (e) {
26         callback(false);
27     }
28 }

2. 批量copy过程





 1 private static copyExtratedDbkFile(sourcePath, callBack) {
 2     var lazyStream = require(\'lazystream\');
 3     //获取所有文件列表遍历读写到对应目录
 4     this.DirUtil.Files(sourcePath, \'file\',(err, result: Array<String>) => {
 5         if (result && result.length > 0) {
 6             var steps = 0;
 7             function step() {
 8                 steps++;
 9                 if (steps >= result.length) {
10                     callBack(true);
11                 }
12             }
14             result.forEach((value: string, index: number) => {
15                 var fileName = value;
16                 if (fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".ttf") > -1 || fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".otf") > -1) {
17                     step();
18                 }
19                 else if (fileName.toLowerCase().replace(/\\\\/g, "/").indexOf("/frame/") > -1) {//copy文件为缩略图的话,变更目标地址
20                     var frameName = FileSytem.path.basename(fileName);
21                     var readable = new lazyStream.Readable(function () {
22                         return FileSytem.fs.createReadStream(fileName)
23                     });
24                     var writable = new lazyStream.Writable(() => {
25                         return FileSytem.fs.createWriteStream(editor.canvas.canvasImp.framePath + frameName).on(\'close\', function () {
26                             step();
27                         });
28                     });
29                 }
30                 else {
31                     var dest = fileName.replace(/\\\\/g, "/").replace(sourcePath + "/", \'slideview/\');
32                     var readable = new lazyStream.Readable(function () {
33                         return FileSytem.fs.createReadStream(fileName)
34                     });
36                     var writable = new lazyStream.Writable(() => {
37                         return FileSytem.fs.createWriteStream(dest).on(\'close\', function () {
38                             step();
39                         });
40                     });
41                 }
42                 if (readable) {//读文件流 写文件流
43                     readable.pipe(writable);
44                 }
45             });
46         }
47     }, null);
48 }

3. 获取一个目录下的所有文件



  1     //获取一个目录下的所有子目录,所有文件的方法
  3     export class Dir {
  4         fs = require(\'fs\');
  5         path = require(\'path\');
  7         /**
  8          * find all files or subdirs (recursive) and pass to callback fn
  9          *
 10          * @param {string} dir directory in which to recurse files or subdirs
 11          * @param {string} type type of dir entry to recurse (\'file\', \'dir\', or \'all\', defaults to \'file\')
 12          * @param {function(error, <Array.<string>)} callback fn to call when done
 13          * @example
 14          * dir.files(__dirname, function(err, files) {
 15          *      if (err) throw err;
 16          *      console.log(\'files:\', files);
 17          *  });
 18          */
 19         Files(dir, type, callback, /* used internally */ ignoreType) {
 20             var that = this;
 21             var pending,
 22                 results = {
 23                     files: [],
 24                     dirs: []
 25                 };
 26             var done = function () {
 27                 if (ignoreType || type === \'all\') {
 28                     callback(null, results);
 29                 } else {
 30                     callback(null, results[type + \'s\']);
 31                 }
 32             };
 34             var getStatHandler = function (statPath) {
 35                 return function (err, stat) {
 36                     if (err) return callback(err);
 37                     if (stat && stat.isDirectory() && stat.mode !== 17115) {
 38                         if (type !== \'file\') {
 39                             results.dirs.push(statPath);
 40                         }
 41                         that.Files(statPath, type, function (err, res) {
 42                             if (err) return callback(err);
 43                             if (type === \'all\') {
 44                                 results.files = results.files.concat(res.files);
 45                                 results.dirs = results.dirs.concat(res.dirs);
 46                             } else if (type === \'file\') {
 47                                 results.files = results.files.concat(res.files);
 48                             } else {
 49                                 results.dirs = results.dirs.concat(res.dirs);
 50                             }
 51                             if (!--pending) done();
 52                         }, true);
 53                     } else {
 54                         if (type !== \'dir\') {
 55                             results.files.push(statPath);
 56                         }
 57                         // should be the last statement in statHandler
 58                         if (!--pending) done();
 59                     }
 60                 };
 61             };
 63             if (typeof type !== \'string\') {
 64                 ignoreType = callback;
 65                 callback = type;
 66                 type = \'file\';
 67             }
 69             this.fs.stat(dir, function (err, stat) {
 70                 if (err) return callback(err);
 71                 if (stat && stat.mode === 17115) return done();
 73                 that.fs.readdir(dir, function (err, list) {
 74                     if (err) return callback(err);
 75                     pending = list.length;
 76                     if (!pending) return done();
 77                     for (var file, i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
 78                         file = that.path.join(dir, list[i]);
 79                         that.fs.stat(file, getStatHandler(file));
 80                     }
 81                 });
 82             });
 83         }
 86         /**
 87          * find all files and subdirs in  a directory (recursive) and pass them to callback fn
 88          *
 89          * @param {string} dir directory in which to recurse files or subdirs
 90          * @param {boolean} combine whether to combine both subdirs and filepaths into one array (default false)
 91          * @param {function(error, Object.<<Array.<string>, Array.<string>>)} callback fn to call when done
 92          * @example
 93          * dir.paths(__dirname, function (err, paths) {
 94          *     if (err) throw err;
 95          *     console.log(\'files:\', paths.files);
 96          *     console.log(\'subdirs:\', paths.dirs);
 97          * });
 98          * dir.paths(__dirname, true, function (err, paths) {
 99          *      if (err) throw err;
100          *      console.log(\'paths:\', paths);
101          * });
102          */
103         Paths(dir, combine, callback) {
105             var type;
107             if (typeof combine === \'function\') {
108                 callback = combine;
109                 combine = false;
110             }
112             this.Files(dir, \'all\', function (err, results) {
113                 if (err) return callback(err);
114                 if (combine) {
116                     callback(null, results.files.concat(results.dirs));
117                 } else {
118                     callback(null, results);
119                 }
120             }, null);
121         }
124         /**
125          * find all subdirs (recursive) of a directory and pass them to callback fn
126          *
127          * @param {string} dir directory in which to find subdirs
128          * @param {string} type type of dir entry to recurse (\'file\' or \'dir\', defaults to \'file\')
129          * @param {function(error, <Array.<string>)} callback fn to call when done
130          * @example
131          * dir.subdirs(__dirname, function (err, paths) {
132          *      if (err) throw err;
133          *      console.log(\'files:\', paths.files);
134          *      console.log(\'subdirs:\', paths.dirs);
135          * });
136          */
137         Subdirs(dir, callback) {
138             this.Files(dir, \'dir\', function (err, subdirs) {
139                 if (err) return callback(err);
140                 callback(null, subdirs);
141             }, null);
142         }
143     }





mysql5.7.19 winx64解压缩版安装配置教程

C/C++ 自制一个基于zlib的文件的(解)压缩系统

