(转) GAN论文整理
Posted The Blog of Xiao Wang
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了(转) GAN论文整理相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Goodfellow和Bengio等人发表在NIPS 2014年的文章Generative adversary network,是生成对抗网络的开创文章,论文思想启发自博弈论中的二人零和博弈。在二人零和博弈中,两位博弈方的利益之和为零或一个常数,即一方有所得,另一方必有所失。GAN模型中的两位博弈方分别由生成式模型(generative model)和判别式模型(discriminative model)充当。生成模型G捕捉样本数据的分布,判别模型D是一个二分类器,估计一个样本来自于训练数据(而非生成数据)的概率。G和D一般都是非线性映射函数,例如多层感知机、卷积神经网络等。

一方面GAN的发展很快,这里只是简单粗略将相关论文分了几类,欢迎反馈,持续更新。此外最近ICLR 2017 在进行Open Review,可以关注下ICLR 2017 Conference Track,也有相应论文笔记分享ICLR 2017 | GAN Missing Modes 和 GAN
GAN从2014年到现在发展很快,特别是最近ICLR 2016/2017关于GAN的论文很多,GAN现在有很多问题还有到解决,潜力很大。总体可以将已有的GANs论文分为以下几类
- GAN Theory
- GAN in Semi-supervised
- Muti-GAN
- GAN with other Generative model
- GAN with RNN
- GAN in Application
GAN Theory
- GAN: Goodfellow, Ian, et al. "Generative adversarial nets." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2014.
- LAPGAN: Denton, Emily L., Soumith Chintala, and Rob Fergus. "Deep Generative Image Models using a? Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015.
- DCGAN: Radford, Alec, Luke Metz, and Soumith Chintala. "Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06434 (2015).
- Improved GAN: Salimans, Tim, et al. "Improved techniques for training gans." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03498 (2016).
- InfoGAN: Chen, Xi, et al. "Infogan: Interpretable representation learning by information maximizing generative adversarial nets." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03657(2016).**
- EnergyGAN: Zhao, Junbo, Michael Mathieu, and Yann LeCun. "Energy-based Generative Adversarial Network." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03126 (2016).
- Creswell, Antonia, and Anil A. Bharath. "Task Specific Adversarial Cost Function." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.08661 (2016).
- f-GAN: Nowozin, Sebastian, Botond Cseke, and Ryota Tomioka. "f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.00709 (2016).
- Unrolled Generative Adversarial Networks, ICLR 2017 Open Review
- Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with Denoising Feature Matching, ICLR 2017 Open Review
- Mode Regularized Generative Adversarial Networks, ICLR 2017 Open Review
- b-GAN: Unified Framework of Generative Adversarial Networks, ICLR 2017 Open Review
- Mohamed, Shakir, and Balaji Lakshminarayanan. "Learning in Implicit Generative Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03483 (2016).
GAN in Semi-supervised
- Springenberg, Jost Tobias. "Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06390 (2015).
- Odena, Augustus. "Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01583 (2016).
- CoupledGAN: Liu, Ming-Yu, and Oncel Tuzel. "Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.07536 (2016).
- Wang, Xiaolong, and Abhinav Gupta. "Generative Image Modeling using Style and Structure Adversarial Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.05631(2016).
- Generative Adversarial Parallelization, ICLR 2017 Open Review
- LR-GAN: Layered Recursive Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation, ICLR 2017 Open Review
GAN with other Generative model
- Dosovitskiy, Alexey, and Thomas Brox. "Generating images with perceptual similarity metrics based on deep networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.02644(2016).
- Larsen, Anders Boesen Lindbo, S?ren Kaae S?nderby, and Ole Winther. "Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric." arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.09300 (2015).
- Theis, Lucas, and Matthias Bethge. "Generative image modeling using spatial lstms." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2015.
GAN with RNN
此类研究将GAN与RNN结合(也以参考Pixel RNN),相关论文有:
- Im, Daniel Jiwoong, et al. "Generating images with recurrent adversarial networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05110 (2016).
- Kwak, Hanock, and Byoung-Tak Zhang. "Generating Images Part by Part with Composite Generative Adversarial Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.05387 (2016).
- Yu, Lantao, et al. "SeqGAN: Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets with Policy Gradient." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05473 (2016).
GAN in Application
- Zhu, Jun-Yan, et al. "Generative visual manipulation on the natural image manifold." European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Creswell, Antonia, and Anil Anthony Bharath. "Adversarial Training For Sketch Retrieval." European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Reed, Scott, et al. "Generative adversarial text to image synthesis." arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.05396 (2016).
- Ravanbakhsh, Siamak, et al. "Enabling Dark Energy Science with Deep Generative Models of Galaxy Images." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05796(2016).
- Abadi, Martín, and David G. Andersen. "Learning to Protect Communications with Adversarial Neural Cryptography." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.06918(2016).
- Odena, Augustus, Christopher Olah, and Jonathon Shlens. "Conditional Image Synthesis With Auxiliary Classifier GANs." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.09585 (2016).
- Ledig, Christian, et al. "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.04802 (2016).
- Nguyen, Anh, et al. "Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.09304(2016).
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