Posted 犹记惊鸿照影(JS)
在jquery源码的分析中,其中艾伦 Aaron的博客有深入的介绍,其在慕课网上也有相应的源码的解读,感兴趣的同学可以去看看
//采用闭包传入window (function( window, undefined ) {//doing something})(window)
var document = window.document, navigator = window.navigator, location = window.location; var jQuery = (function() { // Define a local copy of jQuery //构造函数 var jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor \'enhanced\' //注意这是是new 一个 init return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); }, // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite _jQuery = window.jQuery, // Map over the $ in case of overwrite _$ = window.$, // A central reference to the root jQuery(document) rootjQuery, // A simple way to check for html strings or ID strings // Prioritize #id over tag to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521) quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\\w\\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\\w\\-]*)$)/, // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it //不为空白符 rnotwhite = /\\S/, //匹配首字母以空白符开始的 // 匹配末尾以空白符结束的 trimLeft = /^\\s+/, trimRight = /\\s+$/, //匹配一个独立的标签如div 如, rsingleTag = /^<(\\w+)\\s*\\/?>(?:<\\/\\1>)?$/, // JSON RegExp rvalidchars = /^[\\],:{}\\s]*$/, rvalidescape = /\\\\(?:["\\\\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\\\\n\\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+\\-]?\\d+)?/g, rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\\s*\\[)+/g, // Useragent RegExp浏览器的正则表达式 rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \\/]([\\w.]+)/, ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \\/]([\\w.]+)/, rmsie = /(msie) ([\\w.]+)/, rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\\w.]+))?/, // Matches dashed string for camelizing rdashAlpha = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, //驼峰式 fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) { return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase(); }, // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser userAgent = navigator.userAgent, // For matching the engine and version of the browser browserMatch, // The deferred used on DOM ready readyList, // The ready event handler DOMContentLoaded, // Save a reference to some core methods toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice, trim = String.prototype.trim, indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf, // [[Class]] -> type pairs class2type = {}; jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { constructor: jQuery, init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { var match, elem, ret, doc; // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined) if ( !selector ) { return this; } // Handle $(DOMElement) if ( selector.nodeType ) { //先保持疑问 this.context = this[0] = selector; this.length = 1; return this; } // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) { this.context = document; this[0] = document.body; this.selector = selector; this.length = 1; return this; } // Handle HTML strings if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID? if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) { // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check match = [ null, selector, null ]; } else { match = quickExpr.exec( selector ); } // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) if ( match[1] ) { context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; doc = ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document ); // If a single string is passed in and it\'s a single tag // just do a createElement and skip the rest ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector ); if ( ret ) { if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true ); } else { selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; } } else { ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] ); selector = ( ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment ).childNodes; } return jQuery.merge( this, selector ); // HANDLE: $("#id") } else { elem = document.getElementById( match[2] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) { return rootjQuery.find( selector ); } // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object this.length = 1; this[0] = elem; } this.context = document; this.selector = selector; return this; } // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) { return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector ); // HANDLE: $(expr, context) // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) } else { return this.constructor( context ).find( selector ); } // HANDLE: $(function) // Shortcut for document ready } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) { return rootjQuery.ready( selector ); } if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) { this.selector = selector.selector; this.context = selector.context; } return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); }, // Start with an empty selector selector: "", // The current version of jQuery being used jquery: "1.7.2", // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 length: 0, // The number of elements contained in the matched element set size: function() { //元素的个数 return this.length; }, toArray: function() { //可以将jquery对象转化为dom对象 return slice.call( this, 0 ); }, // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array get: function( num ) { return num == null ? // Return a \'clean\' array // this.toArray() : // Return just the object //例如:$(\'div\').get(0)取到一个div ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] ); }, // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack // (returning the new matched element set) pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) { // Build a new jQuery matched element set var ret = this.constructor(); if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) { push.apply( ret, elems ); } else { jQuery.merge( ret, elems ); } // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) ret.prevObject = this; ret.context = this.context; //eg.div.slice(0,2) //console.log:[div, div, prevObject: init[3], context: document, selector: "div.slice(0,2)"] if ( name === "find" ) { ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector; } else if ( name ) { ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")"; } return ret; }, // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is // only used internally.) each: function( callback, args ) { return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); }, ready: function( fn ) { // Attach the listeners jQuery.bindReady(); // Add the callback readyList.add( fn ); return this; }, eq: function( i ) { i = +i; return i === -1 ? this.slice( i ) : this.slice( i, i + 1 ); }, first: function() { return this.eq( 0 ); }, last: function() { return this.eq( -1 ); }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ), "slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") ); }, map: function( callback ) { return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) { return callback.call( elem, i, elem ); })); }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null); }, // For internal use only. // Behaves like an Array\'s method, not like a jQuery method. push: push, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }; // Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
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