Core MIDI and Friends
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Core MIDI and Friends
Published on Nov 7, 2011
CocoaHeads Ann Arbor presentation on handling MIDI events in Mac OS X and ios
Published in: Technology, Entertainment & Humor
Ben SmileyI‘ve written a series of compreshensive CoreMidi tutorials at: years ago
Core MIDI and Friends
- 1. CoreMIDI and FriendsChris Adamson, CocoaHeads Ann Arbor Sept. 8, 2011
- 2. Road Map• MIDI basics• MIDI APIs on OSX• MIDI APIs on iOS
- 3. MIDI Basics• MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface • Circa 1982!• Sends messages between devices, not sounds • Notes to play (pitch, impact, vibrato), patch selection, timing synchronization, etc.
- 4. MIDI Terms• Device — participant in a MIDI network• Endpoint — one connection into or out of a device• Source — endpoint that sends data• Destination — endpoint that receives data
- 5. MIDI MessagesSTATUS DATA 1 DATA 2
- 6. MIDI Messages• Channel Voice Messages — Note On, Note O?, After-touch, Pitch wheel • High nybble of status is command, low nybble is channel number• Channel Mode, System Messages• Various extensions to the spec over the years
- 7. MIDI APIs on OSX• CoreMIDI — Implementation of MIDI messaging• Instrument Units — Audio Units that generate sound in response to MIDI events• Music Device — Sends commands to Instrument Units• Music Sequence / Music Player — Plays MIDI (.mid) ?les
- 8. Core MIDI• C-based API in Audio Toolbox • Largely similar to other Core Audio APIs • Uses Core Foundation opaque types, memory management, etc.
- 9. Core MIDI Types• MIDIClientRef — Holds state for your MIDI session• MIDIDeviceRef — A device (real or virtual) with “entities” (MIDIEntityRef), which are logical sub-systems• MIDIEndPointRef — Source or destination• MIDIPortRef — An input or output port
- 10. Creating client & input port!MIDIClientRef client = NULL;!MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Core MIDI to System Sounds Demo"), MyMIDINotifyProc, self, &client);!!MIDIPortRef inPort = NULL;!MIDIInputPortCreate(client, CFSTR("Input port"), MyMIDIReadProc, self, &inPort);
- 11. Discovering and connecting sources!unsigned long sourceCount = MIDIGetNumberOfSources();!for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) {!! MIDIEndpointRef src = MIDIGetSource(i);!! CFStringRef endpointName = NULL;!! OSStatus nameErr = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyName, &endpointName);!! if (noErr == nameErr) {!! ! NSLog (@" source %d: %@n", i, endpointName);!! }!! MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src, NULL);!}
- 12. Read Proc• Callback function indicated by MIDIInputPortCreate() • Receives MIDIPacketList • numPackets and MIDIPacket[] • Receives user-info/context pointers that you set up in MIDIInputPortCreate() and MIDIPortConnectSource()
- 13. MIDIPacket• Contains timeStamp, length, and Byte[]• Byte[] data is the MIDI message • data[0]: status • data[1]: MIDI Data 1 • data[2] (if present): MIDI Data 2
- 14. Parsing a NOTE ON message!MIDIPacket *packet = (MIDIPacket *)pktlist->packet;!!Byte midiCommand = packet->data[0] >> 4;!// is it a note-on?!if (midiCommand == 0x09) {!! Byte note = packet->data[1] & 0x7F;!! Byte velocity = packet->data[2] & 0x7F;
- 15. Now What?
- 16. Instrument Units• Audio Units that generate sound in response to MIDI events • kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice• Do not currently exist on iOS
- 17. Instrument to audio H/W I/O Unit Unit AU Graph
- 18. Instrument to audio H/W Effect Unit I/O Unit Unit AU Graph
- 19. Instrument to audio H/W I/O Unit Unit AU Graph
- 20. Mu si cD ev ic eM ID IE ve nt () Instrument to audio H/W I/O Unit Unit AU Graph
- 21. MusicDevice.h• Small API to deliver MIDI events to instrument units• Not in Xcode documentation. Check out the header ?le • Only 4 functions • MusicDeviceMIDIEvent() sends status, data1, data2 to a MusicDeviceComponent (i.e., an instrument Audio Unit)
- 22. Demo
- 23. MIDI on iOS• Core MIDI added in iOS 4.2• Device connectivity is via dock port • Custom hardware • iPad Camera Connection Kit
- 24. MIDI via the CCK• MIDI-to-USB adapters semi-o?cially blessed by Apple • Adapter must be USB MIDI Class- compliant (i.e., doesn’t need drivers) • Bus-powered devices may not work, due to low power supplied by iPad. Powered USB devices generally work.•
- 25. Playing sounds on iOS• No instrument units on iOS. Options: • Synthesize your own with a render callback • Play sampled sounds with Audio Queue, AV Player, System Sounds, etc.
- 26. Demo
- 27. Demo
- 28. AUSampler• New instrument audio unit in Lion… and… … • Takes a sampled waveform and pitch-shifts it to make it into an instrument • Call with MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(), just like other instrument units
- 29. AUSampler• Con?guration is a huge hassle • Huge and tota!y undocumented hassle • Build an .aupreset with AU Lab utility, or load DLS bank or SoundFont 2 ?les, or provide your own ?les • See WWDC Session 411 (“Music in iOS and MacOSX”), then ?le documentation bugs against absence of sample code
- 30. In Summary• Musicians love MIDI. Devices are cheap and plentiful• OSX and iOS love media, MIDI included • By comparison, android has crap MIDI support (no javax.sound.midi, just .mid ?le support in• If you’re doing Mac or iOS media apps, you should consider supporting MIDI device I/O
- 31. Also, you should buy my book
以上是关于Core MIDI and Friends的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
在 android (java) 中启用/禁用 MIDI 通道
用于 MIDI 到乐谱(注释)和/或音频翻译的纯 python 库
使用 MetaMessage getData() 和/或 MetaMessage 值从 java 中的 MIDI 文件中提取速度?
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