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1. P. H. Chen, C. J. Lin, and B. Sch?lkopf, A tutorial on ν-support vector machines, Appl. Stoch. Models. Bus. Ind. 2005,   21, 111-136. 
2. A. J. Smola and B. Sch?lkopf, A tutorial on support vector regression, Stat. Comput. 2004, 14, 199-222. 
3. V. D. Sanchez, Advanced support vector machines and kernel methods, Neurocomputing 2003, 55, 5-20. 
4. C. Campbell, Kernel methods: a survey of current techniques, Neurocomputing 2002, 48, 63-84. 
5. K. R. Müller, S. Mika, G. R?tsch, K. Tsuda, and B. Sch?lkopf, An introduction to kernel-based learning algorithms, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 2001, 12, 181-201. 
6. J. A. K. Suykens, Support vector machines: A nonlinear modelling and control perspective, Eur. J. Control 2001, 7, 311-327. 
7. V. N. Vapnik, An overview of statistical learning theory, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 1999, 10, 988-999. 
8. B. Sch?lkopf, S. Mika, C. J. C. Burges, P. Knirsch, K. R. Muller, G. Ratsch, and A. J. Smola, Input space versus feature space in kernel-based methods, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 1999, 10, 1000-1017. 
9. C. J. C. Burges, A tutorial on Support Vector Machines for pattern recognition, Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 1998, 2, 121-167. 
10. A. J. Smola and B. Sch?lkopf, On a kernel-based method for pattern recognition, regression, approximation, and operator inversion, Algorithmica 1998, 22, 211-231. 
11. Kristin, P.B. and C. Colin, Support vector machines: hype or hallelujah? SIGKDD Explor. Newsl., 2000. 2(2): p. 1-13. 




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